BMSUB【Jabatan Penguatkuasaan 执行法官】EP06: Hakim Berjuang Demi Keadilan Rakyat | YOUKU Malaysia

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 6] This is a great supermarket. – It’s so cheap. – Yes, it is. – Pork is 20 a catty, – That’s right. but only 15 there. So there is… Really. This one is good too. Yes. – Yes. – It’s convenient. Ma’am. Excuse me. Where’s Building 13? Over there. Thank you. Who are you looking for? Zhang Jianguo. Who are you? We’re from the court. You’re finally here. We’ve been feeling nervous for Zhang. Last week, his son smashed the glass in his bedroom. And his daughter doesn’t let him fix it. Zhang’s been suffering between his son and his daughter. It’s pathetic. Yes, it is. His son used to be a good son and often bought many things for his dad, but I don’t know why he’s like this now. Come on, sit down. Sit down. Let me tell you more about it. OK. Thank you. This… Ma’am. We have work to do. We’ll talk to you later. Thank you. Why do you… – Wait a minute. – Sorry, Ma’am. See you. Talk to you next time. There was a lot going on. So… Judge Qi. Aren’t we here to investigate? Yes, we are. We’re here to investigate, not to chat with a lady. If you guys chat, you’ll probably talk till dark. And I have to buy you peanuts and melon seeds. The budget is not enough. But how big a grudge does it have to be for a son to take his own father to court? Every family has its own problems. Nobody can sort it out. We can. Just make it fair for both. The son is so heartless. Can Mr. Zhang stand living in a room like this every day? Zhang, open the door. I’m coming. I’m coming. Who’s there? Mr. Zhang, it’s me. Judge Qi. Come in. I’ve brought you two fish. It’s good for your health. Thank you. You’re welcome. Who is it? Judge Qi from the court. The judge? How are you? Show me your papers. There are a lot of crooks these days. My dad is soft-hearted and always gullible. I’m sorry. – I understand. – It’s okay. Please, have a seat. Mr. Zhang, when I was upstairs, I saw that one of your windows has no glass. What’s going on? That window… You’re finally here. His son smashed it. His son smashed his dad’s window and sued his dad in court. Is that human behavior? Can you do anything about it? Who are you? I’m his daughter, Zhang Qing. What do you do for a living? Nursing. Nursing? Specialize in taking care of my father. I see. Your father’s case has been decided and executed by the Civil Division, but lately, your father keeps going to the court to ask for a change of sentence, so we’re here to find out what’s going on. The most important thing is to find out what’s going on with Cordyceps. What’s going on with Cordyceps? It’s for my father’s life. Wait a second. Come on, look. Two grams of Cordyceps in this formula. [Cordyceps 2g. Paeonia lactiflora 25g] Two grams. Do you know how much that costs? Do you know how much medicine my father takes a month? Can you show us what kind of Cordyceps you’re taking? Our family is broke, so how can we have Cordyceps? So you’ll have to rescind the execution. Don’t worry. Can you show us the bags or purchase records of the Cordyceps you bought before? Do you keep plastic bags when you order takeout? Do you think I’m lying or I am a liar? Zhang. He thinks we’re a team. No, I didn’t mean that. – Then what do you mean? – We’re here to find out what’s going on. What did you find out? You’re acting like you’re interrogating me. We don’t need it. Get me another judge. Please leave. Qing, don’t be like this. Judge Qi, I’m sorry. You two go home, and I’ll get back to you another day, okay? Mr. Zhang. The weather forecast says it’s going to rain. You’d better seal up the window there. Seal up? Why are you meddling with what you should be meddling with? His son smashed it. I’ll leave it there to show the neighbors what it means to be a wretch. Why are you talking like that? We’re just trying to warn you to change the glass. What’s wrong with you? You don’t understand what I’m saying, do you? I don’t need your kindness. We need another judge, understand? Please leave. You think we want to be here? We’ve been helping you out. If you don’t want to come, then go. – What are you doing? Go. – Qing. Stop it. What’s wrong with her? What kind of person is that? I hate people like that. I don’t live off my parents even in a family like mine. How can she bear to take Mr. Zhang’s pension of 1,000 a month? Shame on her. Ouyang Lulu. If you still have the same attitude, I’ll ask you to quit. I’m just angry. Who are you? What’s your job? What are you doing here? We’re here to solve problems, not to create them. Before you went up there, you said we had to make it fair for both. Is it that easy to make it fair? I’ll use my family as an example. My aunt has been good to me since I was a kid, but Fang Qiang has always held a grudge. He still hates me and even blames my aunt. Nobody can settle a family chore. Did Zhang Qing’s attitude develop in a day or two? For so many years, their family has been like this. To solve their family’s problems, you have to let her talk first. With your attitude, how can we move forward with that