BMSUB【Jabatan Penguatkuasaan 执行法官】EP16: Hakim Berjuang Demi Keadilan Rakyat | YOUKU Malaysia

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 16] Don’t be so nervous. I’m here. It’s gonna be okay. Are there any flaws in your plan? I’ve discussed it with Tian Jia. If anything happens, call the police immediately. I still don’t agree that you do it without authorization. I think we should report to Chief Judge Chu immediately. I told you we shouldn’t have asked him to come, but you insisted that more people would be helpful. If they fight, he’ll run away. What are you talking about? Does running away or not matter? Fatty, if they fight, maybe you’re the one who runs first. Please. Sit down. For my sake. Don’t argue. You have to do as I said today. First of all. Keep it a secret. Secondly. No mistakes. Or Tian Jia will break my legs. Is she that cruel? That’s not the worst. Where are they? Fengze Street. [Yucheng Pig Trotter Rice Restaurant] If Qi Lin doesn’t come back, I’ll fall to the ground like you. Stop it. He has a job. Do you really treat him like a waiter? He’s been busy all day at the court, so how can he work for you when he gets back? If you’re really tired, let’s close when they’re done eating. No. How much money would we lose? Always money. Auntie. Uncle. He’s back. Qi Lin. Auntie. Uncle. Let me introduce you. This is our chief judge, Chu Yun. You’ve met her before. Don’t be angry. Yes. Ms. Qi. Mr. Fang. Sorry about last time. Let me apologize. Ms. Qi. Are you feeling better? Yes, I’m fine. Actually, you don’t need to worry. Because Qi Lin… Judge Qi Lin has told me. I know you were just doing your job. Right? As a judge’s family, we’re still aware. Aware enough. That’s good. I’m here today on behalf of the court. If you need anything, just let me know. This is a small token of appreciation. Please take it. There’s nothing we need. We won’t trouble you. So, OK. Since you’ve given your gifts and visited them, go home early and rest. Why are you so ignorant? She’s been standing here since she got here. She hasn’t even sat down or had any water. – Right. – How could you let her go? – It’s time to eat. – Yes. Our trotters are famous. Try it? Yes. So you… I want to know… Girl. I want to know… How old are you? Thirty-two. Thirty-two? Good age. Where do your parents work? In government. Civil servants. That’s good. That’s good. Do you have a boyfriend? Auntie, what are you asking? Do you? No. No? See? She doesn’t. What’s that got to do with you? That’s good. Just do your jobs. – Do your jobs. – OK. Don’t leave. – I won’t. – Sit down. Sit down. Just do your jobs. OK. I’m sorry. Just… Just sit for a while. Please don’t mind. My aunt and uncle… [Satellite real-time positioning system] [Rongronghe Soy Milk] Hello, Mr. Tan. I’m at this fast food place you mentioned. Where are you? Over here. Come on. Please. Ms. Zhou Xiaoyu, right? Tan Wen, from Oujin Credit. Nice to meet you. This is… My best friend, Tian Mei. She also wants to know about the loan. Really? Miss Tian, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. What do you want to drink? You decide. OK, just a moment. Two orange juices. [Recording] Met him. Met him. Good. I’ve paid. Come on. Have some orange juice. Thank you. Thank you. You’re welcome. The contract? Actually, Miss Zhou. Your loan amount is a bit large, so there are some questions I still need to confirm with you. Okay, go ahead. Are you still studying at the College of Finance and Economics in Qinggang? Yes. Didn’t I take a picture of my student card and ID card? Is there a problem? No problem. I just think your clothes and demeanor are different from the college students in my mind. Old man. What era is this? What’s wrong with college students dressing like this? I’m a college student too. I wear the same thing. No problem. Youthful and beautiful. If you have any questions, just ask. Don’t waste our time. OK. What’s the purpose of your loan? For daily consumption. Do you have any other sources of income besides your monthly living expenses from your family? Sometimes, I work part-time as a print model. The income is not solid. And your monthly expenses? I can’t say for sure. My monthly expenses are not fixed. What does that have to do with the loan? Of course it’s related. When we process the loan, we have to ask about your source of income in order to determine whether you have the ability to repay the loan. But you’re asking so many questions. Can I get a loan or not? I’ve taken out online loans. You’re the only one with so many questions. We’re a legitimate company. These are the basic procedures. There’s nothing I can