【Angin Selatan Fahamku/南风知我意】EP02 | Pakar Bedah Sayangkan Penyelidik Perubatan | YOUKU Malaysia

♪My heart flipped when a dynamic flashed between us someday♪ ♪Guided by instinct♪ ♪We feel the same reason, harboring a special feeling underneath♪ ♪Amidst the ecstatic shock♪ ♪I begin to doubt what I see♪ ♪I can’t believe you made me compromise♪ ♪The world you’re sick of♪ ♪I look into it thoroughly♪

♪How lucky I am to console you♪ ♪When you suffer alone♪ ♪Yet I realize♪ ♪I cannot let go of the love I hold onto tightly♪ ♪As I venture into the world from a mundane life♪ ♪You show up at the exact moment♪ ♪My ambition♪ ♪Puts an end to this aimless journey♪

♪The familiar light of pursuit shines into my heart♪ ♪From the starting point♪ [South Wind Knows] [Episode 2] Dr. Zhu. You must be tired. Have some water. Thanks. Does he know how to repair a car too? When our boss was studying abroad, he managed to cover his own living expenses.

He worked in a car repair shop. He’s incredible, isn’t he? [Chen Le] [Help! Wondering if I should quit] [when my boss’s mental age is only three. Urgent!] [Tweety replied: You can try.] Boss. Let me do this. I can’t let you work hard alone. I’ll feel sorry for you.

Are you feeling sorry for your boss whose mental age is only three? How is it? I couldn’t detect any issues. I think the fuse of the fuel pump is faulty. Contact the tow truck, Chen Le. Are we going back to the town to repair the car? Of course not.

I’ll leave with the car first. You can come back after you fix the car. Let’s meet in the village. You. I… I’ll go with you then. I’m going to deliver the medicine supplies. The aid station needs it urgently. Le. Be mindful about what you eat. Otherwise, you’ll have diarrhea again. No worries.

I can carry these. Let me bring these to the front for you. It’s okay. I can carry these. It’s okay. It’s all right. Give it to me. Goodbye. Boss. Be careful on the way back. I’ll meet you as soon as possible. Hello! Hello! Hello. Would you give us a ride?

We want to go to Naotao Village. What is she saying? I don’t understand. Neither do I. We want to go there. Here. Naotao. A village. This place. Okay. Thank you very much. Fu Yunshen. Let’s go. No. I won’t ride in this car. You can ride alone. I can’t do this.

I can’t take it. Hello. How are you doing there? Did you sleep well? Is the food all right? Madam. You ask so many questions at once. How could I answer all of them? I’m just worried about you. Don’t worry about me, Mom. I sleep and eat well here.

I have a fancy car to bring me around every day. Don’t worry, Mom. By the way, don’t forget about your purpose there. I pushed for this project to happen. The entire company is watching us now. If this goes wrong, we’ll be in disgrace. Mom. Don’t worry. I know what I am doing.

I need to work now. Goodbye. Goodbye. Brat. How long will we arrive? I’m talking to you. How long will we arrive? [Naotao Village, Country M] We’re here. Thank you very much. Okay. Goodbye. Goodbye. Your peacock feather. Come on. We’re the doctors from the town. Who wants some candy? Anyone wants some candy?

Come on. Come on. Thank you. Good boy. Come on. I want it too. Me too. For you. – Good boy. – This is for you. This is the only place nearby where you can buy your daily necessities. Let me tell you about the area briefly. There’s a homestay over there.

It can accommodate outsiders. The aid station is located below the homestay. The market is on your left. Come on. You’re familiar with this area. Have you been here previously? No. The patient’s condition is getting serious. I think that the conservative treatment – is no longer effective. – Dad! We must transfer him quickly

To a place with a better healthcare system. Dad. Uncle Hans. Can you play with me? Zhu Jiu. Please don’t disturb us. We’re working now. Zhu Jiu. Here. Look at this. Darling. Dad, Uncle Hans, and Aunt Addy are all busy with their work. I’ll play with you, okay? Let’s play your favorite game,

Hide-and-seek, okay? Okay. How about this? I’ll count to 100. You need to hide. After I count to 100, I’ll look for you. Go. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Addy. Dr. Addy. He injured his leg. Okay. Addy. Mint. Just help me now. Please come in. Yes, come.

