BMSUB【Imipian Remaja 鸣龙少年 THE HOPE】EP02 Budak derhaka mengejar impiannya | YOUKU Malaysia

[Episode 2] [2014, Lengquan County] ♪Dong Yong kneels before the plaque♪ ♪With tears dropping♪ [Mourning] ♪I weep for my miserable father♪ Stop. Someone will say you’re unfilial. No one around. There’s a representative from the factory. He said he wanted to send a wreath. He’ll be here in half an hour. It’s time.

Let’s get started. Seal the coffin. Li Guanglin is returning to the mountain now. His family, friends, and neighbors. Look at the remains of the deceased. Sons and grandsons have tears in their eyes. Crying to see off their loved ones. Guanglin. Guanglin. [Mourning] Guanglin. Guanglin. Come here. Take one last look at your father.

[Irritable teenager] Do you realize where you are now? You went to the same school and read the same textbooks. But, some of you don’t have to do the work and win easily. Some people make multiple choice. No matter how to choose, it won’t be bad. And you.

You can only make a single choice. If you make a mistake, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Reality is sometimes like a dying sapling that hasn’t grown new leaves in 3 or 4 years. Everyone thinks it’s hopeless. But they don’t know that trees can play dead. See?

The skin is still fresh. The branches aren’t dry. The roots are white. The root bark is light red and close to the xylem. That means the tree isn’t really dead. Today, I’d like you to be my witnesses. In a moment, I’ll plant it there. I promise I’ll make it flourish.

If anyone doesn’t believe me, We can make a bet. You, hold this for me. Why would there be something as exciting as a college entrance exam? Because you need a major fair competition. This is also the most important fair competition of your life. When it comes to learning,

Some people can rely on luck, and some people rely on grit. Of course, You can also do nothing to get through the year. And then, in June of next year, score 300 or 400 points in the exam without much effort. In that case, remember, where you stand today is where you’ll be standing

Ten or twenty years from now or even for the rest of your lives. There are ten classes in senior year. Our new class will be called Class 11. It sounds like it is a needless burden. But it’s okay. From now on, I don’t care who you were before, how bad your grades are,

How far down the list you are, or how poor your family is. If you come to Class 11, [All students and faculty of MEHS] I’ll fight with you [welcome the new students] for the college entrance exam and Qingbei and reshuffle the cards of your life. Of course, the most important thing

Is my class is free. Qingbei? That’s a lie! Then, does anyone want to sign up? That’s a lie! Yes. How can that be? He’s bluffing. Someone really wants it? OK. Let’s give a round of applause to the first student to sign up. This is Steve Jobs in Longhai.

Sir, I need to go to the bathroom. Hold it for a while. I can’t, sir. I have a problem that makes me want to pee when I hear nonsense. Sir. I want to go to the bathroom too. I can’t hold it. Got a stomachache. Me either. Sir.

Is it corporal punishment if you don’t allow us to go to the bathroom? I want to go to the bathroom too. If you want to enroll, stay here and talk to Mr. Lei Ming personally. [Gao Jingjuan] Others can go back. [THE HOPE] Mr. Lei Ming. You’re looking for the office, right? Here.

That was a great speech you gave. I remember the last time I heard a speech like that was in front of the Dafafa Supermarket, where a salesman was selling magic mops. Have you ever thought that the so-called “get into Qingbei within a year” sounds like

The ultrasonic face washer that can make your face thin, the weight loss tea that makes you lose 20 pounds in a month, or the jade mattress that can fight cancer after a good night’s sleep? Where does your confidence come from? Have you ever worked in sales? Are you the assistant assigned to me?

Pretty neat here. My name is Sang Xia. I’m Principal Gao’s headteacher for Class 11 and your guidance counselor. This is my desk. Yours is in the back. I have a sense of “boundaries”. I’ll respect the territory that doesn’t belong to me and never infringe on it. I hope you do the same. So,

In the coming week, I hope we can cooperate. A week? It’s time. I have to eat. Mr. Lei. Mr. Lei. As your guidance counselor, I must tell you about your problem. You see? When they built this garden, they couldn’t decide how to build the road. The designer came up with a plan.

