【Menarilah/踮起脚尖靠近你】EP01 | Penari Kampung Jatuh Cinta Dengan Putera Balet | YOUKU Malaysia

♪I choose not to lean on anything♪ ♪Instead, I grab the future in my hand♪ ♪Never loose my hold even when I fall♪ ♪The airy skirt twirls♪ ♪I leap on the dazzling stage♪ ♪Flowers bloom as promised amidst clamorous applause♪ ♪I believe everything is meant for the best♪ ♪Be brave, I voice my dream♪

♪Be confident, I stand en pointe to touch the sky♪ ♪Stars are coming shining on my way♪ ♪The future will come into my open arms♪ ♪Do not wait for fate to knock on my door♪ ♪Youth is the time♪ ♪When we embrace splendors unknown♪ ♪The future will come into my open arms♪ ♪Never fear failures♪

♪I will grace the world♪ ♪With my presence♪ [Just Dance] [Episode 1] [Here I come, Haicheng Dance Academy] [Haicheng Dance Academy] [Department of Ballet] [Ling Chen, a prospective freshman of Haicheng Dance Academy] [Yu Lihua, Instructor of Haicheng Dance Academy] Two of you, come here. Ling Chen.

What’s wrong with you recently? You’re in no state. [Name: Ling Chen; Hobby: nothing but dance] (I’m Ling Chen.) [Paris, Lausanne] (From Lausanne to Paris,) [Moscow, New York] (from Moscow to New York,) Ms. Yu. Ling Chen just recovered from his leg injury, [Yu Manman, a prospective freshman] but isn’t back to his best yet. [of Haicheng Dance Academy] Please give him some time. Time? Do you think you have much time left? How many years do you think you have to be on the stage?

How many years can dancers stay at their peak? Ms. Yu… Ling Chen. Never think you can slack off after gaining admission to Haicheng Dance Academy. This is merely the start of your real journey. I understand, Mom. Call me Ms. Yu when you’re in the school. Let’s call it a day.

You should think about it carefully. [Haicheng Dance Academy] [We welcome you] So, this is Haicheng Dance Academy. [Shi Xiaochun, a candidate of Haicheng Dance Academy] I must give it my all and do my best. [Name: Shi Xiaochun] (I’m Shi Xiaochun.) [Hobby: Folk Dance] (I’m taking the art exam this year.) [Haicheng Dance Academy] (My dream school.) What’s a happy planet? Let’s explore it together now. Wild Peacock by the Unnamed Lakeside. King Kong Barbie. [Hong Jiaoyang,] My name is Hong Jiaoyang. [a candidate of Haicheng Dance Academy] You can call me Hong. Hello. My name is Shi Xiaochun. Finally, we met in real life. Let’s go.

I’ll take you to the hotel. [Jiajia Hotel] Come on, go! Nice. [Jiajia Hotel] Here we are. All candidates of Haicheng Dance Academy stay here. It’s close to the campus and cheap. Come on. Mister. We need a room. [Xiao Bu,] 100 yuan per day. [a candidate of Haicheng Dance Academy] How many days?

– Three days, I think. – Three days, I think. We’ll extend if things go on smoothly. Which department? Ballet. Show me your identity cards. – Here. – Here you go. Okay. Do you want some study materials? Yes. Thank you. – Yeah. – Yeah. 200 yuan for this pendrive. Scan the code. No, thanks.

This is the precious treasure of our hotel. All preliminary audition music are in it. If you have this, you pass the preliminary audition for sure. He’s great. He’s Ling Chen. Commonly known as the Swan Prince. He’s the recommended student from the Affiliated Secondary Dance School. Won the Mini Division championship

Of the European Ballet Grand Prix at nine. This girl is Yu Manman. His partner. She’s a recommended student too. It’s said they’ve been partners since childhood times. They have a perfect collaboration. You need to pay to watch the rest. Pay? Let’s go, Little Peacock. Your ID cards.

I can tell you have kind hearts. I’ll give you a discount. 50 yuan for the pendrive. 100 yuan per day for the room. So, the total is 350 yuan. Scan the code if you want. I’ll take that. Don’t listen to him. How devious. I don’t have to deceive you.

This hotel has been standing here for two decades. Done. Thank you. Pendrive, room card and your ID card. Thank you. [Practice Room 3] [People’s Republic of China, Passport] [Dear mom, please allow me…] Hello, Dad. Xiaochun. How’s the hotel? Are you getting used to it? Are you getting along well with your roommate?

Yes, we are. We’ve become good comrades now. You have another important mission going to Haicheng this time. Don’t forget about it. Oh, please. You’ve been talking about this a hundred times. Balanchine. Dad. Which one is more important, your daughter’s audition or your idol? Don’t compare yourself with Balanchine. Can you accomplish this task?