do. Xiaoyu. Forget about it. Many online loans don’t require a face-to-face signing. They can be done just online. Not so troublesome. I don’t have any more problems. If it’s OK, you can go to the office with me to sign the contract. Go to the office to sign a contract? Yes. The contract is all in the company. And all legitimate loan companies like ours have to sign the contract at the company. Don’t worry. It’s very close. Just two blocks away. You can go with Miss Tian. Do you want a loan? Let’s go if you do. OK. Good. I’ll lead the way. Come with me. This way, please. They’re leaving. Move. What do you think of this girl? But… Is this the judge last time? Of course. Didn’t you hear what Qi Lin said? Her name is Chu Yun. Chief Judge Chu is her. Can you get me a glass of water? What would you like to drink? Anything. Okay, wait a minute. I don’t think so. The judge last time had a face like an undercooked trotter. Cold face. How dare you say a girl’s face was like a trotter? Listen. I like her more and more now. Look at her smile. Happy and lucky. I don’t get it. Please. Don’t get it wrong. She’s my leader. Come here. What’s wrong with the leader? She is now, but what about the future? Boys like you, listen, are too stupid. Why did you bring her to our restaurant? You should take her to a movie – or Western food. – Qi Lin. – Wait. – Right? Qi Lin. Listen. This girl will have a son. Uncle. Can we stop it? I’m telling you seriously. This is my leader. You can’t joke around. But… I’m serious too. Really. [Kangren Building] [Kangren Building] Let me introduce you. These are two of my coworkers. Don’t be afraid. Why are there two more? Listen carefully. We’re here. This is the place. Let’s go. The first one? The first one? [Shengdong Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.] This way, please. Why is this hallway so dark? The property agent is so irresponsible. Don’t worry. It’s bright in the company. Here it is. Room 211? Yes. Come on in. Room 211. This way, please. – Thank you. – Thank you. What would you like to eat? We’re both very serious about this. She’s the leader, but so what? Listen, we have a tradition in this family. Women are always better. Right? We must carry it forward. I’m sorry. Why are you doing this? Why can’t I? See? – Sensible. – I’m experiencing a new life. What did I say? Sir, two orders of pig trotter rice. Leave it. Have some water over there. Come here. Come here. Qi Lin. I like her more and more. Listen. You’d better make it clear to her now. Choose a good day. We’ll go to her house to talk about the marriage to her parents. Runyu. We don’t need that. We’ll just meet her parents at a fancy hotel. Atmospheric. It doesn’t matter where we are. The point is to meet. Please, do me a favor. Stop it. Let’s sign a contract first. A contract. Do you need to read it? Last page. OK. One more. OK. Now that the contract is signed, let’s take a picture. Let’s get ready. We’ve signed the contract. Why still need to take a picture? Actually, it’s our company policy. In order for you to repay it, we need to take a few photos. It’s a kind of discipline between us. Right? Taking photos. Please. Come in. How is it? Is it cozy? Let’s stop joking. Now you need to take off your clothes. All of them. Not you. Wait. I need to take off my clothes for the photo shoot? It’s our company policy. Then I’ll go. So, do you think you can take a loan or not as you please? Do you think you can come and go as you please? Our company has invested so much material, human, money, and most of all, energy, but you’re fooling us? OK. I understand. It’s your first time. You’re all a little bit nervous and a little bit shy, but don’t worry. I’ll help you. Call the police, Ye Xuan. Come on. Don’t touch me. I’m from the Qinggang Court Enforcement Department. Something’s going to happen. Come on. Wait. What are these people doing? Tan Wen’s men? Something’s going to happen. Go! Let’s go. Don’t move! Stay down! Don’t move! Police. Don’t move! Police. Tian Jia, Lulu, are you okay? Don’t move! Police! Do you know I’m a judge? No. Don’t move! – No. – Get up! They’re really cops. – Don’t move! – Stop it. Police. Who’s a cop? Stop. They’re real police. – Who’s a cop? – Who’s a cop? – Stop. They’re real police. – Stop. Hello. Yes. What? Okay. I got it. I’ll be right there. What’s going on? Ouyang Lulu, Zhang Tianyi, and Tian Jia were arrested by the police. Mr. Fang and Ms. Qi. I have to go now. See you next time. Let’s have a meal next time. – OK. – Be careful. See you. Be careful. Go home early. Are they in a relationship or not? They must be. I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I’ll