BMSUB【Jabatan Penguatkuasaan 执行法官】EP09: Hakim Berjuang Demi Keadilan Rakyat | YOUKU Malaysia

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 9] The case of Qi Lun Group’s acquisition of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory is of typical significance. Firstly, at the time of acquisition, the ownership of the property was quickly sorted out. Secondly, Qi Lun Group took the initiative to undertake and solve the problem of workers’ unpaid wages. The main area of development of the Morning Light Plaza is from Huanshan Road to Changsheng Village. In this area, there are a lot of old and small enterprises like Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. They are technologically backward, have high levels of triangular debt, and are subject to severe constraints on enterprise development. However, this successful acquisition by Qi Lun Group has served as a good example. The Morning Light Plaza project has been through ups and downs. But, from the city planning department to the construction department, as well as the real estate, financial, and business sectors in Qinggang, all hope that the project can be resumed as soon as possible. It is a landmark significance for the future development and construction of Qinggang. At the National People’s Congress, we made a promise to all citizens that the Morning Light Plaza project must be launched and built. However, the greater the urgency, we can’t rush it. The project’s development direction continues to be led by the government. We need to make full use of market instruments for development. Once the time is right, we’ll go to public tender. [Court] [Jinxiang Recycling Resources Limited] You guys are… Hello. We are the judges of the Enforcement Department of the People’s Court of Qinggang City. My name is Qi Lin. Can I help you? We’re here to find out about some information. Was the car on the scrap list delivered to your location? Yeah, this car rings a bell. In the past six months, we’ve only scrapped this one Maserati. It was a pretty bad crash. Where’s the car? I’ll have to check on that. Wait a minute. Okay, thanks. As I remember that car in the video didn’t seem too badly hit. Was there another accident while the car was being assessed for damage at the 4S shop? Ever heard of clone cars? Clone car? He can’t fool me about cars. I looked it up. We do have the car here, but it’s been dismantled. Can you show us? This way, please. There are a lot of loose parts and broken glass here, so be careful. Here. That many? There are a lot of cars coming in every day. This pink car, I’ve got one too. Careful. It’s just a little further on. The car’s been hit like this. Be careful! It’s dangerous here! Step aside. This is the dismantling area. The dismantled car looks like this. All that’s left is the engine. The engine’s over there. Come. This way. It’s all here. You all have the list in the group chat? Yes. Let’s look for it. Tianyi, you’re in charge of this area. Lulu, you’re in charge of the area in the front. Alright. Let’s go. [Court] Who’s there? Hello, we’re with the Qinggang Court’s Enforcement Department. Who are you looking for? I’m Judge Ye Xuan from Qinggang Court’s Enforcement Department. Does Sun Xinxin live here? Yes, he lives here. Xinxin! There’s a judge here to see you! Xinxin! He was just here making me some medicine. What’s going on? What’s happening here? Grandma, don’t worry. It’ll be fine. Sun Xinxin, stop right there! Stop! Sun Xinxin, don’t move! Stop running! Sun Xinxin! Stop right there! You’re a fast runner, aren’t you? Do you know why I’m looking for you? Then why are you running? You were chasing me. Of course I ran. Do you know Liu Zeguang? It’s not that big of a deal. Don’t scare your grandma. Will you cooperate? Take it easy. You’re looking for Xinxin. Is there something wrong? Did he do something wrong again? Don’t worry about it. We’re just here to check in with him. Judge. Xinxin is a good boy. He’s a filial boy. Grandma. Xinxin, where have you been? Did you do something wrong again? No, Grandma. The judges are here to ask about Guang. Don’t worry. Well, that’s good. Then you have to cooperate with them. Mr. Chen, Division Director Shen is here. Division Director Shen! Welcome. I’ve always wanted to invite you to my tea room. You’re under a lot of pressure at work. Come and relax. But I am always unable to get you to. Mayor Chu advised us to make friends with the entrepreneurs, but always keep our distance. It’s called the balance of affinity. I must be close to you then. You called me and told me you wanted to come. I’m over the