Yes, sir. I will accomplish this task. Very well. What are you doing? I… I’m writing a dance memo. Come out for dinner. Stop eating. You’ve already exceeded the calorie set. I’m full. You have to know your goal after getting into Haicheng Dance Academy. I know. I’m going inside. Where are you going?

I need some fresh air. Just stay inside the campus. You’re assisting with the audition tomorrow. Come back early. All right. He’s great. Hong, do you think I… [Audition for Performances in the United States starts this week.] [Welcome back to your alma mater from overseas.] This gesture, um… Lift higher. Second position. Focus. Go. Raise. Lift your fingertips. You… You… Aren’t you the prince in the video? I’m Ling Chen. You’re a student of Haicheng Dance Academy?

I’m here for the art exam. I knew it. The threshold of Haicheng Dance Academy can’t be so low. You must do well in the audition even though you might not pass it. What’s so great deal about you? I’ll surely get into Haicheng Dance Academy. Saying doesn’t make it happen. Good luck.

What’s wrong with me? My face is burning. Gosh. Something must be wrong with me. [The day of the preliminary audition of Haicheng Dance Academy] [Welcome to join Haicheng Dance Academy] I’m leaving. – Good luck. – Good luck. Good luck. I’m going in. Bye-bye. [Welcome to join Haicheng Dance Academy] Good luck. Good luck.

-Let’s go. -Let’s go. What’s your number, Xiaochun? Number 32. [Waiting Room] I’m sorry. Everyone here can dance so well. Of course. This is the best dance academy nationwide. Many hidden talents here. Hong. The owner of the hotel. Are you here for the audition too? Are you here for the audition too? My parents

Always claim that I’m a kid from the backstreet of this school. I’m destined to become a professional dancer. They made me here to try. Everyone is doing warm-ups. Why aren’t you doing anything? Since I’m here, I’ll deal with this wisely. Hong, let’s do some stretches.

Candidates from number 21 to 30, please get ready. Look at him. Isn’t that the Swan Prince in the video yesterday? Prince, my foot. He’s a ruddy swan. You had goo-goo eyes when you talked about him yesterday. How fickle. Because I was blind yesterday. Number 30. Candidate number 30, Pan Pan. He’s here.

He’s calling for number 30. Pan Pan. Pan Pan? It’s me. What has happened? I… [Pan Pan, a candidate of Haicheng Dance Academy] I can’t put the lens in. I won’t be able to dance with blurred vision. Don’t be nervous. Be relaxed. I’ll help you. Here. Thank you. Is it better now?

I’ve seen your practice. You dance very well. Good luck. First position. [Ballet Major Preliminary Audition, Ballet Basics] Second position. Third position. Fourth position. Fifth position. Sixth position. [Saute: A ballet jargon, jump] Okay. Saute, get ready. Five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three. Five, six, seven. Down. Okay, right hand on the barres. In the fifth position, get ready. Five, six, seven.

[Passe: A ballet jargon.] Passe, up. [Stand on the supporting leg, the working leg spreads.] Okay, down. Please introduce yourself, student. Hello, my name is Sun Qian. I’m from Shenzhen. [Huang Tao, Dean of the Department of Ballet] Why did you choose our academy? Because I want to be

The most outstanding ballet dancer in China. I want to perform on a bigger stage. All right. Please introduce yourself. Hello. My name is Shi Xiaochun. I’m from the beautiful Xishuangbanna. [Lin Shi’an, Instructor of Haicheng Dance Academy] Why did you come all the way here to apply for our academy? Because I think dancing

Is the happiest joy in life. My father told me I should come to Haicheng Dance Academy to pursue my dream. That’s why I’m here. Okay. [Dean’s Office] Okay, that’s final. We should announce the results of the preliminary audition soon. Hold on, Mr. Huang. Please take a look at number 32, Shi Xiaochun.

I find this girl special. Among all candidates this year, she’s the only one saying that dancing makes her happy. I think her pure passion is precious. Maybe we can keep her for another round. I remember this girl. She’s a folk dance dancer. Average basics and her posture isn’t accurate.

She might make it to the Department of Folk Dance. As for the ballet, isn’t she too weak? Ms. Yu, that makes sense. We can teach her the basics. But there’s something that can’t be taught. What do you think, Mr. Huang? Since Mr. Lin said so, let’s keep her for another round.

