【Angin Selatan Fahamku/南风知我意】EP01 | Pakar Bedah Sayangkan Penyelidik Perubatan | YOUKU Malaysia

♪My heart flipped when a dynamic flashed between us someday♪ ♪Guided by instinct♪ ♪We feel the same reason, harboring a special feeling underneath♪ ♪Amidst the ecstatic shock♪ ♪I begin to doubt what I see♪ ♪I can’t believe you made me compromise♪ ♪The world you’re sick of♪ ♪I look into it thoroughly♪

♪How lucky I am to console you♪ ♪When you suffer alone♪ ♪Yet I realize♪ ♪I cannot let go of the love I hold onto tightly♪ ♪As I venture into the world from a mundane life♪ ♪You show up at the exact moment♪ ♪My ambition♪ ♪Puts an end to this aimless journey♪

♪The familiar light of pursuit shines into my heart♪ ♪From the starting point♪ [South Wind Knows] [Episode 1] [Heidelberg, Germany] Mint. This way, please. This place is spacious. You need to get familiar with it. Or else you might get lost at night. I will. Why is it so dark in here?

Why aren’t the curtains drawn open? Good morning, Linda. Morning. This is the drawing room. You may look around here. By the way, did Leo brief you about your job scope? Yes, he did. Oh, right. You haven’t answered that. Why do you turn on all the lights in here instead of opening the curtains?

Because Sir doesn’t like lights. Please don’t open the curtains in his room or turn on the main lights in the house. If you really need light, you can use the table lamp. Also, Sir doesn’t like noise. Please walk and talk softly. Try not to make any noise when you’re moving.

Do you want to go upstairs and greet Sir first? Sure. Are you afraid of dogs? Big dogs. No. What about eccentric ones? Are you talking about a person or a dog? Both of them share a similar character. I’m a doctor. Don’t worry. That’s great. I’ll take you upstairs, then. Mint.

Hello, is anybody here? Hello. I’m coming in. I’m the new family doctor. Sorry. I did knock just now. Get out. You… What has happened to you? Get out. Yunshen. What has happened? Your leg… Your leg. Get out. Get out! I said, get out! Leave! I’ll leave. Now! [Two years earlier] [Shanghai, China] Dad. Don’t worry. He should be here soon. [Shareholder Meeting of Lingtian Pharmaceutical Group] Hey, Boss. How’s everything? Everything is ready. All we need now is you. Chen Le. Where’s Mr. Fu Jr.? He’s coming. Boss. I’m sorry about that. Good morning, everyone. I got held up as I amended the proposal yesterday.

I came here by bike just now. It’s a free journey. Hopefully, you’re satisfied with this. Next, I’ll brief you about the proposal you’re holding. Please read it carefully, uncles. [Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN)] [Thank you] Bye, Xizhou. Country M, I’m coming. [Heidelberg, Germany] 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Mom. 86.

87. Hello, Uncle Hans. It’s been a long while. Mint. Are you faring well? It’s been a long while. Does everything go smoothly on your side? You must be busy serving different departments, right? Yeah. But it’s very fulfilling. Mint. [Aid Station, M Country] I’m facing something tricky now. I need your help.

[Aid Station, M Country] Do you remember that I mentioned there was an unknown immune disease outbreak in the villages and tribes over here? Yes. Any updates? Nothing yet. I plan on launching preliminary basic research. Mind you, many children are sent in here every day. So, I need a pair of hands.

I’ve been looking for a suitable person, and that’s you. I… Mint. I know this is an unpleasant request for you. Not at all. It happened a long time ago. I was once hesitant. Perhaps you might want to return here. Or maybe you never wish to come back here. Anyways,

I’d like to invite you over. Not as your uncle or your parents’ partner. I’m asking you as a doctor. I’ll think about it. All right. Xizhou. Why are you so reluctant to enter the lab? I can’t stand the smell there. Here. Grandpa knows you always skip meals.

So he sent me over to keep an eye on you. Thank you. Xizhou. How was my performance this morning? Not bad, right? Pretty well. You had those old geezers fooled when you talked about chemical molecules. I suppose they won’t force you to attend the weekly meeting again. You can’t blame me for that.