He opened the fence to let the students walk on their own. A month later, these paths were created. The path to the canteen was made by those who wanted to save time. The path to the peach grove on the left is a walking path created

By those who like to be close to nature. As for that place, that’s Mr. Rong’s key inspection corner. You know it. I’m saying all this because I want you to realize that your first problem is that you think the college entrance exam is the only way to change one’s fate.

Gone are the days when millions of people fought for college. Students now create their own paths with their feet. There are three paths in the garden. Outside the campus, all roads lead to Rome. Don’t you think so? Madam, I want them all. All of them. Ms. Sang. I know. All of them.

Four dishes. Very delicious. Ma’am, I’ll pay for the guy behind, too. – OK. – Thanks. And an egg. You really have a good appetite. – Wait for me. – I’m tired. The idea that you can only achieve something if you get into Qingbei is nonsense. The same goes for

“You can’t lose at the starting line”, “You can only succeed if you’re at the top”, and something like that. Everyone’s treating life like a race track and blindly scrambling for something, which makes it so competitive. But life is a marathon. It’s not about blind competition. It’s all about participation. Because life is life.

We just need to find a suitable position and choose something that suits us. Then… Done. Happy and harmonious. So I said in a future week, I hoped we could cooperate. First of all, I don’t believe in such nonsense as changing one’s destiny by the college entrance exam. And secondly,

Principal Gao has given us a deadline for enrollment. If we don’t get five guys within a week, Class 11 will be canceled. Of course, I will cherish this short-lived friendship. Your meal is 33.6. Transfer it to me on WeChat. There are three paths in the garden. Outside the campus,

All roads lead to Rome. You were… Listening to a crosstalk. I… And Ms. Sang. Compile a list of potential seniors for me. Focus on the bottom 100 in Longhai. Three criteria. Outstanding performance in a single subject, participation in competitions, and unusual fluctuation in grades. Mark the students who meet all three criteria.

About Steve Jobs in Longhai, give me all his transcripts for the past two years. But… You don’t know it yet. Principal Gao gave me a copy of your headteacher’s performance appraisal form. Whether you can have your own counseling room and go back to your previous job depends on this appraisal.

I’ll give that to you. And now I’ll give you 45.6. Use the extra money to buy me an Americano. Thank you. Twelve is not enough for an Americano. I’ve transferred the coupon to you. [E-coupon] [Seven days before registration closes] [Class 11 Office] [Six days before registration closes] [Class 11 Registration]

[Five days before registration closes] It’s been two days, and not a single applicant. What’s the point of compiling a list of potential students? Don’t worry, sir. This list of potential students is almost identical to Longhai’s priority list for psychological intervention. Do you think Lei Ming can handle something

That even a senior teacher can’t? [Self-study] [Physics] What’s wrong with you? My stomach hurts. I need to go to the restroom. Hold it in. Don’t sleep. Get up! [Li Ran] [Cheng Yushan] You can read my mind, Ms. Sang. I’ve got my eye on these two, too.

[Li Ran] (Li Ran, the one you want,) [Registration] only have to pay normal tuition fees. A teenager with this experience is particularly psychologically defensive. Just say grades. Check it yourself. [Used Digital Electronics Market] – Li Ran? – Dou. Li Ran. Come here. Come on, take a look. Take a look at this. I can’t adjust the volume. It shuts off automatically when you do it. Done. See you, Mr. Liu. Thank you. The inner screen is broken. Need to be replaced.

I’ll give you a discount. 470. 470? It’s too expensive. I’m not trying to inflate the price. They have a similar price. I’m sorry, ma’am. The cable of the screen is loose. 30 at most. Sorry, ma’am. It’s just a broken cable. Fix it. [Used Electronics Market] Lu. You’re great. Your extra money tonight

Is more than Wu’s commission, isn’t it? Why isn’t Wu here again? Didn’t you tell me you wanted to do it alone? I’m not kidding. If you don’t rent my store, I’ll really rent it to someone else. With your ability, you’ll be a big shot in a few years after you become a boss.

I heard it’ll be demolished soon. Demolished? It’s been rumored for years. I have so many stores here. I know best whether they’ll be demolished or not. Five years ago, they said they’d demolish it. Then I got this place. What do you think? It’s much cheaper than there. Kid.