This is the best food in our hotel. This is the best fan of the hotel. This is the best hotel flavor. Everything is good here. What do you think? Good. Do you want to eat something? Drink tea? Okay. Okay. This is for you. I’ll go and make tea for you, okay?

This is our local delicacy. It’s really delicious. Okay, here. Do you want to use the phone? We have a phone here. You can use it. Here. Okay. Okay, thank you. Have a nice day. Thank you. If you need anything, just call me. Okay? Okay, bye-bye. Thank you, bye-bye. His life is stable now.

You can go to the ward to see him. Thank you. Sorry. On your left. Mint. It’s been so long. Indeed it has. I miss you so much. You’ve grown up. More beautiful. Thank you. You did a great job in the operation room. You’re the proud of your parents. By the way,

What the kid has just looks like the immune disease Uncle Hans talked about. That’s right. Hans discovered this disease in nearby villages and remote tribes. You’d need to help with the research. Of course. Glad to help. Can you speak English? How much? Thank you. Do you know Anson? Here? Okay, thank you.

Hi, how are you? What can I do for you? I’m looking for Anson. There he is. Thank you. You’re welcome. Here you are, your juice. Thank Uncle Anson. – Thanks, Uncle. – Take care, okay? Bye. Bye. Good day, Mr. Anson. My name is Fu Yunshen. Professor Hans recommended me to you.

I would like to invite you to be my local guide. I’m sorry. I’m not available now. It won’t take long. At most 20 days. My wife is pregnant. I need to take care of her. Moreover, the monsoon season is approaching. Now is not a suitable time to go into the mountains. I know.

I want to leave before the monsoon season, so I need your help. Name your price. I won’t go regardless. Please leave. Please consider this again, Mr. Anson. Mom. Dad. Danmin. It’s okay, I’m here. Is it a power outage? The electricity is off. Please help me to look after him. Hold his leg down.

Relax. It’s going to be okay soon, Danmin. Take a deep breath, Danmin. Thank you. It’s all right now. ♪Twinkle, twinkle, little star♪ ♪How I wonder what you are♪ ♪Up above the world so high♪ You’re sleepy, aren’t you? Not really. Go back and rest. Just leave the torch here.

It’s okay. I can stay for a little longer. Dr. Zhu. Are you afraid of the dark? Not really. Thank you for today. You’re welcome. Does power outage happen frequently here? We don’t experience this everyday, but it’s a frequent occurrence. The electric generator is too old. It frequently malfunctions and requires repairs.

It’s inconvenient for the aid station, then. Have they thought of any solutions? Young master. Your clothes are dirty. Do you need me to help you wash it? Good night. Hang it out. A-B-C-D-E-F. Hello. – Hello. – Hello. Come on. Here. This way. I’ll do it. You’re not used to this, right? Be careful.

I’ll hold this. Okay. Come on. Let’s do this. Hello, Boss. I’m on my way. I’ll meet you soon. Please don’t come yet. Go back first. I need you to buy something. What do you need? I’ll share the list with you. Mr. Fu. Have you found the local guide?

When can we enter the mountains? I visited him yesterday. He turned down the offer. What should we do then? Aunt Addy said if we were going during the monsoon season, we need a local guide to secure our safety. Is Dr. Addy very reputable here? This station was established by Aunt Addy

And her friend. Dr. Zhu. Do me a favor. Let’s go to the local guide’s house together. Perhaps he would change his mind for the sake of Dr. Addy. This is a win-win situation. You help yourself by helping me. All right, then. However, I need to work here in the day.