You know what they said? They asked me to report on the progress on a weekly basis. This is not the stock market with new developments every moment. Xizhou. I have a favor to ask. What are you up to again? I plan to go to Country M. I doubt Grandpa would let you go.

And your mom, too. What about you? Do you agree? Can’t you send someone else there? Xizhou. Who should I send? It’s so boring staying in Shanghai. If I can go there, no one will force me to attend the meeting. Is this how you avoid the meetings? I’m just kidding.

Anyone can handle the affairs in Shanghai. Actually, I want to go to Country M to look for a plant named Perdo. You can’t go. It’s not stable there. I can’t let you go there alone. I have Chen Le. That’s even worse. Xizhou. You’ve changed. You’ve become indecisive. You used to be fearless.

Show me your courage. Come on. I used to look up to you. Why have you changed? As your little brother, I’m so upset. Scratch that. Don’t give me that. Fine. How about this? Our company is working on a collaboration with the local government. I’ll have the person in charge to receive you there.

The thing is, you must report your whereabouts to me punctually every day. Gosh, Xizhou. I can report that to you, but there’s no need to receive me. It’s troublesome. If you were to do that, I’d rather work my guts out in the lab, instead of such formalities. Dear brother, please. Enough. Please.

Stop talking to me like that. Here’s the thing. I’ll give you the contact. Give them a call if you need any help. Okay. Xizhou. I’ve already persuaded my mom. But Grandpa… Leave it to me. Enough said, and eat the food. It’s going to cool off. [Fu’s Villa, Shanghai] Yunshen. Your luggage is packed.

Go and check on it. Ms. Tao, I’m playing with Wutong. I’ll check it later. Thank you. All right. Come here. Hey, Wutong. I asked you not to go. And yet you cross me. I’m talking to you. There are many people in the R&D lab. Can’t you just send someone else? Mom.

Take a seat. You’ll get tired from standing. That place is too dangerous. The living conditions and sanitation are terrible. It’s too bad if you get sick there. You’re my only son. Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve checked the place. It’s safe. Besides, Xizhou has already reached out to the local government. They will help me

If I have any problems. Besides, please rest assured, Ms. Jiang. Your son will return home safe and sound. Stop being facetious. Speaking of Fu Xizhou, listen… Mom, hold your horse. I know what you’re going to say. What do you know? It’s you who obtained this project. Lucky him.

Simply by paying lip service in the meeting, and the project fell on his lap. Listen. Lingtian will be yours, sooner or later. You can learn if you’re inexperienced. I’ll teach you. Otherwise, why do I work so hard for? I’m doing this for your sake, you know? Mom. If you keep rambling on this,

Your son might not return home. Are you pissing me off for a purpose? Mind you, you can make all the decisions by yourself, except for this. Plus, Fu Xizhou is a dangerous person. Mom. He’s also Dad’s son. There’s no problem for him to take over the company rightfully. Your phone is ringing.

Come on. Answer the call. Don’t ignore my advice. Don’t worry. My mom is always busy with work. It must be hard and tiring for you. What’s the matter? What? Okay. I’ll be right there. Can’t you handle your job well? I’ll be there soon. Be careful, Mom. Heed my advice. Okay.

When will scientists invent an automatic luggage-packing machine? [Transit Airport, Country M] [Transit Airport, Country M] Next. [Transit Airport, Country M] – Hello. – Okay. You need to check this in. I was allowed to carry my backpack when I flew here from Germany. Different flights, different rules. Okay. Please. Why is this so expensive?

It’s more than my ticket when I came. – I’m sorry. – Boss, in a moment. It’ll be our turn soon. Could you please hurry up? Hello. What a coincidence to meet Chinese here. Hello. Here’s the thing. Could you please do me a favor? What’s it it? My luggage is slightly overweight.

I just need to take some out. Could you carry it over for me? – No. – Sure. No? I’m sorry. But we have quite some luggage, too. Sorry about that. – Can you please hurry up? – Sorry. Hello, my name is Zhu Jiu. I’m not a con artist. If you don’t believe me,

You can check my passport. Miss, I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. It’s too bad if you carry something prohibited in your bag. Annoying. Hello, Uncle Hans. You can’t hail a cab at this hour. Wait at the airport. I’ll send for a car from downtown. All right. Got it. Thank you.

