【Menarilah/踮起脚尖靠近你】EP02 | Penari Kampung Jatuh Cinta Dengan Putera Balet | YOUKU Malaysia

♪I choose not to lean on anything♪ ♪Instead, I grab the future in my hand♪ ♪Never loose my hold even when I fall♪ ♪The airy skirt twirls♪ ♪I leap on the dazzling stage♪ ♪Flowers bloom as promised amidst clamorous applause♪ ♪I believe everything is meant for the best♪ ♪Be brave, I voice my dream♪

♪Be confident, I stand en pointe to touch the sky♪ ♪Stars are coming shining on my way♪ ♪The future will come into my open arms♪ ♪Do not wait for fate to knock on my door♪ ♪Youth is the time♪ ♪When we embrace splendors unknown♪ ♪The future will come into my open arms♪ ♪Never fear failures♪

♪I will grace the world♪ ♪With my presence♪ [Just Dance] [Episode 2] [Passion alone is not enough!] [Half a year later, Mengyi, Yunnan] Dad! Look. I’ve been accepted. [Haicheng Dance Academy] [Admission Notice] This is amazing! I knew my daughter was the best. I’ll cook you a feast. Grilled mushrooms. Let’s celebrate.

Wonderful! You passed the test! [“Night Fog and Ballet”] I have taken your passport. Stop thinking about running away from home again. Mom. Do you really not want to dance anymore? I don’t know. I don’t want you to make any decisions out of impulse that you might regret. When you graduate from the academy

And tell me that you still don’t wish to dance, then I won’t force you anymore. But now, you must stick to dancing. That’s your only choice. Got it. [Haicheng Dance Academy Department of Ballet Admission List] [Ballet, Shi Xiaochun, Female] Shi Xiaochun. We’ll be meeting again. [Welcome to Haicheng Dance Academy]

Let me help you. New student? Sign your attendance. – Do I sign here? – Would you like to register? [New Students Registration] Register here for new students! Okay. Thank you. Hey, Hong. Yes, I’m registering at the entrance. Yes, I’m heading in after that. Don’t worry. I’ll see you later. Bye!

I’d like to register as a new student. Your name? – Shi Xiaochun. – Ling Chen. Slow down. One by one. What a small world. We meet again. It’s okay. Did you have fun in Kenya? Thanks to you, I visited the place in my dreams. Isn’t that better? It’s economical and affordable.

Here’s your form. – Thank you. – Thank you. I’ll get going first. See you around. We better not. – Here. – Thank you. Next. Freshmen can come here to register. Petty. [Dorm 301] Hong! Little Peacock. Oh my! It’s really you. What kind of miraculous fate is this?

We were together for the Art College Entrance Exam and now we’re in the same dorm. Since we are bound by destiny, from now on, we are buddies that share a dorm. Right. This is another girl that will be sharing our dorm. She is Han Duoduo from the Department of Classical Dance.

Nice to meet you. I’m Han Duoduo. You can call me Duoduo. Nice to meet you. I’m Shi Xiaochun. You can call me Xiaochun. Just be casual. Call her Little Peacock. What’s that smell? Are the dormitories this terrible nowadays? Madam, you can leave the things here. Okay. Such a hard wooden bed.

How can you girls with soft skin live here? What kind of plot is this? – I’ll ask your father to rent – Super rich mom. – a big place nearby for all of you. – Ballet Princess’s Schooldays. Each of you can have your own room. It will still feel like a dormitory.

Really. It’s alright, Mom. It’s easier for me to practice here. Quickly put down the things. Ask the driver to send you home. I’m being serious. I’m not joking. – Mom. – I’ll have your dad talk to the school. Go on, Madam. I wasn’t kidding. Little Peacock. The Good-for-nothing League has gathered again.

This year’s good-for-nothings are quite something. Hey, don’t block the door. Let’s go. Time for class. [Class Begin] Alright. Let’s begin our class. [Basic Ballet Training Class] Let me stress again what I demand from all of you. All of you must deliver. Number one, I don’t care where you previously took classes from,

What achievements you have, what awards you have won, or how good you are. Starting from your first day here at Haicheng Dance Academy, you are back at square one. You will learn from the basics and follow the standards of Haicheng Dance Academy. Number two, ballet is an elegant high art.