moon. I’m here today to make the first stop. Let’s sit down and talk. This way, please. Recently, the city had a meeting. Mayor Chu especially praised Qi Lun Group. I took the liberty of giving Mayor Chu a detailed account of Qi Lun Group’s preparations for the Morning Light Plaza project. Mayor Chu is a leader who works to the end. That’s why he decided to visit your company in person. Really? I checked with the city hall office. It’s scheduled for Thursday. What do we need to do to prepare? I was afraid you’d be prepared. I guess you know about Mayor Chu. He’s a leader from the grassroots. He’s known for his integrity. Wherever he goes, he never accepts invitations for meals and drinks. He’ll leave when he’s done with his work. So when he comes to visit your company, don’t give him anything. Remember that. Look. The leaders are so supportive of our work. You can’t keep us from expressing ourselves, right? That would be rude and insensitive. Mr. Li. I’d like to remind you specifically. Never put that business tactic on Mayor Chu. Or a present will just become an embarrassment. Division Director Shen. Mr. Li. Do as Division Director Shen says. Have some tea. It’s here, Judge Qi! Have you found it? That’s the engine. Let’s double-check. Say it. M156C322680 No, the numbers are wrong. It should be 322689. Is the fifth place a C? It’s a D. Zhang Tianyi. Put the light at the number. Could you be making a mistake? Didn’t he just say that there was only one Maserati in the last six months? It’s got to be this one. Liu Zeguang is pretty good at this. Substituting one thing with another. The engine is a Maserati M156C. It’s the high-power version. The original vehicle license was for the M156D, a low-power version. What does that mean? Can you make it clearer? This isn’t even the same car. Are you sure? Of course. Comrade. The court will seize this engine on the spot. Please co-operate. Liu Zeguang and I were high school classmates. He’s rich. After my parents divorced, neither of them wanted me. I have to live with my grandmother. He was quite generous with money before. Grandma’s medical care and medicine were actually all on him. But not in the past six months. [Recording] Says he’s cut off his father. Why are you renting him a house? He asked me to rent it for him. I even got him a new phone card. Said he was being chased and he was afraid he’d be discovered. Apart from renting and phone card, what else did you do for him? He parked a scrap car without a license plate in my backyard. He drove off after he hit the girl. What car was it? A white Maserati. Do you mean he’s got two white Maseratis? Yes. Do you know what a clone car is? He always liked to drive fast. He’s afraid of accidents, so he’s already prepared an exact replica of the car. Well, that’s where it comes in. And do you know where his white Maserati that hit a guy is? I don’t know about that. Think about it. What else have you done for him? I transferred money for him. How much is it? The lowest amount is 300 thousand. At the most, it’s over a million. To whom? Qian Da of Changxi Trading. Qian Da? What’s his job? Liu Zeguang said he’s in the jewelry business. He asked me to transfer the money to buy jewelry for his mother. But whether it’s true or not, I don’t know. Are you done? Either you detain me or you release me. You can only hold me for 24 hours at most. You know the law, huh? You even know you can’t be held for more than 24 hours. When they arrested you and read you the law, you said you didn’t understand. Pretended? There’s no use talking about it. I don’t have any money. I can’t pay. Where’s the car? Where’s the Maserati? I told you it was scrapped. It’s gone. Liu Zeguang. Do you know the seriousness of malicious transfer of property? I’m going to repeat it for you. After entry into force of a legal act, a person conceals, transfers, sells, or destroys property, making it impossible to execute the act, under the Criminal Code, he or she may be sentenced to up to three years’ imprisonment. And participation in gambling with a large amount of money is an additional offense. Think of the sentence you’ll get. Liu Zeguang. What’s the difference between Maserati’s M156C and M156D engines? There’s no difference. It’s just the power. Your Maserati’s engine is M156D, right? Liu Zeguang, you’re still young. If you’re already wrong, don’t make it worse. Tell me. Where’s that Maserati? [Court] Mr. Liu. Judge Qi. How did you find your way here? Your license plate is real. Unlike Liu Zeguang’s. He used a cloned plate. Is Liu Zeguang’s scrap car a clone car? That loser of a son. I