I’m doing you a favor today because I hope one day you’ll do the same for me when you’ve made it big. OK. Lu, I’ll transfer it to you later. You have my card number. When you’re done, send me a message. OK. Stop hiding. Tired of following me all night? Come on out.

I’m not hiding. I just need to buy a cell phone case. Where is he? Who? My protégé. He’s the con man from the commencement ceremony. Renting a store to fix cell phones is your life plan? In my opinion, it’s no better than joining Class 11.

If you need to fix your phone, scan the code to pay. Come and get it in an hour. Look. I’m running a business, but you’re making it worse. It’s not appropriate. I’ve seen your transcripts. There’s the Dihao Wood Flooring Progress Scholarship at your campus. 1,000 for every 100 places you improve.

Your grades are so bad, but you always get that. A hundred places back, then a hundred places forward. It’s very regular. You get paid every time. I must say you do have a business mind. What’s wrong with me earning with my ability? Listen to me carefully. The college entrance exam is not

The most important exam in my life. The most important exam was over when I was born. This isn’t a school, so I’m not obliged to listen to your nonsense. If you don’t need your phone repaired, just leave. Did you transfer the money? I mean the money for the store.

It’s none of your business. Don’t get me wrong, Li Ran. At first, I tried to be reasonable and emotional to you. But after I came here, I saw that your business is doing well. I admire people with clear goals and actions. This is a good store. With your brains,

You’re sure to do well. Let’s go, Ms. Sang. Good luck with your business. What’s wrong? Nothing. I’m a little inflamed. Let’s go. Next. Don’t worry. Nobody would join us anyway. You know what, Ms. Sang? Ignorance sometimes has two derivatives. Blindness and arrogance. He made something,

Which could have been figured out with a little time and thought, too complicated. What do you mean? It means he’ll be in. Would it kill you to get it straight? And a bowl of wonton, right? Coming! In a minute. Sir. Exclusive recruit also has exams. She doesn’t want to go to school now.

Compared to the college entrance exams, vocational single recruitment is less competitive and has a wider range of employment choices. Wonton is done! Please. Watch it. It’s hot. Your wonton, Feng. We take this matter very seriously now. The coordinated development of vocational and general education is the trend of the future.

We’ve interviewed many parents recently. Many of them are very supportive of this. Have some water. – Thank you – We’re supportive. Definitely. But it’s up to her. Listen to me. High school is enough for her. We are not that patriarchal Chick. Chow. A good marriage is enough. One of my distant nieces

Is a few years older than Yushan. Working as an air hostess. She met a big boss. Now her life is so… Four of bamboo. I think Yushan is quite pretty. There’s a chance. That’s right. It’ll be good If she can get married, I don’t expect her to be so lucky. She will be.

By the way. If you and Cheng Yushan agree, please sign this letter of intent. OK. I’ll have Yushan bring it to you when it’s signed. Mom, I’m hungry. Oh, dear. Come on. Just eat it. We’ll eat once we heat up the soup. Are you tired? Go upstairs and rest for a while.

Come on. I bought your favorite roast chicken. That’s not right. It is wrong. What’s wrong? Take a look. Somebody helped you claim a title. You’re always like this. Stop, please. Be calm. Take a look. Somebody helped him claim a title. What the… Don’t play it if you can’t afford it.

– Cheng Yushan. – Somebody helped him claim a title. Cheng Yushan. [Not the toilet!!!] Cheng Yushan. Mom. – Cheng Yushan. – Mom. – Coming. – My roast chicken. Cheng Yushan. Come out and help with the calculation. Mom. Yushan will do it. Yushan? That’s good. Quiet. Self-drawn, one suit, two complete sequences, seven tiles.

Draw the sparrow, tiles one and nine, all center pieces. Seven small pairs, seven points. Pure one suit, seven points. Two complete sequences, fourteen points. Draw the sparrow, all center pieces, multiplied by four. Twenty-eight points, multiplied by four. Total of one hundred and twelve points. [Cheng Yushan] Cheng Yushan.

[Multiply by Three] Classmates call her “Multiply by Three.” She also benefited from the school enrollment subsidy policy. She’s a local resident. When she was six, her mom remarried the owner of this chess room and had a younger brother in the first year of marriage. That boy is now in Mingying’s middle school.