give them a hard time and tell them to write you a serious report. I promise to follow the rules and procedures next time. Director General Zhou. Don’t let there be a next time. I won’t. Do all judges know martial arts? I heard that one of your female judges was a good fighter. No. She learned gymnastics when she was a kid, so she has quick reflexes. Self-defense. Captain Gao, please forgive them. That was a misunderstanding. Is it, Mr. Tian? Okay, this way, please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. They’re… How dare they beat up police officers? Luckily, the Public Security Bureau didn’t prosecute them. If they did, how shameful we would be? The case has been handed over to the police. Don’t get involved anymore. Are you addicted to meddling? What did you promise me after the last Qian Da’s case? Didn’t you learn your lesson? I’ll review myself. Deeply. Save it. Young people were checking out the mastermind behind the school loans. When they were planning such a big thing, you, as the chief judge, didn’t notice anything? I was negligent. And careless. It was my fault. Did any of our men get hurt? No, but… Tian Jia hit a suspect a little too hard and dislocated his arm. Tell Tian Jia to be more careful in the next fight. No, not this. Tell Tian Jia that there will be no next time. Got it. [The 2nd Enforcement Division] She’s here. Hello, Chief Judge Chu. What’s this all about? The review. Honorable Chief Judge. I have come to realize that in our enforcement, individual power is small, and collective power is great. I also deeply realize the harm that individual heroism brings to our work. My behavior almost dragged my colleague Tian Jia into a dangerous situation. This kind of mistake had happened to Judge Qi Lin before, but I did not learn from it and tried to emulate it. This is a sign of my carelessness and my lack of discipline. I am determined – that in my future endeavors… – Enough. Only showy words. Where did you copy that from? Are you going to implicate Judge Qi after you make a mistake? Ouyang Lulu. If it wasn’t for Yan Anyang and Tian Jia’s preparedness, do you think you’d still be reading your review here? I can understand your anger over this case. We all, like you, want to catch Tan Wen, but you need to know who you are. You’re a judge, not a cop. I warned you last time. Don’t you know what you should and shouldn’t do? Got it. It’s my turn, isn’t it? I’ve finished mine too. My mistakes are serious. Let me go first. Shut up! Qi Lin. Collect all their reviews. Chief Judge Chu. Actually, I had a different opinion at the time. I… Do you still have it? I… Dismissed. There are traitors every year, but this year, there are many. You look righteous, but you aren’t genetically like that. I… Serves you right. You could’ve left it to me, but why did you have to do it yourself? I heard that Huang Yaozu is tough, so I had to go myself. How tough can a chief of an urban village be? That’s what the guys before me thought. Who of them dealt with him? [Unity is strength] Wait. Eight. Skip. Ace. Why is the road so narrow at the entrance? We’re going into the village. Slow down. Okay, Mr. Chen. Why isn’t he walking? Oh no. Why were you honking? You… Come here. What’s wrong with him? – Come here. – Come here. Mr. Chen, give me a minute. It’s… It’s all broken. That’s right. What’s wrong? You know what is wrong. You scared me. Everything is broken. You were driving so fast. Don’t you know they don’t allow honking in the village? [No Honking] No honking. It’s posted here. Did you see it? What should we do? What should we do? Compensate. – Compensate. – Compensate. Pay for this piece of crap? Piece of crap? It’s over 200 years old. My great-grandfather left it to me. It’s an artifact. – Ancestral. – It’s a treasure. History. Do you know? Ganging up on me, aren’t you? Ganging up? For what? Are you insulting me? Watch your language. Are you bullying me? You think you’re so great because you’re rich? Be reasonable. I’ll call the police now. I’ll see what you say when the police come. Go ahead. Call the police? Even if the police come, – you’ll have to pay me. – Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Mr. Li. Go ahead. The police must also be reasonable. Mr. Chen. Don’t spend too much time on them. Business is important. Great-grandpa, I’m sorry. – Two hundred years? – I can’t protect it. Great-grandpa. Name your price. I’ll pay you. Price? It’s an artifact. How much is it? 800 in cash. Count it now. See if there’s any counterfeit money. Why so aggressive? What the… [Applicant for enforcement. Name: Tan