don’t have much time. So, I won’t beat around the bush. We all know that you helped pay for Ren Xue’s operation. That means you’re not broke. But why don’t you want to help him pay the compensation now? I don’t want to talk about him now. Problems need to be solved. I’m afraid you can’t leave that out. Get down! Dad. Guang? What happened to your face? What are you doing? Who are you people? Did they do that to your face? Don’t misunderstand, Mr. Liu. His injury has nothing to do with us. Isn’t that right? Speak up! Yes. That’s true. He owed me some money. When he saw us, he got nervous, fell down, and became like this. Look. You’re lying! Hey, you. How much do you owe them, Guang? It’s just… Say it! I… Not much at all. One million. How could that be? Dad, will you stop asking questions? Give him the money already. Or he’s going to kill me. Dare he? What do you mean by that? Did we beat you up? When did we hit you? Wait, Mr. Liu. I’ve got some explaining to do. This is called a hit. What are you doing? This is called a bump. Stop it! I’m telling you. If you touch him again, I’ll call the police. Call them! Hurry up! I wonder who they’ll side with when the police are here. Mr. Liu, we have no choice. When in trouble with a deadbeat, you have to go to extraordinary steps. I can’t always be bullied by you rich people. I think it’s time to pay it back for your son. Such a pretty boy. What if he falls and breaks himself every day? That was five or six years ago. At that time, Guang was addicted to online gambling and got deeper into it. I was forced to pay off his millions in gambling debts. In the end, his mum sold the house to pay back for him. She even… She even took the wedding ring I bought her. As the old saying goes, a tiger, though cruel, will not devour its cubs. Guang is my own son. But I’m really out of options. I can’t help him. I’ve grown old in the last two years. I’m especially awake at night. I can’t sleep at all. My eyes are always open. Sleeping pills don’t work either. When I finally close my eyes, all I can see is Guang. There’s just one scene. I dreamt that Guang was being chased down the street, beaten up, and chased with a knife. Seriously. I’m really at my wit’s end, Judge Qi. I can only rely on the state, on you, on the court. Judge Qi. I’m begging you. Send Guang into prison. Sentence him to a few more years. Let him stay in there and be rehabilitated. The state will control him. The state will educate him. I’ll have peace of mind for the rest of my life. Parents really have it hard. Mr. Liu, I understand how you feel. But what you did is unacceptable to me. This is avoiding responsibilities. Avoiding responsibilities? What responsibility did I avoid, Judge Qi? I paid for Ren Xue’s operation first, right? Am I running away from my responsibilities? Let me be honest with you, Judge Qi. As long as you can get Guang in, I’ll pay the damages awarded by your court. I’m not talking about Liu Zeguang. I’m talking about you. You’re running away from your responsibilities as a father. Think about it, Mr. Liu. When did Liu Zeguang become like this? Was he born this way? Guang. Thinking about Guang, he was really a good boy. In those years, I was too busy to go home every day to start my own company, and he was a good boy. He had only one hobby. Playing video games. But who’d have thought that he’d get addicted to online gambling? Alright. This way, Mr. Liu. Let’s arrest Liu Zeguang and lock him up for a few years like you said. He’ll be out of sight, out of mind for you. But have you thought about the victim? Her treatment costs money. Consequent rehabilitation is even more costly. More importantly, the damage done to the victim’s family cannot be repaired with money. You can’t turn the conflict within your own family onto the victim. I hope you’ll reconsider carefully. Standing here, you can see the whole of Qinggang. It’s a great view. This is my office. This way. Mr. Chen’s office is very impressive. You flatter me. Mayor Chu, please have a seat. About Yongkang Factory, Qi Lun Group played a good role model. In particular, the issue of workers’ unpaid wages was properly resolved. I also hope that more companies can learn from your experience. No matter what, we must remember that people are the foundation of an enterprise. I’ll remember. Just a moment. It’s Mayor Chu’s first visit to the Qi Lun Group. This is a small gift from me. Let me introduce it to you. The bottom of this bottle contains soil from each of our districts. The earth of the mountains, and the sand of the sea. On the top, these are the seeds of our