case? You. Buy me two catties of green grapes. Why? Just do it. Mr. Yu. How many cards did you get today? Zero. How many rounds? Four or five. Being a lone wolf, Mr. Fang? Don’t talk nonsense. I have a card. I’ll definitely settle the bill. Look. You’re the kind of people who are rich and powerful. You can’t even talk properly when you’re rich. What’s the point of playing alone? Come here and take a break. Frankly, I’ve been looking for you these days. Why are you looking for me? You’re already rich. If you have a good job to do, Don’t forget me. You can’t make money alone. No, wait a minute. When did I get rich? Do you really not know or are you pretending? Qi Lun Group bought Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Didn’t you always tell me you had shares there? How did you know that Qi Lun Group bought the factory? I’ve been renting a few small warehouses next to the factory. A few days ago, they told me I couldn’t renew the lease. I asked around and found out that Qi Lun Group bought the equipment factory and the warehouses next to it. I’m a tenant. I don’t get any benefits, but you’re different. You have real shares in the equipment factory. But I surrendered my shares a long time ago. We haven’t signed yet, but I don’t have the money to buy it back. If you haven’t signed, good. After all, it’s just a matter of money. How about this? I’ll pay for you to buy back your ten percent. After we get the stake, we’ll sell it and split the dividends 50-50. Qiang. I’m telling you this with sincerity. Tell me the truth. How much did you pay for that share? For ten percent of the shares, two million. I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you half a million as a deposit. Let’s run it. When this is done, I’ll pay you the rest in one lump sum, okay? Mr. Zhang. It’s me again. I’m Qi Lin. Mr. Zhang, are you home? Mr. Zhang. Why are you here again? Can you just stop? I’m sorry. My colleague wasn’t very nice just now, so we wanted to apologize. When she was on her way out, she saw that you had green grapes on the table, and she thought that you must love them, so she bought some. I hope you can forgive her. Ms. Zhang Qing. I had a bad attitude just now. I apologize. I’m sorry. Come on in. Besides, Mr. Zhang. When I saw your window being like this downstairs, I was still unsure, so I took matters into my own hands. I’ve got the dimensions of this window from someone who has a house of the same type as yours. There happened to be a glass store at the main entrance, so I brought the repairman and the glass. They’ll install it for you. I’ve already paid for it. Judge Qi. You don’t have to do it, right? Don’t worry. Come on, Du. Come in. Go. Be careful. OK. Be careful, Mr. Zhang. Which room? The first one on the right. Come on, follow me. OK. Be careful. Sir. Be careful. Watch the corner. This is the place. Tell me. What do you mean? We really came to apologize. By buying some fruit and putting up a glass? If you really want to apologize, withdraw the execution. Unfreeze my dad’s paycheck. We’re on a thousand a month. How can we live on a thousand? A thousand is your father’s minimum living expense. There’s nothing for you. I’ve been taking care of him. Caregivers are paid, right? The minimum for a caregiver is 4,000 a month. But anyone can see that your father’s health is not so bad that he can’t take care of himself. Didn’t he go to court alone the last few times? Also, at the very least, it’s the duty of children to support their parents, right? I don’t have a job or any money. How can I support him? Then find a good job. If you find a decent job, your family will be better off than it is now. Find a job? How can I find a job when I’m taking care of my dad? You say that because you are not me. Listen to me. You need to get your facts straight. Your father’s case has been decided. There’s no need for us to come back. We’re here today just because we want to help your family out. I’ll be honest with you. I’ve met your brother Zhang Rui. It’s really not easy for him and your sister-in-law. They have to go to the seafood market at 3 AM. Their lives are hard, too. You have to sympathize with them. Is this your apology? After all, you still favor Zhang Rui. He’s had everything since we were kids. What did I get? He’s ruined my life. Tell him to buy a house and get the old man out of my house. Also, even if he buys a house, I’ll never forgive him. What are you doing? Zhang Rui smashed the glass. This is evidence of his guilt. If you dare to seal this glass today, I’ll dare to smash it. I’ll tell you what. What are you doing? Don’t touch it! Let go. – Leave me alone. – Let go. – Let go. – Don’t touch me! Let go. Don’t do this, Qing. You… Old man! You still think he’s your son? Take it easy. Let me talk to you. Don’t make me do this to you. This is the evidence. – Calm down. – Son? I’ll smash it. It’s the evidence. – It’s the evidence. – Stop it, Qing. Stop it. You still think he’s your son? Who am I? Judge. Are we still installing? Go to Zhang Rui. He smashed it. Stop it, Qing. Yes. [Lanxin Beauty Salon] Hello. Is Dong Ming here? Yes, in