Wen] This is the case. Tan Wen is suspected of nude loans. The Public Security Bureau has opened a case for investigation, but we still have to continue with the civil part of the enforcement. Qi Lin. Tell us about Lin Mengqiu. I’ve talked to Lin Mengqiu. Her statement basically confirms my previous assumptions. It’s true that she never met the lender, Jiang Yuxia. Everything in between was done by Tan Wen. With one exception. Lin Mengqiu didn’t agree to be a surrogate. Tan Wen pushed her over and over again, causing Lin Mengqiu to try to commit suicide. There was an incident. Because Lin Mengqiu didn’t agree to be a surrogate, Tan Wen was pressured by the rich and in a hurry to find a surrogate, so Ouyang Lulu got the chance to approach him. Regarding the compensation, I have a request. I want to meet with Jiang Yuxia and talk to her. OK. It won’t be long. I’ll be right back. You’re just idle every day. Did you finish your homework? Your dad will beat you up. Wait and see. Take a look around. OK. Why are you always hitting people’s hands? That’s a foul. That’s right. Why do you always break the rules? Who says I can’t hit the hands? Go on. Go on. Take this. I’ll stop. You’re the best, okay? I’m going home to do my homework. Stop right there! Come back. You guys were having a good time when I wasn’t here. When I came, you stopped. You want to isolate the village chief’s son? Go on. You don’t want to? I’ll go home and tell my dad to go to your parents. Go on. Take this. Come on, give me the stick. Do you mind if I fight you? Who are you? Besides, you’re an adult. How can I fight you? Aren’t you the best? Is he the best? Yes. Aren’t you the best? You’re the best, but you don’t dare to fight me? He doesn’t dare. He doesn’t dare. Who said I don’t dare to fight him? Come on then. What if you lose? If I lose, I’ll give you this. How is it? Is it nice? – Yes. – Yes. OK. Don’t go back on your word. This lighter is definitely mine. Is this Mr. Huang Yaozu’s house? Yaozu isn’t home. He’s in a meeting. We had an appointment. So what? Are you more important than the district head? I’m just an ordinary citizen. I can wait for him. Whatever. I don’t know when he’ll be back. I have time. I don’t know when he’ll be back. Sit over there. Thank you. Nine. Ten. – Ten. – Did I win? Did I win? It’s not fair. It’s not fair. I don’t want it. Take it. Get lost. Get lost. Huang Xing has lost. Take it. And this. I lost, so I won’t. Why angry? You’re the only one who dares to fight with me. That shows your courage. This is your reward. Take it. Are you really the village chief’s son? Yes. My father is the village chief, Huang Yaozu. So this is really given to me? Yes. Keep it well. Don’t tell anyone. Thank you. Go home. Thank you. Honey! Make some tea. I went to a meeting where the tea was so bad that it was undrinkable. What’s wrong? He’s here for you. He… Hello, Mr. Huang. I’m Chen Qilun from Qi Lun Group. We have an appointment. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mr. Chen. Just… I almost forgot it. It’s a seven-day week, but I have a dozen meetings. This morning’s meeting was called at short notice. So changeable. I can’t do anything. Sorry about the hospitality. What’s wrong with you? Why did you let Mr. Chen sit outside when he arrived? You told me to do it. Me? How can that be? Whether I said it or not, everyone here is a guest. No one can be neglected. Mr. Chen. Upstairs. Please. Please. The bag. [People’s Court of Qinggang City] I’ve called you here today for three things. First. Officer Liu Wei of the Public Security Bureau contacted me and said that the important clues you provided made the investigation of Tan Wen’s case go smoothly and prevented more schoolgirls from being deceived. He wanted me to thank you. Second. We’ve consulted with the applicant, Ms. Jiang Yuxia. She sympathized with you after learning of your plight. She also agreed to a six-month extension of your enforcement. In other words, you can start, after six months, paying two thousand a month until you pay off all the debt. Ms. Jiang Yuxia is not well off. The six-month delay was the best we could get for you. This is the new execution settlement agreement. Read it carefully. If there’s no problem, sign it with Ms. Jiang Yuxia after she comes to court. Third. I’ve been to your school and talked to the head of your department and the faculty adviser. In view of your special circumstances, the school has agreed to let you return to school immediately. In this period of time, make up all the previous lessons and write a good thesis, but if you want to successfully graduate, you must complete