I don’t have his WeChat. Her grades are poor, but she’s good at math. A half-brother. Did she get punished for early love? Does a pretty girl’s bad grades have to be because of early love? Is it because you’re a scumbag that you haven’t married in your 30s? I’ve checked their psychological census

In their first year of high school. Cheng Yushan and Li Ran both have Grade-2 warnings. We need to focus on them. You’re looking for the wrong person. They won’t even consider the vocational program, let alone the college entrance exam. That’s right. What she needs is not any vocational thing but Class 11.

Lei Ming, you’re still the same. If the class is canceled because of lack of numbers, don’t go back on your words. That is what I will do. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Mom. Mom. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Sir. Please stop. I’ve overslept. You’ve been robbing? What’s all this? It’s so heavy. Good stuff.

Sir. I won’t sign up. I don’t have time. I’m not here for that, but chatting. Don’t be nervous. Just a while. I don’t have time now. Is that where you live? Isn’t it noisy? I’m used to it. I can’t sleep without noise.

So you’re trying to get out of here on someone else’s dime. Are you threatening me with this? What is that? Your parents don’t know, do they? But it doesn’t matter if they do. They even use the letter of intent the teacher gave them [Development Intent Letter] as a teapot mat.

How can they care about your after-school life? – Chow. – Pong. What are you trying to say? You could get the last question right. Why did you leave others blank? What’s the point of getting it all right? What’s the point of going to college? Will I be financially independent by then?

So you want to be financially independent by finding a boyfriend? – Chow. – Pong. You know each other before? Cheng Yushan. With your limited social experience, when you cast a wide net, how possible is it to find a nice single man who’s willing to take responsibility for you? Not so much, right?

Even if you’re extremely lucky to find a suitable boyfriend, education, financial and family gaps, and your lost youth will all be destabilizing factors in your marriage. People who think they can save themselves with a wedding ring are stupid. They forget that the ring can also force them to work for their spouse

And children. Working hard for no pay. For you, marrying isn’t a fresh start but a second cycle. You’re so good at math, so you can calculate which has a higher probability of changing your fate by getting married or getting into Qingbei. – Chow. – Pong. Indeed not so much.

But it won’t be long. You can have a self-drawn, but why always Chow and Pong? The others can only use the small cards to help you win. You have a talent for math, so your science scores will improve quickly. It’s like having over 300 points in your pocket. It’s like

You’ve been dealt the same color cards. You just need to aim for that one color and throw out the cards of other colors. Gong. Win after gong. I won. Even if I got other’s help. I’m lucky. Thank you. Sir. Are you in class or playing mahjong? I haven’t had a pong all night.

I quit. Bo is here. Bo? Bo is here. What have you brought? Some meat for Yushan. You’re at such an age, but you’re still so thin. Right. Yushan. Didn’t your mom ask you to watch the store? Why are you playing mahjong? They’re teachers. Teachers? Teachers are here? Why didn’t you say earlier? Go.

Bring some fruit. Go. Yushan is always like this. Don’t bother. We’re just here to talk to her about Qingbei. Qingbei? I’m sorry. I need to use the restroom. So… Go to the second floor. That is clean. OK. If you sell that one unopened on the Internet, you can make a lot. This one.

We’ll keep it for ourselves. And. This toy. Give it to Mrs. Zhao. Grandma. Can you stop picking up their garbage? You’re a nanny. Don’t talk nonsense. They gave them to me. They’re cleaning up today. I haven’t gotten a lot of stuff back yet. They gave them to you? But it is expired.

So what? Experts say eating expired food can boost your immune system. I’ve eaten moldy groundnuts before. But I’m still alive and well. It’s perfect for you. I don’t wear their old shoes. Old shoes? I bought them on the way. At the Happy Bridge. It’s a yard sale with foreign junk.

You can ask them. It cost me 180. 180? Yushan, we’re leaving. OK. See you. Yushan, that table is on me. Yushan, note this. We’ll settle the bill next time. OK. That was a pity just now. I could have won. But I was waiting for you. Xuan. Ask your sister to have dinner.

You go. Don’t worry about her. She’ll come up when she’s finished. Where’s my soup? Miss. Miss. Let’s eat together. I’ve already eaten. Thanks. Cheng Yushan. Let’s make a deal. As long as you join Class 11, one year later, regardless of whether you get into Qingbei or not, I’ll cover your living expenses

For the first three months in any city in China. Don’t you want to escape from this family? Trust me. This is the most cost-effective way of trying. Grandma, what do you think about me starting a small business instead of going to college? Shut up. Don’t think about those meaningless things.