the manager’s office. The one at the end. Thank you. Who’s there? Fang Qiang. Come in. Ming. What are you doing here? To talk to you about something. I’ve refunded you your two million. OK. Sign this agreement to give up your equity. [Voluntary Equity Relinquishment Agreement] Ming. I’m not signing this agreement. I still want the ten percent shareholding. Do you think this is a supermarket? You think you can buy or not buy as you please? If you want it, give me the money, then you can have it. Ming, don’t worry. How about this? I’ll give you a deposit of 500,000, and you sign a receipt for me. Let’s finalize this agreement. I’ll pay you the rest as soon as possible. As soon as possible? How soon? One month, but I can give you the 500,000 deposit today. Transfer it. Take a look. [Transaction Alert: 500,000.00 Yuan] Sign this receipt. [Payee: Dong Ming] Chief Judge Chu. Hello, Chief Judge Chu. Hello, Chief Judge Chu. Ouyang Lulu, come in. Chief Judge Chu. Are you asking me about Mr. Zhang’s family? Judge Qi had to go to Mr. Zhang’s son, Zhang Rui, to find out what was going on. But this morning, Judge Qi and I went to Mr. Zhang’s house, so I know more or less and can report it to you. I won’t talk to you about that. Why did you drive that sports car to court again? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Porsche 718, blue color. The leaders have asked me several times whose car it is. It’s too flashy. Public officials should be aware of the consequences. Chief Judge Chu. Are they even interfering with my food, clothing, and transportation? I don’t get it. I bought this car myself. I didn’t steal it or rob it. Why can’t I drive it? Why can’t you drive it? Because you’re a judge. This is the Enforcement Department. Do you know how many people died because of a few tens of thousands? Think about it. If those applicants who have difficulty seeing a doctor or even eating see you driving such a luxury car, will they think you can sympathize with their difficulties, or will they trust you? I order you not to drive this car to court again from today. [SEA WORLD] Sir. How can I help you? I want to see Chen Qilun. Do you have an appointment? Just tell him Dong Ming is looking for him. OK. Please wait here. I’ll see if Mr. Chen is available. Sir, please have some water. Leave it here. So? Sorry, sir. Mr. Chen is in a meeting. Please wait a moment. I’ll tell you when he’s done. Okay, I’ll wait. Ma’am. Hi, Judge Qi. Looking for Zhang Rui? He’s cooking. I’ll get him for you. No. I have plenty of time. I can wait. Let’s wait until Rui is done. I heard your seafood congee is very popular. Actually, I’m here for the congee today. Okay, okay. Sit down. Sit over there. OK. Wait a minute. Honey. Judge Qi is here. Judge Qi is here. He’s sitting outside. I wanted to tell you, but he said no. I got it. OK. Be careful. OK. Sir. Sir, you can’t go in there. – Chen Qilun. – Sir. You can’t go in. Don’t touch me. Mr. Chen, I’m sorry. He broke in. Just go out. Aren’t you in a meeting? I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. Teleconference. It just ended. Please have a seat. Mr. Dong, why are you in such a hurry to see me? I’d like to talk to you. When Qi Lun Group came to buy my factory, your lawyer, Mr. Mu, offered me ten million. Do you think you were taking advantage of my position? Then I figured it out. These workers came to make trouble just when you were negotiating the takeover. What a coincidence! Mr. Dong, you must have misunderstood. I wouldn’t do such a thing. Yes, you are a conscientious entrepreneur. When I argued for a raise, you gave me 100,000 right away. I’ve been wanting to thank you, So I came here today. No need to thank me, but I’m happy to work with you. You’re indeed a big boss. Do you think I would say "You’re welcome"? It seems the Qi Lun Group had been working hard to buy my factory, but it was all behind the scenes. I can’t say without proof. But I know you must have set me up. Mr. Dong. There’s surveillance in my office. You have to be responsible for what you say. Of course I am. Mr. Chen. This is not over yet. Your pretense of being a good guy doesn’t work on me. Tell me. Why did you buy my factory? Nowadays, all people are working out. Fitness equipment is a hot item, so I want to buy your factory. Stop the nonsense. Don’t I know the quality and marketability of my products? Even I can’t sell them all these years. How can you sell them? You can’t sell because there were management problems and your equipment isn’t advanced enough. That’s why I’m going to invest another 20 million in a complete overhaul after I take over your factory. Nice lie. Just go on. Let me say it for you. In fact, you don’t want my factory at all. You’re interested in that land, aren’t you? Lately, people have been asking me about it. I’ve been thinking that something’s wrong. How should we do business? It should be comfortable for both of us, but right now, you’re comfortable while I’m not. If you make me uncomfortable, you’re forcing me to die with you. Indeed. You’re rich and powerful, so I can’t beat you, but I can go to the