BMSUB【Jabatan Penguatkuasaan 执行法官】EP17: Hakim Berjuang Demi Keadilan Rakyat | YOUKU Malaysia

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 17] Five kilograms of tomatoes. Five kilograms of cucumbers. Five bundles of shallots. And Sichuan pepper, star anise, cinnamon, and bay leaf. What else do we need? I think that’s all. Right? We have cinnamon. Buy what you need. Dad, Mom, I’m back. Fang Qiang, you came back just in time. Come with me to grocery shopping. I can’t carry it all. You should buy more. We’ll get a large freezer. That way, we don’t have to go grocery shopping as often. What’s wrong with you? If we can’t eat it, it’s wasted. Moreover, how do we get it to the shop? Dad, we can do it. We can carry anything. We have a pickup truck. What truck? F150 Raptor. It’s a great truck. Truck. Do you know the F150 Raptor? How about this? Come see the truck with me. By the way, I’ll drive you around. Let’s go. No, wait. I have a question. Where did you get the truck? It’s my friend’s. I borrowed it. Son, didn’t you learn your lesson? The last time you borrowed your friend’s car, they almost smashed our shop. Now, you borrowed another car. Do you want them to smash our home? I’ve just recovered. Do you want me to do a heart bypass? Give the car back now. Mom, I know you don’t like me. How about this? How about I rent a house? Out of sight, out of mind. Fang Qiang. Fang Qiang. You rarely come back. Can’t you have dinner at home? We’ll make good food. Wouldn’t it be nice for us to have dinner together? You eat. Where are you going? I’m going to return the car. Fang Qiang. Fang Qiang. Runyu, don’t be upset. Don’t be upset. Don’t be upset. He’s my nightmare. Forget it. Don’t be upset. Don’t be upset. Mr. Chen, here we are. It doesn’t look nice. Is the owner here? I’m here. You must be Mr. Chen and Mr. Li, right? Yes. Mr. Huang invited us to dinner. My cousin has arranged everything. Let me introduce myself. I’m Huang Yaozong. I am his cousin. Please go to the private room. Please make yourself at home. I got the dishes ready. I’ll introduce you to the dishes. This is our specialty. Changsheng ginger duck. It benefits qi and blood. It tastes great. A bowl of ginger duck a day keeps you in good health. Enjoy yourselves. Call me if you need me. Thank you. Mr. Chen, I’ll taste it for you. Who’s that? Hello, Mrs. Ma. You are… Long time no see. Don’t you remember me? Hong. Yes, I’m Qin Hong. Hong. You’re a lot prettier. Thank you. Come in. OK. Have a seat. Hong, how long have you been back home? I’ve been back for a few months. I was too busy to visit you. I’m just an old lady. You don’t have to visit me. I’m glad you’re here. In retrospect, you and Wenjun got along well. Mrs. Ma, I’m sorry. I was young and thoughtless. It’s water under the bridge. Don’t mention it. Have some tea. Thank you, Mrs. Ma. How are you doing abroad? I was married and had three kids. How many? Three. Two sons and a daughter. Oh, my! You have two sons and a daughter. Did you bring them back? I didn’t. I got divorced. You are divorced? The divorce court awarded custody to the children’s father. Why? Didn’t you get custody of any of your children? The court abroad thought I couldn’t support them because I didn’t have a job. So, their father got the custody. I see. You are amazing. You have three kids. Mom, here I come. Wenjun. Look who’s here. Who’s that? Wenjun. Qin Hong. What brought you here? I’ve missed her so much since I met you the other day. So, I wanted to visit her. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to disturb you. I am sorry. No worries. Thank you for visiting my mom. You may leave if you don’t have anything else. I will call you later. OK. Mrs. Ma. I have to go. No. Mrs. Ma. Sit down. Wenjun. How can you talk like that? She’s here to visit me. She’s my guest. You shouldn’t drive her away. You are mean. Hong. I remember when you were a kid, you loved braised bamboo shoots. I happened to buy some fresh bamboo shoots. I’ll cook it for you. Mom, she has something to do. – You… – Mrs. Ma. I have something to do. I’ll leave you alone. See you. I will walk you out. – What…? – Mrs. Ma, see you. See you. See you. Take care. Wenjun. I know she dumped you to go abroad. But she came a long way to visit me. And she brought some gifts. It was rude of you to treat her that way. No. Mom, I’m not that petty. It’s just that she’s a businesswoman. The nature of my job is too sensitive. Then, send her gifts back. You always talk about your job. It’s like everyone in the world will ask you for help. It was you who pursued her first. I think you had a better eye than you do now. You know, Hong has three kids, two sons and a daughter. Let’s go. Huang Yaozu won’t come. Owner, can we have the bill? You’ve eaten well so fast. Aren’t you waiting for my cousin? We have something to do. We’ll leave now. All right. Mr. Chen, let me add up the bill. Let me see the bill. OK. It’s 3,850 yuan