Blasphemy is absolutely not allowed. I want all of you to stay sharp for every single class. The school will hold a performance for new students so that freshmen get a chance to show themselves. If any student is interested, go and register with the department secretary.

[Plie: Ballet Terminology, To Bend] Prepare for the first combination, Plie. Can we have the music, please? [Department of Ballet] Hold. Heel to the floor. Hand off the barre. Sixty seconds. Open your arms. Where’s your center of gravity? Okay. Back to first position. Face the front. Shi Xiaochun. For the arabesque,

The whole class did quite well. You were the only one who didn’t. So please step forward and do an arabesque on your own. Sixty seconds. Go. Center of gravity. Knees. Point your toes, Shi Xiaochun. Why is Little Peacock so stiff as if she is square dancing? Are you still in high school?

Do you still need me to teach you classroom discipline? [Class End] If Shi Xiaochun fails to do an arabesque today, then we won’t be ending the class. Ms. Yu. I think Shi Xiaochun is lacking in her basic skills. Perhaps let her do it for 30 seconds first,

Then let her practice on her own. Are Haicheng Dance Academy’s standards just for display, then? Ms. Yu, I can do it. One minute it is. Fifty-nine. Fifty-eight. Fifty-seven. Fifty-six. Fifty-five. Fifty-four. Ten. Fifty-three. Nine. – Fifty-two. – Eight. Fifty-one. Five. Four. Three. Two. Can’t she stop? One. Exactly. Alright. That’s all for today.

Class dismissed. – Goodbye, Ms. Yu. – Goodbye, Ms. Yu. – Let’s go. – Come on. – Hurry. – We’re going to be late. Xiaochun. You got this. Are you okay? Keep it up. Doing it once for one minute doesn’t mean a thing. You made the whole class late for being stubborn.

What a strong sense of collectivity you’ve got. Ignore them. I’ll help you to class. [Ballet Repertory Class] Tell me. I want to know why you were late. Sir, it was my fault. They weren’t allowed to leave because of me. Okay. Noted. All of you, do 30 burpees. Mr. Lin.

It was Shi Xiaochun’s mistake. Why is everyone being punished? It’s unfair. It was my fault, Mr. Lin. Let me do it alone. I said all of you must do it. Give me 60. Enough with the muttering, or I’ll double it again. Do you know why I’m punishing you all?

This is a repertory class. If you are not united, how can you do a repertory? In my class, you are a collective. If you face difficulties, all of you share the burden. Instead, you are fighting and targeting each other at the start of a semester. So I should obviously punish you all. Sir.

I’d like to apologize to everyone for my mistake today. I will work harder in the future to not become a bother. Good. Everyone, give me 60 burpees. Go. Alright. On your feet. Listen up. For today, go back and choreograph a variation yourself. About one minute. It can be any style.

Include whatever you’re good at. I want to see your potential in choreographing. Practice well. Hong. – It will be your teachers’ and peers’ – A solo! – first impression of you. – I can finally redeem myself. By the way, Shi Xiaochun. You don’t have to do the assignment yet. Why not, Mr. Lin?

You are still lacking in basic skills. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Master your basic skills first. I will evaluate your basic skills in the next class. But I… Alright. Let’s begin our class for real. Peacock Shi. Aren’t you eating a bit too much? Why do you care? It’s not your food. Hong Jiaoyang.

You two are really birds of a feather. What now? Only guys get to eat a lot? How am I going to have the energy to do my assignment if I don’t eat more? Little Peacock. The teachers only did so for your own good. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Let’s practice hard

And overtake them from behind! Oh, please. Overtake who? Prince Ling or Princess Yu? It’s just basic skills. I, Shi Xiaochun, can do it for sure. Perfect! I knew this practice room would be empty. I’m such a smart kid. You frightened me. Why didn’t you say a word when you came in?

Your legs are weak. Your core is unstable. And your fingers are stiff. You can’t even do a proper basic first arabesque. Are you sure you learned to dance? Are my basic skills really that bad? Fine. Perhaps it’s true that I am slightly lacking. I was just stating the truth. You are right.

That’s why I came to practice. Practicing is good. But please go somewhere else to practice. This is my practice room. You are bothering me. What? I said, this is my practice room. Please leave. The practice rooms are for all to use. What gives you the right to claim this room?