media. I think the last thing you want is for the news of the land’s appreciation to get out. Mr. Dong. Whether you are comfortable is your own business. Whether this land appreciates or not has nothing to do with you anymore. Because I signed the contract and paid the down payment. Even if you want to break the contract, as far as I know, you don’t have money, right? That may not be true. It’s not hard to cash in on this land, but I’d like to give Qi Lun Group another chance to renegotiate the contract. Another chance? Why? Because the ownership of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory is unclear. Ten percent of the shares are still in someone else’s hands. I asked my lawyer. He told me that because of this ten percent stake, the contract we signed was legally invalid. Mr. Dong. What do you want? I’ll take care of the ten percent stake, but the purchase price is 30 million. No bargaining. [Fresh every day] Li. No congee? I’ll take one. OK. Judge Qi. Thank you. No, I didn’t order this. Two more dishes, for free. Then I’ll pay for it later. – Please don’t. – Here’s the porridge. It’s hot! Be careful! It’s okay. Sit down. OK. I’ll do it. It’s okay. Eat while it’s hot. Our congee is really famous. Come on, try it. Looks good. It’s the real thing. Okay, that’s enough. Thank you. Judge Qi, come on. I’m sorry. I can’t drink this. Against the rules. I’ll drink. Do your jobs. OK. Thank you, ma’am. You’re welcome. How is it? Really nice. Listen. I’m a fake boss, but I’m a real cook. After all these years, the neighbors just love my food. I’ve kept you waiting. I’ll treat you to pig trotter rice someday. My aunt has a restaurant too. Her pig trotter rice is as good as yours. Really. You should try something different. I’ll try it when I get a chance. Come on. Thank you. I’ve been to see Zhang Qing. She’s very prejudiced against you. Can you tell me about it? How to say… I don’t know when we became enemies. Speaking of the beginning, it was about my mom. My mom loved me so much, so the congee-making skills have been passed down to me. What’s the key to this seafood congee? The congee should be clear and the seafood fresh. Remember. We seafood cooks must be patient and conscientious. Answer me. Am I your biological child or not? Qing, what’s wrong? Li Hongyan. Am I your biological child or not? What are you talking about? Qing, how can you talk to your mom like that? She’s not my mom. She’s your mom. None of your business if I talk to her. Zhang Qing, are you going crazy? Yes. She forces me to go crazy. How did I force you? Will you pay for my education? Yes, but only for a real school. Why don’t you go to the medical school you are admitted to? Why do you have to study film and TV acting? That’s my dream! Dream? I’ve never heard of a serious school charging 200,000 in sponsorship fees. It’s a waste of money. I won’t do it. So it’s all about money. You paid Zhang Rui 50,000 to rent a booth, so you can’t afford my tuition? I paid your brother 50,000 to rent a booth to support our family. Do you think it’s that easy to earn 200,000? Your brother, your father and I can’t make that much money all year round. I want 200,000. Will give it to me? No. From now on, you’re not my mom. From then until my mom died, Zhang Qing never said a word to my mom. She went to medical school then. After graduation, she was assigned to the No. 6 Hospital, but she didn’t even report to work and didn’t show up for a single day. My father and I tried to persuade her to go to work, but she wouldn’t. No matter what we said, it didn’t work. She even said she’d serve my dad at home and that it was the right profession. What the… And she also said that everything she was today was caused by our family, so we deserve to support her. It’s gotten worse since then. She doesn’t go out or see anyone. She loses her temper and breaks things every few days. What can we do? How old is Zhang Qing? 32. At her age, she hasn’t gotten married or even had a boyfriend? Judge Qi, you’ve seen her before. You know what she’s like, don’t you? Who dares to have a girlfriend like her? She even thinks it’s my fault that she can’t find a boyfriend. I’m really accommodating. I’ve accommodated everything. Just take this as an example. When our house was demolished, I didn’t take any money. Not only that, I paid for their current house. I think it’s fine. She lives with my father. I don’t have a problem with that. But what about her? Now she’s kicking my dad out to have the house to herself and telling me to buy my dad another one. Judge Qi. My money comes from my efforts. I had no choice before I took him to court. If Zhang Qing has a change in attitude, would you be willing to give her another chance? Judge Qi, I know Zhang Qing too well. She won’t change. They are father and daughter. Biological. No matter what, you’re family. But I gave up. I don’t want my effort to be killed by her coldness again. Let’s try one last time. Just give me a chance, okay? Mr. Chen. Mu Zifeng replied. What did he say? Someone named Fang Qiang does have the transfer contract of the ten percent share