in total. My cousin asked me to give you a big discount. You can pay me 2,800 yuan. We only ordered a duck and some vegetarian dishes. If you can’t pay your bill, you can leave. I’ll ask my cousin for money. It’s all right. Did I say I won’t pay you? I will pay you. But I want to know the price. Why is the duck so expensive? How much for 500 grams? Mr. Li, we make authentic Changsheng ginger duck. My ducks drink mountain spring water and eat imported feed. The Landes geese used for French foie gras eat the same feed as my ducks do. I take the ducks for a walk of 30,000 steps in the back mountains every day. And I prepare an extra meal for them after we are back. Such as earthworms and reishi powder. It’s natural and green without additives. In the kitchen, we traditionally cook them. The seasoning is made according to a secret family recipe. It took me three days and three nights to make the broth. Think about it. I didn’t include the cost of labor and utilities. Is 2,800 yuan expensive? You’re taking advantage of it. Do I look silly? Mr. Li, don’t get me wrong. Let’s pay the bill. We don’t issue invoices. Scan this. OK. Thank you, Mr. Li. What are you doing? Why are you paying the bill? No. Mr. Chen, I’m sorry. How can you ask Mr. Chen to pay the bill? Yaozu, Mr. Chen asked to pay the bill. I told him he didn’t have to pay. Moreover, you’re not rich. You can’t… You let Mr. Chen pay because he asked to, right? – Give the money back. – Then… What did I tell you? Did I say I would pay? Mr. Chen, I am sorry. He’s my cousin. He has no knowledge and has a low EQ. Let me explain it to you. I was helping my kid with his homework. I was absorbed in it. We agreed to have dinner together. But it ended up like this. You must not have eaten well. Bring up some dishes. Get some fruit and tea. Get it for Mr. Chen. – Mr. Huang. – You must not have eaten well. Mr. Huang. The duck that walked 30,000 steps around the back mountain is delicious. Right? It’s worth the price. I have something to do at the office. I have to go. I am sorry for that. I’ll walk you out. – I am sorry. – Please stay. I am sorry, Mr. Chen. Please stay. How did this happen? Yaozong, that’s all I asked for. But you didn’t do it well. Yaozu, I sympathize with you. You should have got things done. All right. They’re gone, Yaozu. How much did they pay? They paid 2,800 yuan. We’ve only had one order in over six months. It can’t solve the problem. They paid the bill readily. It means we should ask for more money. If they come again, put another 1,000 yuan on the bill. OK. The developers are rich. We will rip them off. They developed it and left. What did they leave us? Transfer the money to me. OK. Yaozu, are we dividing the money according to what we said before? What else? We each get half the money. Who locked my car? Who locked my car? Sir, it’s me. Why you again? I’m a parking attendant. Did I park in the wrong place? It’s in the parking spot. Don’t get me wrong. Parking is not allowed in the marked area. How dare you lock my car? I’m telling you. Mr. Huang invited us here. Do you understand? I understand. I treat all people who park illegally the same way. I’ll lock your car, even if you are Mr. Huang’s guest. How much is it? Fifty yuan for illegal parking. Thirty yuan to open the lock. And ten yuan for parking. It’s 90 yuan in total. Pay him, Mr. Li. It’s just a few thousand yuan. We’ve learned our lessons. Badlands breed bad people. The villagers are all bad. Now you know why it didn’t work the first two times. The meeting was called for by Director General Zhou Lei of your Enforcement Department. The reason is simple. At the summary meeting of our court the other day, we praised some units, like the Criminal Division, the 1st Civil Division, the 3rd Civil Division, and so on. But we didn’t praise the Enforcement Department. Director General Zhou was not happy about that. So, he gave his advice to the court’s Party Leadership Group. So, President Tang took us to the 2nd Enforcement Division. Vice President Ma, you can’t say that. I didn’t give advice to the court’s Party Leadership Group. Here’s what I think. You didn’t praise the Enforcement Department. Were there any deficiencies in our work? I’d like to ask the leaders to give us suggestions. We’ll correct the deficiencies and strive for greater progress. This is what I think. I got you wrong. Speaking of deficiencies, I have something to say. I know the judges of the 2nd Enforcement Division work hard. But you went after the lender without permission and hit him. It’s the fact, right? During the execution, you had a confrontation with plainclothes officers indiscriminately. And you ended up in the police station. It’s the fact, right? In Li Ren’s case, you investigated the horse ranch at night without permission. In Lin Mengqiu’s case, you investigated the campus loan without permission. Those are the facts, right? To complete the execution, you