I can only go in the evening. Okay. This is really good cloth. I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. I think it’s okay for both. We meet again, Mr. Anson. If you’re here for that, you can leave now. Let me go see the others. Let’s go. Please reconsider this.

Are you okay? I’m okay. Be careful. Sen. Sen. It’s been a while. Dr. Zhu. Did you know each other? Dr. Zhu. What’s wrong with my nephew? He’s fine. You can breathe freely again. Thank you. You’re welcome. Sen. About the local guide, please consider it again. Dr. Zhu. You saw it too.

My wife is pregnant. She needs someone to look after her. I’m sorry. Yes, I understand. Aunt Addy told me, too. But I heard that there are a lot of patients like Danmin in nearby villages. They are all kids. I want to go into the mountains to research the cause of the disease.

I really need your help. Anson. Just promise them, okay? This is our first child. I want to keep you company. I know that you miss the southern mountains and forests very much when you’re at home during this time. But… Helping them is also helping children like Danmin.

I was so sad when Danmin was sick. Is it not more than 20 days? That’s right. I’ll do this. Looking forward to working with you. Thank you, Madam. Thank you, Sen. Thanks. Inform me when the departure time is confirmed. Okay. We won’t disturb you, then. Let’s go. Well, Dr. Zhu.

You turn out to be rather useful. Of course. That’s right. I need to treat you to a meal. Really? Can I order whatever I want? As you wish. Come on. I want this one and this one. Okay. Make it spicier. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Is that all?

I wanted you to treat me to something nice too, but this is the best restaurant here. Their food is amazing. Hello. We’re rich. Why are you buying a bird’s nest? Fu Yunshen. This is a lamp cover. Do you see it now? I want this one, this one, and this one. Okay.

All of them, thank you. Let me help you. Thank you. You don’t have to buy so many things. You don’t understand. These local handcrafts are popular in Germany. This is called lucky grass. Thank you. Lucky grass. This is Vetiver. Did you die of poverty in your previous life?

This type of grass has its medical benefits, yet it’s commonly used in daily chemical and perfume products. You’re a doctor, yet you’re so superstitious. You really don’t understand. This is the local traditional culture. How much? 20 dollars together. Okay. 20 dollars. Thank you. These are for you. They’re immortal grass wristbands.

Couples wearing them can never be separated. Thank you. Sir. We’re not a couple. Never mind then. I can sell it better in a pair. Thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Hello. – Enjoy. – Thank you. Thank you. You have to eat it with your hands. Place the meat on it.

It tastes so good when it’s wrapped. Meal’s on me. Eat more. You should eat. It’s really good. How much? Five dollars. Okay. Are you okay? I’m okay. Wait a moment. Seriously, Fu Yunshen? Why are you intending to cheat when it’s already so cheap? Are you sure that I’m someone like this? Well.

I lost my wallet. Can you lend me some money? I’ll pay it back to you later. Fine. It’s not much. I’ll pay. – Five dollars? – Thanks. – Yes. Five dollars. – I will pay it back to you for sure. Thank you. Eat more since we pay for it. It tastes delicious.

What’s wrong? Dr. Zhu. Can you lend me some more money? I want to buy something. Do you want to borrow some money? Well, I can borrow you some money. Seriously? Double the interest. Are you a loan shark? Not really. If you don’t want the money, never mind then. Okay. Fine.

I’ll record a video as proof. Seriously? This tactic again? I have no choice. What if you’re lying to me again? Have you always been cheated? Kind of. How much do you need? 200 dollars. This much? I need to return more if I borrow more money. You’re right. Why don’t you borrow more money?

Well. How about you borrow 500 dollars from me? 800 dollars is fine. How much do I have? – Forget it. – You can take all my cash. Are you all right? – I’m fine. – Thank goodness. Wait here. I’ll go after him. Well. Why didn’t you run now? Give it to me. Well.