of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. I’m sorry, Mr. Chen. It’s my fault. I overlooked it. This has nothing to do with you. Dong Ming is right. The government won’t randomly develop a site with a disputed shareholding. It must be resolved as soon as possible. But Dong Ming was withholding information. We can sue him. It’s too time-consuming to file a lawsuit. Reach an agreement with Dong Ming as soon as possible. Tell Tiancheng Law Firm that they have to be blamed in this matter. Starting today, terminate all cooperation with them. Got it. How much is the balance for Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory? Seven million and one hundred thousand. We’ll transfer the money tomorrow as planned. Call it off. How could you make such a mistake? The shareholding issue has not been resolved. Party B didn’t sign the share transfer agreement. You didn’t realize until now? How did you do the due diligence? How much did your mistake cost Qi Lun Group? You’re a disappointment to me. That’s enough. You can yell at him after I’m gone. Just tell me how to fix it. Be quick. Mr. Li. Don’t be angry. I’ve studied it carefully. There’s really no information on Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory’s shareholding in the Market Supervision Department. That means they haven’t completed the shareholding change process. That is to say, Fang Qiang was never a real shareholder. Their share transfer agreement is invalid. Invalid? We need to prove it in court, right? Don’t you get it either? Qi Lun Group is a well-known company. The slightest whispers will cause speculation in the industry and even some people to make a fuss. If someone speculates on this matter and makes it a big deal, how much of a negative impact will it have on Qi Lun Group? I don’t want this to happen. The solution to this is simple. Just find Fang Qiang and ask him to sign the share return agreement. Is it that simple? Yes, it’s that simple. Mr. Li. I’m not excusing myself. I did make a mistake. There was negligence in my work. But Dong Ming is a questionable character and sets traps for people. I suspect that he is dissatisfied with the purchase price. The concealment of the Fang Qiang’s matter was probably intentional. Intentional? Yes. He’s done a lot of bad things in the past. Mr. Li, take a look at this. [Workers Wu Xingbing and Shi Guangxing] [reported that Dong Ming, owner of Yongkang Equipment Factory] [used low-quality steel to cause disability] [and threatened us with evil tactics] What goes around comes around. Sooner or later, he’ll get what’s coming to him. Forward it to me now. Mr. Li. No need to see me off. Do something. I’m sorry for the trouble. You’re disappointing. It’s hard for us to have a strategic cooperation with Qi Lun Group. If your mistake makes us lose this big client, how can I explain it to my partners? Think about the consequences. I may not be able to protect you by then. [People’s Court of Qinggang City] Chief Judge Chu, I have a report for you. According to the agreement of the last execution, Qi Lun Group should have paid the second installment yesterday, but they didn’t. I just went to the finance office to see Section Chief Li. We still haven’t received the money in our account. Did you call Qi Lun Group? Why haven’t they paid? I’ve been in touch with their CFO and called him several times, but no one ever answered. Okay, I get it. Anything else? Yes. According to the agreement, we should have paid the workers the rest of their wages this morning. The workers have called me several times to ask for it. I don’t know how to answer. Do your jobs. Okay. [Mu Zifeng] [Mu Zifeng] So, Lawyer Mu. Mr. Chen has figured out how to sign a contract with me, right? Anyway, no matter how we talk, my price will be higher than before. If you’re sincere, be quick. Send me the final payment. If you don’t solve the equity issue, no payment. Ten percent of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory is still in someone else’s hands, right? Yes. Any other outgoing shares? No. Actually, the ten percent stake is not that complicated. A man named Fang Qiang took a liking to my factory and bought ten percent of my shares for two million. Then he didn’t want it. I gave him his money back. I’ve been trying to get him to sign a relinquishment agreement, but I was always busy, so the paperwork never went through. But in the meantime, he regretted it and bought the shares from me again. What a coincidence! Who would have expected? The current shareholding problem is due to your delay and concealment, isn’t it? Don’t say that. He came to me with money twice. I had no reason to refuse. I think he’s more sincere than you. When you pushed me like that at my factory and pushed the price to ten million, you didn’t expect this, did you? If they had known the shareholding problem, Qi Lun Group would never have bought your factory. I suggest you settle the equity issue and come up with a more reasonable price. Lawyer Mu. I’ve cleared all the terms with Chen Qilun. We need a new contract. See you. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