didn’t care about the means or the consequences. All you think about is the clearance rate, not the complaint rate. If President Tang doesn’t take care of you, your complaint rate is the highest in our court every time. When I have a meeting in the city, the leaders from the Procuratorate and the Public Security Bureau joke that our Court Enforcement Department will take care of all their business. No, Vice President Ma. We find problems to improve. He has criticized you. Now, I’ll praise you. Let me talk about your achievements. After we implemented the rotation system and Judge Qi Lin went to the 2nd Enforcement Division, the case enforcement rate significantly increased. In Zhang Jianguo’s case, the applicant and judgment debtor sent a banner to us together. Is it the first time in our court? It’s the second time. In 2008, in Gong Da’s inheritance case, which Director General Zhou Lei executed, the applicant and judgment debtor sent a banner to us together. It’s a coincidence. Vice President Ma, you still remember it. I remember everything about you. Praise or criticism, that’s not our purpose. The court’s Party Leadership Group cares about the rotation system the most. We leaders have said a lot. Let’s listen to those who work on the frontline. Judge Qi Lin, you’ve been working at the 2nd Enforcement Division for a while. What are your thoughts? I was a judge at the Criminal Division. I judged cases every day. I used to believe that as long as you are based on facts, take the law as the criterion, strictly abide by the laws and regulations, and act according to the provisions of the law, you are a competent and good judge. After I came to the 2nd Enforcement Division, my perception changed a bit. I think the legal judgment is only literary legal justice. If we want factual justice in judgment, which is the visible, tangible, and real material result, we still have a long way to go. This is what an enforcement judge is for. Now I know why people say that enforcement is the last kilometer of legal justice. I really appreciate Judge Qi Lin’s emotional speech. Chief Judge Chu Yun, Judge Qi Lin has been working at the Enforcement Department for a while. What are your thoughts? President Tang, your sudden question caught me off guard. Judge Qi Lin has done a lot since he came to the 2nd Enforcement Division. And we have achieved a lot. The case enforcement rate has significantly increased. But I don’t think that’s the most important thing. What is the most important? I think the most important thing is Judge Qi Lin’s way of enforcing the law. In his execution of cases, his greatest difference is that he is not dogmatic or strictly sticks to the articles. No matter how difficult and complex the case is, he is willing to investigate and learn more. He is willing to listen to the opinions of the applicant and the judgment debtor. He can always come up with special solutions. The truth is that he works harder than we do, walks more than we do, thinks more than we do, and considers more than we do. In him, I see the harmony of strict law enforcement and warm law enforcement. What Chief Judge Chu Yun saw, the leaders also saw. The High People’s Court will hold a forum on the experience of the rotation of young judges in Xinzhou. They asked our court to send people to share our experience. Vice President Ma, Director General Zhou, you will attend the forum. OK. Zhou Lei, that’s a compliment, right? Yes. You’re not going to give me any more advice, right? I don’t have anything to say. Let’s thank the court leaders for their concern and trust in our Enforcement Department. Aren’t you going to invest in the Changsheng Village? Why did we come to Antique Street? Do you want to buy some gifts? We’re here to buy a nail. A nail? Let’s go. It’s right ahead. Feel free to browse. I mainly sell woodcarvings. I have Dongyang woodcarvings, boxwood carvings, longan wood carvings, rosewood carvings, yellow rosewood carvings, and phoebe wood carvings. I don’t want any of that. What do you want? I heard you have Qinggang Huang’s woodcarvings. Miss, you are young. But you are an expert. Wait a second? Hong, didn’t you want to buy a nail? Why are you looking for woodcarvings? Do you want to buy a hammer, too? You will see. You keep me guessing. Check this out. It’s Huang Yuande’s masterpiece. He is the second-generation inheritor of Qinggang Huang’s woodcarvings. It’s Dhatarattha, one of the Four Heavenly Kings. It’s a Sanskrit name. Please take a closer look. I’m telling you. If you want to buy a set of four, it will cost at least 150,000 yuan. One hundred and fifty thousand? That’s too much. Of course. The other three pieces have been lost. It’s an orphan work. I’m the only one in Qinggang who has it. If you want it, give me 30,000 yuan. Thirty thousand yuan? That’s… Sir, Huang’s carvings are famous for their delicate texture and quaint color. But the carving of this piece is simple. As