crops. There’s corn and rice. It seems that this little bottle contains the foundation of Qinggang. You’re absolutely right. I’m from Qinggang. It’s the soil of Qinggang that raised me. Over the years, the most solid support for the development of Qi Lun Group is the soil and water of Qinggang and the grain of Qinggang. That’s why I’ve made these souvenirs to remind myself to remember my beginnings and my love for Qinggang. To build up our hometown. Such a good intention, Mr. Chen. I’ll take the gift then. Thank you, Mayor Chu. Please have some tea. [Court] Maserati. Judge Qi. This is it. That’s Qian Da’s car. Shao Jun, follow me. Ye Xuan, call the police immediately. Zhang Tianyi, Tian Jia. The two of you take photos and evidence. When you’re done, call a tow truck and have the car impounded for the courthouse. Also, move our two cars to the entrance. Noted. Quickly. Move the car to the entrance! [Zifeng Pedestrian Street] [Changxi Trading Co., Ltd.] What’s that? He got it. Chong, someone’s here. What are you two doing? I’m looking for Qian Da, Mr. Qian. What for? To buy jewelry. Who introduced you? Sun Xinxin. Mr. Qian’s not here. Come back in an hour. Go. Alright. He’s probably in there. You stay here and keep watch. I’ll check the car park. Alright. Don’t worry. Chong, come here for a second. What’s the matter, Boss? Who were they? A customer who wants to buy jewelry. I’ve already sent them away. Let them come back in an hour. Who introduced me to them? Sun Xinxin. Who? Sun Xinxin. The minion of Liu Zeguang. Pack up. What’s wrong, Boss? Liu Zeguang has been arrested. How can he introduce any good people? Stop playing and pack your things! Stop playing and pack up! Pack everything up for me. Don’t miss a single one. To the back door. [Changxi Trading Co., Ltd.] Go. Let’s go. Where are you going, Mr. Qian? I was looking for you. What do you want from me? To buy jewelry. Find another day. Not another day. Let’s do it today. Who are you? Let me introduce myself. I’m Enforcement Department’s judge of the People’s Court of Qinggang City. My name is Qi Lin. These are my colleagues. Why did you start a fight? Stop! Don’t move! Come back! Stand there! Tianyi! Are you okay? I’m fine. – Don’t move! – Where’s the injury? Here. It hurts. It’s not broken, is it? The judges are in a fight? If word of this gets out, what will the other departments think of the Enforcement Department? Fight when we can’t enforce it? Go back and give them a meeting immediately. Anyone involved in the fight will write me a self-criticism. What’s going on here? Director General Zhou, don’t lose your temper. There’s a discrepancy. Discrepancy? Did they fight? Chu Yun, you’re their chief judge. If you leave them alone, they’ll make mistakes. It’s like this, Director General Zhou. They called the police as soon as they found Qian Da and the others. But before the police arrived, these people wanted to run away. And even the judicial policemen were with them. So, do you think they can just let these people get away? You can take a closer look at the Enforcement recorder. They told them who they were at first. Besides, they started it first. Am I talking to you about who started the fight, Chu Yun? We’re lucky that nobody’s hurt. If something goes wrong, it could be serious. We’re judges, not police. Back then, when Qi Lin was at the horse ranch, what was your attitude? Why have you changed now? If it’s the judge’s job, we’re not backing down. If it’s not a judge’s job, then we should never do it. And that little girl, Tian Jia. She’s not that tall. How could she be fighting them so fiercely? I’m telling you, if a chief judge like you keep protecting them like that, they’re going to be emboldened. You do some self-reflection and write a self-criticism. Alright, Director General Zhou. I’ll write a self-reflection. I’ll conduct a thorough self-evaluation. But I can write it on my own, right? Let the others be. Don’t bargain with me. Let’s think about it carefully. If Tian Jia hadn’t saved Qi Lin, he’d be in the hospital right now. If there are more opponents, how many of the 2nd Enforcement Division can come back safely? We’re the judges. We use this, not this. Ouch! It hurts! Easy! Go easy on me! Stop screaming. Ouch! It really hurts! Lulu! It’s okay. I know you’re hurting. Eat something tasty to make up for it. Sweets make people happy. Lulu. I feel like I’ve broken my bone. I think it’s better to go to the hospital and get an X-ray to be on the safe side. He’s fine. Zhang Tianyi. Let’s go over this. At the scene, At the very beginning, you were standing in front. But after