Are you leaving or not? I’m not leaving. Fine. I advise you to stop trying. I have never seen anyone make basic ballet moves look like calisthenics. Excuse me? Calisthenics? Fine. I don’t deserve to use the prince’s practice room. Okay? You’re not that great anyway. Shi Xiaochun! [Female Dormitory] What a bother!

My blood is boiling. What’s happened? I don’t know. Go ask her. Xiaochun, what’s the matter? It’s all because of that nasty Ling Chen. I’ll get back at him one day! Where did you get this? Just leave it. I’m really annoyed right now. This won’t do. Those who act rashly are devils. I am still a kind, gentle, and cute little peacock. I should handle it properly, right? You can’t even dance well. How can you possibly fix the door lock? If you’re that good, have a dance battle with me. Do you dare? Coward. [Ballet “Carmen”] Manman.

You can do this solo dance for the Freshmen Performance. But you still need to work more on some movements to refine them. Alright. Thank you, Ms. Yu. On that note, why didn’t you discuss with Ling Chen to work on a pas de deux? I have mentioned it to him.

I was thinking of doing “Carmen” for the Freshmen Performance. I’m sure it will be amazing. But he doesn’t seem to be in a good condition lately. It’s like he resists dancing. I’ll try talking to him. Manman. Let’s go. Don’t bother them. I was pretty good, wasn’t I? Do you admit that I’m good now? You’re still not good enough to challenge me with those poor skills of yours. Practice your basics first. I’m leaving. ♪The wind brushes against your face♪ By the way, fix the lock before you go.

Just you wait! I will become the one with the most solid basic skills in class. ♪I cry out♪ ♪What will happen to you when you disappear?♪ ♪You wobble♪ ♪You keep falling back♪ What do you think of Shi Xiaochun? She is a piece of raw jade that still needs to be polished.

I want her to partner with Ling Chen for the Freshmen Performance. What’s the matter? Why do you suddenly want to change partners for Ling Chen? A new environment calls for a change. The kids are still young. They don’t necessarily have to fix a partner right now. Ling Chen has traveled around

To perform with me since he was a young kid. Everyone is tired of watching him pairing up with Yu Manman. Think of it as a change for the audiences. I get it. Ling Chen hasn’t been himself while dancing lately. Am I right? Shi Xiaochun has what Ling Chen lacks.

It is passion. The passion for dance. You are hoping that Ling Chen can find his passion for dance through Shi Xiaochun. Am I right? Ling Chen can also help Shi Xiaochun. It’s a win-win. Don’t you get it? I didn’t say it wasn’t. Relax. Help me talk to Shi Xiaochun about this.

What’s in it for me? How dare you negotiate with me? A full Chinese calligraphy set and a brush holder. No more. Deal! Xiaochun. Getting chosen for the Freshmen Performance is a good thing. On top of that, you get to partner with Ling Chen. Why do you seem unhappy about it? Little Peacock.

Are you afraid that you can’t handle this important task and will embarrass yourself? Keep quiet if you don’t have nice things to say. Eat your skewers. Can you be more gentle? – Have some. – What’s up with Hong? She didn’t reply to my messages. Hong? She disappeared as soon as class ended.

I don’t know where she went. Hey, dad. Hey, Rascal. I miss you. What are you doing? I’m having skewers with my friends. Skewers? Getting along with your peers. Is everything going well? Yes. I even got chosen to be in the Freshmen Performance. Way to go! That’s my good girl. How’s the preparation?

When is the performance? It’s okay, I guess. I’m not sure. You silly pumpkin. A clever peacock will work hard to spread its feathers so that others can notice their beauty. Since the teacher has chosen you, that means they have noticed your potential. Practice hard. Don’t let them down. Don’t worry, Dad.

I will become your pride. Great. I have faith in you. You got this! Okay. Get back to your work. Bye-bye! Was it your dad? I miss home. Little Peacock, have some confidence. Even though Ling Chen dances with a lot of skills, he’s too typical. He’s just like…

He is like a dancing robot with no emotions. But you’re different. You are a living ballet mascot. Dance well. Don’t let him bully you. Are you sure you were complimenting me? Hong. Hong is here. You three ate first without waiting for me. You finally made it.

Pan Pan will finish the skewers if you get here any later. No, I wasn’t. Good-for-nothing League’s first meeting in school can’t be held without me. Come on. Cheers! – Cheers! – Cheers! What’s the matter? I have signed you up for the Freshmen Performance to perform “Carmen”. I don’t want to.