far as I know, Mr. Huang studied carving himself. He didn’t learn from a master. In woodcarving, his work is not very nice. You’re right. But this is the work of 30 years ago. I know. Sir, it’s not a work of 300 years ago. Give us a discount. I can’t. Sir, I’m here to buy it. How about this price? Ten thousand yuan? It’s too low. It’s not OK. Give me another 2,000 yuan. In cash. Deal. You’ve been to Changsheng Village, huh? There are many urban villages. Changsheng Village is the most interesting. Huang Yaozu, the village chief, looks straightforward, but he’s very calculating. And he makes decisions on the fly. I hope he didn’t give you a hard time. He didn’t. Mr. Huang is a good person. We just met. We’ll take our time. OK. Feel free to contact me if you need me. Division Director Shen, you handled the relocation of Qinggang No. 1 Middle School, right? Yes. The principal is Han Mo. What’s wrong? Can you ask him out for me? A cutting board costs you more than 10,000 yuan. And it’s heavy. Open the trunk. Come on. Wait. Give me. Step back. Are you crazy? You are off work. Don’t work overtime. I want to invite you to dinner. Me? Will you come? No problem. If you don’t have high requirements for eating, I will take you to my aunt’s to eat pig trotter rice. My uncle makes great roasted meat. Too bad you didn’t eat it last time. I don’t want to go there. Why? I’m afraid of your aunt. I didn’t think of that. I’ll take you to a place. I’ve already made a reservation. My mom called me and asked you to come over for the weekend. It’s not good that you haven’t come. We’ll have a simple meal. And we’ll have a quick chat and leave. Let me. OK, you take this. Let’s go. Don’t look around. Are you nervous? Kind of. Why? I didn’t expect you to come to this kind of place. You know, I’ve been here every once in a while since I was in graduate school. Gradually, I became friends with the owner. It’s been more than 10 years. When I’m in a bad mood or stressed, I come to talk to him. I come here for a few drinks occasionally on weekends. I think I am safe here. I can understand you. I ride to Qingyuan Mountain occasionally on weekends. I will overlook Qinggang from the top of the mountain. When the breeze blows, it’s very pleasant. Learning to be alone is a kind of maturity. Look. After your summary, it has reached a new level. Here. Drink a shot. I’ll drink water instead. Do you refuse to give me face? No. I need to drive you back. Shen Ting. Did the medicine you took last time work? I don’t feel better. Mom. It’s par for the course. Don’t be discouraged. I’ll stick to it. As long as you stick to it, it will work. Coming. Mom, who is making a visit so late? It’s an important guest. Coming. Are you Ms. Zhu Qingfen? Yes, I am. You must be Dr. Xu. Yes. Please come in. I am sorry. I was teaching interns at the hospital this afternoon. I was stuck in traffic on the way here. So, I am late. No worries. What an honor to have you here. Thank you in advance. Ms. Qin has explained everything to me. Where’s your daughter-in-law? There she is. I got a good doctor for you. He comes from a family that specializes in traditional Chinese medicine. He specializes in the treatment of infertility. He’s Dr. Xu. Dr. Xu. Dr. Xu. Say it. What? You didn’t invite me here to drink. You’re S M A R T. What? You’re smart. S M A R T. What can I say? Things have been heartbreaking lately. Yan Di’s matter and Lin Mengqiu’s matter are special. The two matters came together. Don’t think about it too much. I didn’t think much about it before. But now I do. After I thought about it, I realized it was because of you. Me? Yeah. Before you came to the 2nd Enforcement Division, strict and warm law enforcement was just a concept to me. It was just a slogan. But it’s different now. I admit you think more than I do in all cases. Stop. Don’t go any further. If I’m happy, I’ll jump to the ceiling. If it weren’t for the wine, I’d be embarrassed to say that. I’m afraid to think about it. I was pretty bad to you when you first got to the 2nd Enforcement Division. If you had left, I would have regretted it. Thank you for your recognition. Don’t just say "thank you." You need to do something. What should I do? Give your advice on what the 2nd Enforcement Division should do next. Largehead Atractylodes, 20 grams. Liquorice root, 16 grams. Why didn’t he let us listen? This is about respecting patient privacy. Poria… Why didn’t you tell me that you got a doctor? Twenty grams. You are a vice president. Do I have to report to you about family matters? No, Mom. I want Shen Ting to be mentally prepared. Dr. Xu is busy. He agreed to come because Qin Hong contacted him. Don’t make a fuss. Qin Hong contacted him? Yes. She cares about her more than you do. Dr. Xu, how about it? I am sorry. I have to tell you the truth. There is little hope of a cure for Ms. Shen’s illness. Little hope or no hope? Little hope. Based on the pulse and pathological analysis combined with her age and other factors, her chances of cure and pregnancy are very small. As long as there is a possibility of a cure, we will do whatever it takes. Dr. Xu, please do your best. I gave her a prescription. Let her take a course of it. Does she need moxibustion? Cupping, scraping, acupuncture, and bloodletting. We can do everything. No need. Let her take the medicine. She needs treatment. But she needs to convalesce more. She’s insufficiency of qi and blood. She has to convalesce. I have to go. Take care. This way. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Xu. No worries. Take care. I have two pieces of advice for you. First, put yourself in their shoes. Both applicants and judgment debtors are different individuals with feelings. First of all, you should know them well. Of course, you must respect judgments and legal documents. However, in execution, you should avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. A key opens a lock. There is no one-size-fits-all key. Second, be careful. It’s not easy to be fair. It’s harder to care about both applicants and judgment debtors, especially judgment debtors. In execution, it’s easy for us to look at them with color-tinted glasses. Some judgment debtors, such as my aunt, are honest all their lives. But all of a sudden, they encountered a thing. It’s hard for them to accept it in a short time. They will have a huge psychological gap. At this moment, we need to be patient and more careful. It would be best if we could provide a soft landing for the first-time judgment debtors. We should let them know when cooperating with law enforcement, the sky won’t fall, and the ground won’t sink. And they will get on with their lives. Put yourself in their shoes. Be careful. For your two pieces of advice, I’ll drink three shots. Wait. Could you put the glass down first? I want to intercede for Ouyang Lulu and Tian Jia. They violated the rules by acting without permission. But morally, I think you should praise them. They made mistakes, but they also did good things. It’s even. Could you let it go, Chief Judge Chu? If you agree, a piece of advice for a shot. You can just drink one shot. Thank you. Mom, it’s all my fault. I blame my body. I let you down. Don’t do sadfishing. You’re a Ma’s wife. You have to have a kid. I will spend the rest of my life pushing you to have a kid. Mom, don’t worry. I’ve got the prescription. I’ll go to Tong Ren Tang to fill the prescription. Is the medicine bitter? It’s not. I’m used to it. As long as it works, I’ll cooperate with you in any way. You are upset. I’m not. Mom, I’ll make it clear. For the Ma family to have children, I will agree even if Ma Wenjun wants to divorce me. Shen Ting, what are you talking about? I mean it. Mom, I have to go. Mom, what do you want? Why did you say that? I want a grandchild. Shen Ting. Shen Ting. She has never brought a man here. You’re the first one. What is the relationship between you? We are colleagues. You’re both judges. You have a lot in common. Do you have a girlfriend? No. What do your parents do? They are gone. Where did they go? I am an orphan. It was the wrong question to ask. Is there anyone else in your family? There is my aunt, my uncle, and my cousin. My aunt brought me up. You have simple social relationships. Boy, have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend? We’re busy at work. I don’t have time to think about that. My aunt often pushes me. Boy, you can’t let your aunt push you. You have to pay attention to it yourself. Tell me. What kind of girl do you like? I think Chu Yun is perfect for you. Uncle Nine, cut it out. Drink your wine. What’s your idea? I really hadn’t thought about it. Then think about it. Give me an answer next time. I can tell Chu Yun likes you. Don’t let her down. Uncle Nine’s greatest wish is to find me a boyfriend and marry me off as soon as possible. He didn’t scare you, did he? I’m all right. Come back. If you still sit there, I don’t know what he will say. Think about it. Excuse me. Thank you. Think about it. He’s funny. He’s from the Criminal Division? Yes. He’s seconded? Yes. He’s a rotation and will leave in a few months? Yes. Ms. Chu, People say that the court has a rule that two judges cannot fall in love. Right? There is no such rule. Good. Sis, what do you want to say? I think Qi Lin is good. He’s cute. I’ve looked into him. His conditions are right for you. Sis, can you not be so gossipy? You think everyone is right for me. Am I desperate to get married? You’re very desperate. You don’t pay attention to your own business. But your parents are anxious. I am telling you. I will take care of it for you. If you are shy, I will ask Qi Lin out. I will ask him out and talk to him. I will tell him that you love him. Don’t you do that! You will scare him. I finally met a man you like. I won’t let him go. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