all the credits. I… I don’t know what to say now. Thank you. Thank you. And please thank Ms. Jiang for me. You’re all good people. Please don’t worry. I’ll be able to graduate, find a job, and pay back on time every month. And fourth. Here’s 8,000. Take it. I hope it will help you finish school soon. I can’t accept this. This is a donation from all the judges of the 2nd Enforcement Division. A token of our appreciation. Take it. This is citrus bergamot. It has the aroma of snow pear, orchid, and gardenia. It’s a rare and good tea. Mr. Huang, you know really much. It’s nothing. These teas are all gifts from others. This tea is very ordinary, but what you say makes it look expensive, but let me tell you, Mr. Chen. People in our village have their own way of drinking tea. You can see the well in the center of the village. The water from that well makes the tea delicious. It’s famous in the whole city. Honey. Get two buckets of water for Mr. Chen. Give them to him when he leaves. Don’t bother, Mrs. Huang. I’ll get it myself when leaving. Yaozu. Remember. Only two buckets are allowed for outsiders. So the village won’t gossip. I got it. I’m sorry. Mr. Chen. My wife doesn’t know how to speak properly. Don’t mind, please. I won’t. I took the liberty of coming here to learn something from you. Just ask. I’ll tell you everything I know. The planning and development of Qinggang’s downtown has failed twice. Some say this is the last piece of treasure land in Qinggang. The key to its successful development lies in the resolution of the Changsheng Village issue. Is there such a thing? Who said that? It’s a rumor. It’s a complete lie! How can they fail to develop because of Changsheng Village? Mr. Chen. Just look. Changsheng Village is old, shabby, small, and dirty. The whole village is looking forward to its development. Then why did it fail two times? I really don’t know, but several groups of people have talked to us and asked us what our needs were. What can a villager like us need? Just a few reasonable requests. And then, nothing happened. Now, they can’t develop it anymore and blame us for all the problems. Are they bullying people in Changsheng Village because we are too ingenuous? Then why don’t you raise these issues with the higher-ups? We can’t reach the senior leaders. Mr. Chen. We’re just afraid that our demands will be passed on. You know what? If I file ten demands with the street office, the street office only informs the district government of six, and to the city hall, only two are left. It’s useless. What is that? Give it to me. Give it to me. Someone gave it to me. Give it to me. Why doesn’t anyone give me something so nice? Why is that? A guy gave it to me. Give it back to me. Give it back? Dare you to take it? You’ve learned to lie, haven’t you? You’re not good at studying, but you don’t need to be taught to lie. Do you know what grades you’re getting? What school can you get into now? Answer me! Get lost. Go downstairs and do your homework. Go downstairs and do your homework. I’ll check it later. Go. I’m sorry. Have some tea. Mr. Chen. Your son is having an enrollment? What school? Does he have a target? Yes. That is… Qinggang No. 1 Middle School. The best school in Qinggang. I hope so, but we don’t have the luck. This brat’s grade is too poor. Come on, have some tea. Ouyang Lulu. You donated 8,000 in the name of the 2nd Enforcement Division. Did you ask Chief Judge Chu for permission? Ye Xuan. Why are you so nosy? Lulu. Do you need us to make up part of your donation? Of course, I’m no match for you. I definitely don’t have 2,000. I’ll transfer 200 to you. Stop. I will, really. I propose that from now on, we don’t let Lulu treat us. Also, the weekly dinner party is canceled. If we have to, the spending will be shared equally. – Yes. – I agree. Don’t forget. Stop Lulu from treating us to coffee twice a week. That’s right. If we have to, we’ll split the cost equally. I agree. Enough. Stop it. Don’t mess around. Move away. Are you longing for a promotion by telling Chief Judge Chu everything? I don’t mean that. Judge Qi, take a look at this. See that well? It’s said that tea brewed with the water here tastes good. Do you believe it, Mr. Chen? Look at this. It’s even used for washing vegetables and feet. Huang Yaozu is really a braggart. By the way, we have to hurry. You have an appointment with Mr. Wu of Star River Media at 1:30 PM. Tell Secretary Liu that the meeting is canceled. Why? Hard to refuse. Huang Yaozu wants to treat us to duck. Fine. As long as it’s not a trap. Just for negotiation. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