[Taxi Waiting Area] Boss. You’re out, finally. I was worried sick about you just now. You were so worried that you almost fell asleep, right? Is our ride still here? Yes. I’ll call him now. Don’t worry, Boss. Uh… The connection is bad here. I’ll call him again. No worries. Sorry, the subscriber you dialed…

Boss. His phone is off. I can’t reach out to him. Careful. Boss. Are there any recently erupted volcanoes nearby? The temperature is high this late at night. It should be up to 40 degrees. Feeling sweaty, right? Sit. Hi. Here comes a car. Boss. I’ll go and check it out. Take this.

– Let me carry that for you. – Sure. Let me do this. Let me help you. It’s you. What a coincidence. Um… Can we carpool? I’m afraid not. Because I don’t know where you’re from. It’s too bad if you carry something prohibited in your bag. It’ll be troublesome. Definitely not.

We went through security together just now. Do you forget that? I’ll pay for the ride. Sure. We’re Chinese, after all. But I have one condition. Don’t cross the line. Forget it, then. You’re not riding with me. What condition? Hold your passport. I’m going to take a photo of you two.

– Impossible. – Sure. Hi, let’s go. Wait. We’ll do this. Right away. Boss. Be resilient. Photo-taking is a simple one. Right? It’s understandable for a lady concerned about safety issues. – Right? – What’s wrong with you? I’m not doing this. Boss. Don’t you want to lie in an air-conditioned room with 26 degrees,

Taking a bath while drinking iced beer and watching a football match? How about this? I’ll ask her to retouch the photo. Miss. Miss, come on. We’re ready. Come on, Boss. – Come on. – Hold on. Enough. Come on. One, two, three. Done. Let’s go. Give it to me. I’ll handle this.

– Let me do this. – Thank you. Miss. Well, please sit at the back. It’s more comfy. Thank you. Which hotel are you staying at? McLaren Hotel. What are the odds? You stay at the same hotel. Really? We’re so fated. – A horrible fate. – A horrible fate. [Gu Ruanruan]

Gu Ruanruan, you better have something important to tell. It’s a huge matter. Fire away. Xizhou changed to a new natatorium to avoid me. Find out for me. No. Fine. I’ll send Zhizhi to your house immediately. Well. I’ll send you the address in ten minutes. [Dear Xizhou, I really like you]

Are you all right? Xizhou, you have a perfect build. How wonderful a figure you have. I just signed up for a VIP membership at the natatorium you used to go to. Why do you stop going there? It’s costly, you know? Do you like swimming? I like you. You still like me deep down.

Just admit it. Let go. On three. One. Two. [Goal accomplished] Hello, Mr. Fu. Why are you still working at this hour? You’re stressing me out. Look at you. Why haven’t you rested yet after the long journey? I can’t sleep. Did someone ambush you at the natatorium just now? Just now, Zhizhi

Asked me about your whereabouts. I’m thinking of buying a flight ticket to Country M. Hello? The signal here isn’t great. – Oh, it’s you. Xizhou. – Drop the act. You know what, the apples here are really sweet. They’re so sweet. Boss, taste one. Bye-bye, Xizhou. Why do you hang up? Boss.

Get rest early. I just came here to check on you and bring you an apple. Get rest early. Childish. [Chen Le] [Help! Wondering if I should quit] [when my boss’s mental age is only three. Urgent!] [Hope Charity Clinic] Who wants candy? Come here. Good boy. Zhu Jiu. Uncle Hans. Long time no see.

Long time no see. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate that. Don’t mention it. Let me carry it. Let’s go. It’s a tiring journey. Not really. Come in on. Take a look around here. These are the facilities you funded the clinic over the past few years. I really appreciate

Your continuous support for the clinic. Uncle Hans. You’re going to talk my ears off by thanking me. No need to be so courteous with me. All right. My bad. How time flies. In a flash, the little clingy girl has grown up. I wouldn’t recognize you at all if I ran into you outside.