the fight, I turned around and couldn’t find you. How did you get hurt? Judge Qi, this is what happened. At the beginning, I was on your right. Except for you, I’m the one at the front of the line. Just as the fight started, I heard a kick and my arm hit the ground. I heard a click then and there. I feel like I’ve really broken my bone. You can’t beat anyone. You can’t even help us. What are you doing messing around? You just had to stand in front of me and block me. I didn’t do it on purpose. Wait, Judge Qi. Let me ask you something. If I break my bone, can it count as a workplace injury if I was hit by my own people? I’m afraid not. Ouch! Lulu! Save me! Let me take an X-ray! Lulu! I can’t bear the pain! It really hurts! I was wrong! Ouch. Try screaming again! Since this Maserati was found, Liu Zeguang’s hiding and transferring of assets has been established. You guys have to hurry up with the follow-up. Liu Zeguang’s father, Liu Chuan, promised to pay compensation to Ren Xue today. What’s going on? Qi Lin went to see Liu Chuan once. I haven’t asked how it went. He called me and said Liu Chuan made an offer of compensation. He’s hoping to take some of the blame off Liu Zeguang’s actions. How’s Zhang Tianyi’s injury? Nothing serious. It’s just a bruise, a flesh wound. Your self-criticism must be thorough. I know. As for the others, just forget about it. That’s the last time. Thanks, Director General Zhou. Liu Zeguang evaded responsibility. His conscience was eaten by dogs. My daughter will never be able to dance again. Is a leg worth 900 grand? You won’t even pay for 900 grand, huh? Does he have any humanity left? The son’s mistake is the father’s fault. You have an unshirkable responsibility. Enough. Stop talking. You can stop bowing now. I accept everything you just said. It was my son who caused your family so much pain. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Go back. You’ve paid the damages awarded by the court. But I will never say thank you. Now we’re square. I know money can’t solve everything. But in addition to the court’s compensation, I promise if Ren Xue has any need in the future, come to me at any time. I’ll do what I can. That’s all bad debts. There’s no profit in it. But there’s a transaction of a two million equity transfer fee. What’s going on with this? At that time, Dong Ming persuaded a kid called Fang Qiang to let him buy ten percent shares of his equipment factory. Are you sure? Of course. He’s only made a profit on his lousy factory once. The two of them had a few fights after that. I don’t know exactly how it was resolved. But the shares should still remain in Fang Qiang’s hands. Can you find this Fang Qiang now? I think I have his WeChat. Wait. What do you want with him? There’s still value in the shares of this factory? Dong Ming has finally done one thing right. We have to get our shares back. It’s our ticket. Call him. No one’s answering. It’s okay. Call again later. We must find him somehow. [People’s Court of Qinggang City] Tian Jia, you’re such a good fighter. Why don’t you show anything at all? I didn’t get a chance to show it off. I can’t tell the world about it, right? When do we fight? I have to lay down the rules first. How about I let you have three punches first. No need for that. When did they bring Tian Jia there? Ten minutes ago. When you reported to Director General Zhou’s office, you said it was a martial arts meeting to learn from each other. I heard Judge Qi tell Shao Jun that defeat was not an option. The loser pays. How stingy Shao Jun is? Weren’t Tian Jia and you classmates? What’s her level? Runner-up in the women’s division of the province’s collegiate free-for-all. That strong? She’s usually pretty delicate. Delicate? Her? I’ve got bruises all over me from her. That’s too violent. I’ve never heard you say that before. I’m a man. Do you think I have the nerve to say it? Besides, if she won’t let me talk, I won’t dare. Tian Jia, come on! Are you okay? But I didn’t realize you were so experienced. But I’m warning you. You’re a judge. Use your head more and your fists less. Don’t be impulsive in the future. You’re protected by the judicial police. Come on, get up. I’ve lost this round. Let’s play two more rounds. Two out of three. Fine. Friendship first, competition second. Do not use your full force. Yeah. Let’s play it safe. Shao Jun. Your job is to protect the judges. Not knocking the judge to the ground. Let me explain. Tian Jia asked to challenge Shao Jun. End it now. Don’t let it interfere with your afternoon’s work. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