Maybe she’s a potential student. I’m so nervous. [Results Announcement Day of the Preliminary Audition] Let me through, please. Excuse me. – I don’t see your name. – Excuse me. Isn’t this you? [Xiao Bu, Department of Ballet, Accepted] Did I pass? [Pan Pan, Department of Ballet, Accepted] That’s my name. I made it!

You’re here. [Hong Jiaoyang, Shi Xiaochun,] Shi Xiaochun. [Department of Ballet, Accepted] Shi Xiaochun. That’s great. Hong. [Library & Media Center] Thanks for your pendrive. I saw my name. Since we’ve passed the audition, let’s have a meal together. How’s your result? I’ve been looking forward to the canteen of Haicheng Dance Academy.

Let’s go. It’s on me. Let’s go. – Come on. – Come on. Let’s dig up. – Eat more. – All right. Get off the phone. Eat now. All you care about is food. This is my first time seeing a dance girl with a huge appetite. Food is the soul of my life.

Food is everything. Got it? Yeah, got it. By the way, do people from Yunnan know how to dance the Peacock Dance? Yes, we are. People from Yunnan not only learn the Peacock Dance, but also appraise gemstones, detect narcotics, and identify wild mushrooms. Oh, we learn to train and ride elephants too. Seriously?

Airhead Xiao Bu. Must everyone in Yunnan know how to dance the Peacock Dance? If so, should we ride a horse to school since we’re from Inner Mongolia? Well, I’d like to try if they provide these classes. How dare you trick me. No, I didn’t. I can dance the Peacock Dance.

We have the Peacock Princess Shi here. Gosh. Peacock Princess Shi? You stained my garment with your chicken wing. Take my chicken wing if you want. Is one enough for you? Eat that yourself. Give it to Pan Pan. Thank you, Xiaochun. Look how happy they are when they only passed the first round.

The threshold here seems to have been lowered so much. Even untrained dancers can apply for this academy. A bunch of good-for-nothing. What are you talking about? Untrained dancers? Who are you referring to? You’re celebrating even when you got the last place. Anyway, that’s fine. You’re merely here to make up the numbers. Manman.

Who are you to say that? Have you seen us dance? Dancing is a high-level art. Not everyone is up to par. You wouldn’t have the bare respect for dance, yet you dream to get into Haicheng Dance Academy. Am I right, Ling Chen? I’m done. We can dance just well.

We dance anywhere we want. Must the prince and princess be so arrogant? They’re of orthodox training. It’s normal for them to look down on untrained dancers like us. Whatever. Whatever? We must get into Haicheng Dance Academy. That’s right. I don’t think Ling Chen will look down on us. I don’t care.

We must muster all our spirit and do well in the audition. Show some backbone, guys. Okay. Oh, right. Let’s have a team name. That’s right. You see, some called themselves Justice League or Avengers. We must have one that sounds mighty too. Good-for-nothing League. Good-for-nothing? Good-for-nothing? They called us good-for-nothing.

What’s wrong with being good-for-nothing? There’s a “good” inside it. We can be good for everything too. Let’s be good-for-everything and be the best in the universe. Sounds reasonable. Come on. One, two, three. Good-for-nothing League, go! [“Night Fog and Ballet” Book Signing] [“Night Fog and Ballet”] To Mr. Shi. Okay.

And this one, “Just dance”. Thank you. – Thank you very much. – You’re welcome. I’m sorry. It’s fine. I’m sorry… – Ruddy swan! – Wild peacock! I keep running into you wherever I go. What a rotten luck. I think I should be the one saying that. You like Balanchine too?

My dad asked me to come. I wouldn’t admire someone you like. True. Given your level, you’re not up to this taste to appreciate Balanchine. You! Ling Chen. You should get ready for the audition. [From Ling Chen] [“Night Fog and Ballet”] Thank you. [Chance Encounter Bookstore] You’re welcome. He carries himself so elegantly. I really like him. Give it back to me. Where’s the thing? Hey! Don’t touch my backpack! I’m talking about the book. What’s with you? Does it make you feel better to mess with me? Balanchine’s book.

I sent it away. You sent it away? Back to my hometown. You took the wrong one. This is yours. The mix-up isn’t a big deal. I’ll let you slide. It’s not about the book, my passport is inside it. I didn’t notice anything inside the book. Could it be in your suitcase? Well.

I took the wrong one. This is mine. I’m sorry. I didn’t see anything inside the book just now. The passport is thick. Couldn’t you see that? I’ve already apologized to you. I’ll send it back to you after my dad receives the parcel. Can your apology help much now?

I need that for my flight later. What’s the hurry? Where are you going? Kenya. Where’s Kenya? A place to purify souls. What time is it now? I have an audition. I need to go now. Shi Xiaochun! [Ballet Major Second Audition, Dance Aptitude Test] [Haicheng Dance Academy Ballet Student Recruitment Audition] Please sit.

