Aku takkan biarkan sesiapa buli kamu! [Tak Dapat Tersorok] Hidden Love | YOUKU Malaysia
Why am I so looking forward to a person’s appearance? Sang, can you describe the guy to us? Handsome and smart. In brief, he’s charming. Handsome and charming. [Adapted from Jinjiang Literature City’s novel “Hidden Love” by Zhu Yi.] I think he likes me a little. I like you very much. You’re so lucky.
Not every crush ends up being reciprocated. But do you know about his family? Do you know his father is a murderer? Duan Jiaxu! Given the state of your family, you might as well break up. Out of everyone, you pursue my sister. Where is your conscience? Sorry, bro. Why did you hit him?
Why couldn’t I? Just because I like him. But what did Duan Jiaxu do wrong? Am I really no longer young? Why are my parents gone? As long as I am here, I won’t let anyone bully Duan Jiaxu. Please believe you are actually good. Can you be with me forever?
[Time cannot hide true love] Now I see I was never running alone. He was running toward me all this time. [Hugs will heal each other.] Didn’t you tell me when all the bad things are gone, what remains is good. [Zhao Lusi] [Chen Zheyuan] [Victor Ma] [Zeng Li] [Terry Chiu] So, are you ready?
[Hidden Love] [Exclusive on YOUKU, premiere on June 20th.]