Seriously? Yeah. Let’s go over there. Over here, this is the main ward area. We have twelve beds under four nurses’ charge. It was your parents and my shared dream to establish this clinic. It’s a shame that they can see this now. By the way, Mint, you’re heading to the border this time.

The situation over there has been unstable these years. It’s not safe to travel alone. I’m nervous about you. A friend of mine is going there, too. You two can team up and look out for each other on the way. Sure. Professor Hans. Mr. Fu. I can go by myself.

It can be quite a nuisance to travel with others. What do you mean? Stop it. Mint. The local situation is unstable. Even men should have partners to travel along with. I’m really concerned about you going alone. It’s not about gender. Plus, you can’t drive. I’ll hire a driver.

The clinic only has a limited budget. What’s with that scoff? Yes, the problem isn’t about gender. It’s up top. Here. But it’s fine. I’m generous enough to give you a ride. Like I care. No one keeps you, though. You may leave. Mint. Come with me. [Mint] Boss. Boss.

Do you think the lady we’ll travel with is pretty? Pretty? She’s annoying. Are you saying that we’re not taking her? That’d be best. She insists on going even when she can’t drive. That’s impossible. Besides, Professor Hans has made the request. We must take her with us. In over her head. No.

That’s what we call an independent woman. Well, independent women also need to be practical and not do something out of their depth. Right? Anyway, it’s good to have a doctor with us. Should I hire a nanny for you? No, no. I’ll leave you to your plants. I’m going to pack things.

Mr. Fu and I have been friends for years, and he’s been providing medicine supplies for the clinic. I believe in his personality. On top of that, I’ve introduced to him a tour guide, who’s a local expert. This is very helpful for your research. Mint. I must ensure your safety.

If you insist on going alone, I’ll have to consider finding someone else. All right, Uncle Hans. I know what my mission is here. Very well. Bring two boxes of medicine to the aid station when you go over there. Okay. Good morning, Le. Good morning, Dr. Zhu. Did you sleep well? Yes.

How about you? I had a good night after taking the medicine you gave me. Thank you. Glad to hear that. Let me carry them. You can rest. You have quite a lot of luggage. It’s not like you’re going on a trip. They’re not. One is for Boss’s equipment and one for his clothes.

And my luggage too. Why does a man bring so many clothes? He cares about appearance that much? Who are you talking about? You. Fine. I’ll let you slide. Great people are bound to have jealous ones. I’m not a man. Why am I jealous of you? Are you not? Boss. You know what,

The environment here is great. The air is fresh. Most importantly, there must be a lot of yummy food here. You must be hungry, right? I have chocolate bars, Boss. It can make you happy. Dr. Zhu. No, thanks. How about a banana? It tastes sweet. Boss? Dr. Zhu? Sure. Chen Le.

You can’t eat bananas recently. You’ll get the runs. No, I don’t. I prepare this for you. Dr. Zhu. Why would a young lady like you come to this mountainous area to do research? That’s impressive. I’m impressed by you. Dr. Zhu. How old are you? – I… – Focused on the road, will you?

What’s wrong with the car? I can’t start the engine. Sit in the car. I’ll go down and check it. Nothing’s wrong with this. Not this, either. Try this. Are you all right? I’m all right. ♪I see you in a dark corner♪ ♪With vulnerability overwhelming you♪ ♪Biting your lips and facing away from me♪

♪You break the walls of stubbornness♪ ♪Once more, another sundown swiftly passes by♪ ♪Love is like a lie at the end of the century♪ ♪That almost fools me♪ ♪A kiss can heal this wrecked world♪ ♪If there is a slight possibility of avoiding loneliness♪ ♪Let me endure the heavy rainfall with you♪

♪If there is a slight possibility♪ ♪The moon that once shone for me should stay radiate♪ ♪You’ll regain happiness when you are true to yourself♪ ♪You feel my pain♪ ♪No reason for those meaningless winds to pass by me♪ ♪When the meaningless things hit me♪

♪Why must we miss out on each other when our hearts are broken?♪ ♪Imitating others who flinch and escape after love sparks fade away♪ ♪All I yearn for is the warmth deep within you♪