What’s wrong? Nothing. Okay. Today is the second audition for Haicheng Dance Academy Ballet Major. You can only obtain the certificate of the knowledge-acquired courses if you pass this audition. Please do your best. Please start, Ms. Yu. I’m going to brief you about the procedure. This audition involves impromptu dancing. We will play music

Like foreign classical, foreign folk music, Chinese traditional music, Chinese folk music, or even pop music. You’re allowed to perform in any genre. We hope you can show us your best. Let’s start now. Come forward based on the sequence and title of your draw. First candidate, you may start now. Good luck.

You got this. You have three minutes. – I’ll ring the bell when time’s up. – Why hasn’t Little Peacock come yet? No idea. When I texted her just now, she said she was on her way. Look. My dad was a ballet dancer when he was young. Haicheng Dance Academy is his alma mater.

So, this is your reason here? My dad failed to achieve his dream back then. I want to make it happen for him. [Audition piece: Besieged (Chinese folk music)] Pan Pan got the tricky one. Indeed. Though he made some mistakes, the overall performance is decent. He isn’t nervous even though he made mistakes.

He’s firm. Not bad. Next. Next. Next. Next. [Final Round – Impromptu Dance] Sorry. I’m here for the audition. Exam attendance docket, please. Oh, right. I put it inside here. Where’s it now? I don’t mean to be mean. But you can’t attend the audition without the exam attendance docket. Shi Xiaochun.

Take this. You left it in the car. Thank you. Here, my exam attendance docket. Can I attend the audition now? [Haicheng Dance Academy, Candidate: Shi Xiaochun] The audition is already halfway through. You can’t go in now. You will affect other candidates. Please help me. Something held me up just now.

Please let me in. This audition is very important to me. I beg of you. Yu Manman, just let her in. I need to ask for permission. I can’t decide on this. What’s going on here? The audition is ongoing. You’re making noise here. Miss. She comes late. I was about to ask you.

Show me your exam attendance docket. Student. You’re already more than half an hour late. Supposedly, you’ll be disqualified from the audition. I… Miss, please let me in. This audition means a lot to me. Please. Miss, it’s my fault. What has happened, Ling Chen? Here’s the thing. I took her exam attendance docket.

That’s why she’s late. I’ve texted Mr. Huang and other teachers to explain this. Please help us. All right, got it. Calm down. How about this? I will ask for permission from the dean after the audition is over. He’ll decide on your audition, okay? Thank you, Miss. Thank you, Miss. Thank you.

[Department of Ballet] Okay, the audition is over. Hold on. The candidate named Shi Xiaochun hasn’t shown up, right? Ling Chen texted me saying that the girl was late because of him. He asked us to wait for a while. No matter what reason it is, the girl is late. Auditioners, Shi Xiaochun

Misses the audition because of me. Please give her one more chance. Candidates who are late for more than 30 minutes are banned from the audition. You’re the assistant. Do you not know the rules? I’ve already messaged Mr. Huang. He knows about this. Besides, according to the academy rules,

If the candidates report an emergency before the end of the audition, auditioners must allow the candidates to complete the audition. I’d like to implore you again. Please allow Shi Xiaochun to attend the audition. Since you’ve already reported to Mr. Huang, we should give her an audition. Ms. Yu cherishes talents very much.

It’s too bad if we miss out on a good student, am I right? Ms. Yu. The principle of our student recruitment is to provide them with the best audition service and environment. Since she has made it here at the last minute, we should give her a chance. All right. Shi Xiaochun.

Don’t waste this opportunity they claimed for you. Act now, Shi Xiaochun. Get ready. Okay. Good luck. [Audition piece: Riverdance (Foreign folk music)] All right, that’s all for the audition. You may leave. Oh, right. Thank you for your help. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve missed the audition. Let’s exchange our WeChat contacts. I’ll send you the passport once I come back. I’m leaving, then. ♪Like being trapped on a rainy day♪ ♪Like sinking deep underwater♪

♪The wind brushes against your face♪ ♪You haven’t danced since then♪ ♪I cry out♪ ♪What will happen to you when you disappear?♪ ♪You wobble♪ ♪You keep falling back♪ ♪Wait for me, I will save you♪ ♪Gently♪ ♪I hold you tight at the edge of the world♪

♪The stage awaits you no matter how long it takes♪ ♪Wait for me, I will save you♪ ♪Let the rain drench us♪ ♪Showering away your painful memories, I am by your side♪ ♪Your heart will heal up gradually♪ ♪A light is gleaming ahead, I see you there♪