You stole both of them? Fu Yunshen. He stole our stuff, and that’s all. You didn’t have to hit him this hard. I didn’t. You couldn’t carry these now, could you? Come on, let me help you. Wow! You’re unexpectedly amazing. But that kid had a great fall.

I’m not sure if the police will send him to the hospital. Why are you worried about him? You shouldn’t have saved him earlier. You should let him endure the pain. So, he’d learn his lesson. He broke his leg. He had his lesson. Stop worrying about his leg. Locals here despise robbers.

They’d chop off their hands and legs. He can save his money on getting a cast. Is it true? Of course. This is their religion’s law. Theft is a serious offense. If one commits theft, his family will be punished too. Is that so? Liar. What are you doing? Gentlemen won’t hit people.

When did I say that I’m a gentleman? If you come any closer, I’ll throw this away. I dare you. A gentleman doesn’t fight with a lady. Take it. See you tomorrow. Grandpa. What brought you here? I’m here to visit you. I brought you some fruits. Are you feeling better now?

Of course. How else would I feel? It’s just a normal routine check-up. Yet Zhizhi insisted I stay in the hospital for two days. She’s a doctor, yet she’s overreacting. It’s always good to be mindful. You fainted at home last month. We were so scared. I’m all right. Right. Since you’re here,

Help me to settle the discharge procedure. Grandpa. Listen to the doctor. Stay in the hospital for two more days. I’ll surely get sick if I stay any longer. Every year, Yunshen would accompany me and fetch me from the hospital. I wonder how he is doing there now.

He didn’t even bother to give me a call. I gave him a call. He’s doing fine there. He’s heading to the mountains now. So, it’s hard to reach him due to the poor signal strength. You’re always siding with him. Poor signal strength? He’s afraid that I might scold him.

I told him not to go, yet he insisted to go. My goodness. Maybe I can call him now. No, don’t call him. Let him do whatever he likes. Your brother isn’t as reliable as you. Come in. Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu. Your medical report has been partially released. I’ve read it briefly. You’re okay.

What about the rest of the report? It will be delivered to my place later, right? You do this every year. I’m well aware of this. You have a different agenda, don’t you? Your true intention… Mr. Fu. Although your results seem fine, for your age, you must control your blood sugar level.

I’ve notified the nutrition department. They will rearrange your diet plan. Please follow the diet. If I follow the diet, I’d die before next year’s routine check-up. Mr. Fu. Just give it a try. If it’s not to your liking, let me know. I’ll ask the nutrition department to revise it.

It’s for the sake of your health. Fine, okay then. Yes. You may go to work. Have him take care of the discharge procedure for me. Okay. – Hurry up. – Okay. Why is it you who came to fetch Mr. Fu from the hospital? Where is Yunshen?

Yunshen is on a business trip to Country M. Country M? When did he go? Two days ago. I didn’t know about this. When will he return then? It’s not confirmed yet. Mr. Fu’s birthday is approaching. If Yunshen isn’t around, he will surely be upset. Where can I handle the discharge procedure? First floor.

I’ll take you there. Why are you shouting? Calm down. ♪I see you in a dark corner♪ ♪With vulnerability overwhelming you♪ ♪Biting your lips and facing away from me♪ ♪You break the walls of stubbornness♪ ♪Once more, another sundown swiftly passes by♪ ♪Love is like a lie at the end of the century♪

♪That almost fools me♪ ♪A kiss can heal this wrecked world♪ ♪If there is a slight possibility of avoiding loneliness♪ ♪Let me endure the heavy rainfall with you♪ ♪If there is a slight possibility♪ ♪The moon that once shone for me should stay radiate♪ ♪You’ll regain happiness when you are true to yourself♪

♪You feel my pain♪ ♪No reason for those meaningless winds to pass by me♪ ♪When the meaningless things hit me♪ ♪Why must we miss out on each other when our hearts are broken?♪ ♪Imitating others who flinch and escape after love sparks fade away♪ ♪All I yearn for is the warmth deep within you♪