You will be partnering with Shi Xiaochun. What? She doesn’t even have basic skills. You are letting her perform? She doesn’t have a solid foundation. That’s because she didn’t have proper training as a child. But she has passion for dance. If you can partner up with her,

I’m sure she can inspire you to dance. Can you please stop using people as a tool? I didn’t come here to discuss this with you. I understand that you feel lost. But you can’t lock yourself up again. You must snap out of it now. I have put your name in.

Whether you want it or not, you still have to dance. I’m sorry. Are you okay? I’m fine. Let’s try it again. Okay. Three, two, one. Are you okay? How about this? Let’s make some changes to this movement. No. We mustn’t change the rules just because of my incompetence.

Isn’t it always that way for you? Let’s try it again. Are you sure? Okay. One, two, three! ♪Never loose my hold even when I fall♪ Again. Use your waist. Okay. One, two, three. [Department of Ballet] ♪Be brave, I voice my dream♪ Again. This is the last time. One, two, three!

♪The future will come into my open arms♪ ♪Do not wait for fate to knock on my door♪ I’m sorry. I want to try… That’s enough. The most important thing for a pas de deux is the cooperation and rapport between partners. Some techniques can’t be performed just by practicing.

You need to have solid basic skills. Do you know that? One more thing. Your biggest problem now is the strength of your core and waist. If this problem isn’t solved, even if I lift you a thousand times with all my might, you still won’t be able to do it. If you ask me,

I say we should call it off. No. Give me another chance. I will continue to work hard. Some things can’t be achieved with passion alone. But if you don’t have passion, you can’t achieve anything. Ling Chen, I will prove myself. Manman. Have you seen my training wear that was hung on the balcony?

I have. Where is it? – The trashcan. – Trashcan? You threw it away? You didn’t keep it or wring it dry. The color had faded when I got back. It made a mess on the balcony. Why do you want to keep this junk? For New Year?

Still, you didn’t have to throw it away. You could have told me. Told you? You took my spot for the Freshmen Performance. You took my spot beside Ling Chen. Did you tell me? Ling Chen and I grew up together. We were deemed the perfect partners.

No one is qualified enough to stand beside him. Not to mention you. Yu Manman. Don’t be rude. It was Ms. Yu and Mr. Lin’s decision to partner Ling Chen with Xiaochun. If you don’t like it, take it up with them. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Come on. Let’s go somewhere to relax.

Where? You’ll know when we get there. Ms. Yu. Why did you want Ling Chen to do “Carmen” with Xiaochun? I’m supposed to be his partner. Manman, calm down. I have my reasons. You and Ling Chen have been partners for a long time. But switching partners once in a while might bring you surprises.

But I did all the previous pas de deux with Ling Chen. Ling Chen has agreed to it. He did? Yes. Your previous show also happened to be a solo. I have already slotted you in. It won’t affect your performance. Hi, Boss! Hello. The usual. Come on. Thank you. Hong.

Do you come here often? This is where I usually work part-time. I usually come here after class. I normally perform here too. Perform? The people here love music and dance. You’ve been so stressed lately. So I brought you here to relax. Come on! Zhang Bo, settle the bill!

So? Do you feel more relaxed now? That was so relaxing. I’ve gotten rid of all my unhappy thoughts. Hong. I’ve realized that ballroom dancing really exercises your waist. Ballroom dancing isn’t like ballet where it’s always very structured. A lot about it is improvised and free. That’s why I like ballroom dancing. Hong.

Whenever you come here to work next time, I’ll come and dance with you. This way, I can learn ballroom dancing and train my waist. Sure. Welcome Miss Shi Xiaochun from Yunnan to come and watch the performance! You’re welcome! ♪Like being trapped on a rainy day♪ ♪Like sinking deep underwater♪

♪The wind brushes against your face♪ ♪You haven’t danced since then♪ ♪I cry out♪ ♪What will happen to you when you disappear?♪ ♪You wobble♪ ♪You keep falling back♪ ♪Wait for me, I will save you♪ ♪Gently♪ ♪I hold you tight at the edge of the world♪

♪The stage awaits you no matter how long it takes♪ ♪Wait for me, I will save you♪ ♪Let the rain drench us♪ ♪Showering away your painful memories, I am by your side♪ ♪Your heart will heal up gradually♪ ♪A light is gleaming ahead, I see you there♪