If you do this, I’ll go to your father right now. Just joking. Just joking. Jobs Digital Repair Shop. Jobs? Specialized in repairing cell phones, computers and game consoles. Kid. The business has grown. I’m not a student. I’m a young entrepreneur. [Tongda Printing] Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. God.

Stop it. Who are you guys? What are you doing? What are you doing? – Ran – Wanna fight? Ran. Let go! Let go! Stop. Ran. Don’t make me do it! Who are you? No. – I’ll call the police. – All right. Hurry up and clean up. Stop. Kid.

It’s no use calling the police. Look at this. We’re doing this legally. This place is off-limits. There’s nothing I can do. It’s being scrutinized. The fire escape is always in danger. I’ve been pushing you for days. But we’ve paid for it. I’ll refund it. I didn’t say I won’t.

I’ll even give you the deposit. When will you refund it? When will you refund it? I will. You think I don’t want to make money? I can’t help it. The Electronic World is even worse now. All the illegal structures are being demolished. Clear out the stuff. Move it! Return the money.

Return the money. Stop calling. The contractors have already left. Did you transfer the money? Return the money. You also paid them? My friends. We don’t care about anything now. We have to get the money back today. Go! Go! Go! Please. Please save him! Please save him, sir. Guanglin. Guanglin. Guanglin. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. ♪I can’t catch it, I can’t run away♪ ♪I’m lost♪ ♪I’m lost♪ ♪I’m lost♪ ♪I’m lost♪ ♪I’m lost♪ ♪His loneliness♪ [Police station. Reception room] Next time, he’ll be in juvenile prison. He doesn’t have a mom.

His mom left with someone else two years ago. Right? Guanglin can’t do anything while he’s lying in bed. She’s taken care of him for two years. It was good enough. His mom is out of her mind. So is her son. Don’t you know? Let go! What are you doing? Let go! Let go!

Let go! When you get to Xingzhou, this will be your next life. You must forget about your last life. After this, we won’t pick life but will be picked by life. You must learn to bow your head, admit your mistakes, work hard, and be patient. And everything will begin again.

♪I’m going to float through the fog♪ ♪The wind blows, and the fog becomes a map♪ ♪I’m lost♪ ♪I’m lost♪ [Public security] ♪I’m lost♪ Li Ran. Your bag. ♪I’m lost♪ ♪His loneliness♪ ♪Is dancing♪ ♪In the dead of the night♪ ♪He’s waiting for the sun to rise♪ ♪I’m lost♪ Li Ran.

You lost that test when you were born. But it wasn’t your fault. You can treat the college entrance exam as a make-up test. I won’t let you lose. ♪His feet♪ ♪Are dancing♪ ♪I won’t lose♪ ♪The heart is a kingdom♪ I thought you didn’t live at home. Why are you here so late tonight?

I’ve got some things to do. Wait a minute. Hello, Mr. Shen. [THE HOPE] ♪Every hour♪ ♪I feel the thunder roaring tapping♪ ♪On my shoulder♪ ♪Find the power♪ ♪Meet the challenges face-to-face♪ ♪We have each other♪ ♪Maybe♪ ♪This is not the life you want for♪ ♪But don’t give up♪ ♪We have tomorrow♪ ♪Someday♪

♪We will earn♪ ♪the prize we fight for♪ ♪Every setback♪ ♪Says that I’m the fighter♪ ♪Dry your tears♪ ♪Tame your fears♪ ♪What doesn’t kill us♪ ♪Make us strong♪ ♪Show the world♪ ♪Power♪ ♪Brighter than the sun♪ ♪Burning like a star♪ ♪Free to love and run♪ ♪Because we’re so young♪ ♪There’s someone loving you♪

♪Just for who you are♪ ♪Let thunders roar♪ ♪Brighter than the sun♪ ♪Burning like a star♪ ♪Free to love and run♪ ♪Because we’re so young♪ ♪There’s someone loving you♪ ♪Just for who you are♪ ♪Let thunders roar♪ ♪In your heart♪