BMSUB【Bunga Mekar 花间令】EP02 Gadis “Jahat” Jodoh Dengan Majistret Daerah Demi Keadilan💕 YOUKU Malaysia

♪In the stormy night♪ ♪The dark hair of a charming woman is reflected in the flame of a candle♪ ♪Shrouded by year after year of memories♪ I can do nothing but feign indifference ♪Outlining your cheeks♪ ♪Together and apart, just like quicksand♪ ♪I’m meant to make peace with myself♪ ♪Rebuild or crumble♪

♪Drift away in the clouds♪ ♪Driving away♪ ♪Your dashing pretense♪ ♪A drunken dream♪ ♪A person I miss♪ ♪Of course I know if it’s real♪ ♪Even if you’re just by my side♪ ♪I want to hold on to you but I can only play dumb♪ [In Blossom] [Episode 2] [Li Mansion] Why is Mr. Pan here?

I don’t know. They’re from the Silver Rain Terrace. What is going on here? I don’t know either. This is terrible. You murderer. How dare you show up here. Ze. Today is the seventh day after Mr. Li’s death. Do behave yourself at the mourning hall. Yes, Mr. Pan.

I heard there is a funeral in the Silver Rain Terrace today. We should be kind to visitors regardless of grudges. Just look at how you treat your visitors. Mr. Li was a respectable figure. I have always admired him. So I’m here to pay my respects to him for the last time.

Mr. Chen, I seek for your approval on this. They’re visitors after all. We’ll spare her life for today. This way, please. Seriously, are you sure enough about this? A little bit. Mr. Li. It’s been several years, but we have met only once. You know well who’s behind your death.

You can tell me in my dream. I’ll definitely do something for you. Mr. Li. Are you talking? Alright. I’m all ears. Mr. Li has indeed had an unjust death. What did he say? He said the murderer is here, among these people. You are really here to cause a scene. Get this girl

As the sacrifice to Mr. Li! Stop it! [Memorial Tablet of Li Shanjiang] Sir. [Sun Zhen, the head of Silver Rain Terrace] I’m Sun Zhen, the head of Silver Rain Terrace. So, you’re the censorate, Pan Yue? Yes, I am. I’m glad you’re here in time. Otherwise, I’d be killed here today.

You swaggered all the way here just to make the person in charge of Silver Rain Terrace show up, no? In that case, let me make things clear. I’m here today to investigate the case of the murder of the Li family. The murderer is this ugly woman standing right next to you.

What else do you want to investigate? I heard dogs only bark when they are scared. Who are you calling a dog? The one who is scared. You… You’re the head of Silver Rain Terrace. I believe that you don’t think that this fragile lady is the real culprit of the tragedy.

This is just nonsense. Fine. You may perform the investigation. This way, please. Don’t you want to find out the truth? Pull yourself together. [Memorial Tablet of Li Lang] [Memorial Tablet of Li Shanjiang] [Memorial Tablet of Li’s wife, Zhao] What’s wrong? There’s no beef in her stomach. I found

The culprit who killed Mr. Li and his family, Xiazhong Grass. The murderer put it into the beef. Everyone in the Li family took it one after another. Having consumed the Xiazhong Grass, they felt severe pain in their internal organs. They couldn’t take the pain and lost their mind gradually.

Hence, one by one, they chose to commit suicide. The murderer hid a rattle drum and a mouse in the beams. The rumors about the rattle drum were used to convince others that these people were killed by a ghost. I suspected the murderer to be the foe of Silver Rain Terrace.

But when I examined the bodies last night, a group of masked men were trying to assassinate me. Unfortunately, I found this on them. Silver Rain Terrace wouldn’t have their assassins put on black clothes and masks for a mission. This means he has to keep his identity secret. And in the Silver Rain Terrace,

The one who has a direct interest-based relationship with Mr. Li is none other than… What do you mean? Sir, he’s slandering me. Mr. Li and I were like brothers. Why would I do such a treacherous thing? Mr. Chen. Don’t get so worked up yet. Before coming here, I’ve checked about you.

You have taken over from the late Mr. Li. After the funeral, you will be promoted to leader. Am I right? So what? Mr. Li was most concerned about our terrace when he was alive. I’m doing this to make sure Mr. Li can rest in peace as soon as possible. You’re so considerate.

This is really touching. If Mr. Li knew that some of his private residences had also been transferred under your name, I wonder if he could still rest in peace. Pan. Stop making false accusations. Show us your evidence. A few properties prove nothing. If you can’t find any evidence,

I don’t care who you are. I’ll kill you! I have the evidence. When hands are contaminated with the poison of Xiazhong Grass, they will turn black when they come in contact with water. Mr. Chen, do you dare do the test here and now? Who do you think you are?

Why should I listen to you? Do it now. Alright, then. What now? Do my hands turn black? What else do you have to say now? Mr. Chen. How do you get the scratches on your arm? What does it have to do with you? It’s because I said

Xiazhong Grass turns the hands black when it comes in contact with water. But I lied to you on purpose. The scratch on your arm is the evidence I’ve been looking for. Everyone, take a look at the maid’s nails. When I was examining the corpse just now,

I found that only her stomach doesn’t have beef. There’s no beef in her stomach. She was strangled to death from behind. And the killer made it look like she committed suicide. You bribed the maid to poison the beef, and you wanted to kill her after that. She struggled to death.

The scratches should be on the arm. The green and red inks from your skin found under her nails are unique to the Silver Rain Terrace. All of you must be very familiar with it. I don’t need to say much about it. Mr. Chen. You killed nine people of the Li family

And the evidence is clear now. You can no longer deny it. Did you try to fool me? If I’m dead, you can’t live either. Wait. What’s wrong with you? I’ve seen too many corpses dumped in the mass graves. Those people lived happily but died without dignity. I have thought

If I knew the time I would die, I must find a beautiful peach blossom forest in advance for the burial of my body. That forest looks quite good. Although there are only a few trees now, in another month, thousands of peach blossoms will be in full bloom, bright, and red like fire.

Pink peach blossoms will be all over the mountain. You are still the same as when you were a child, you still like peach blossoms. Yes, when I was a kid, I watched… Don’t need to cover it anymore, I already looked into it. Ten years ago, your father was convicted and exiled.

He encountered robbers on the road. Both of your parents died. You fled to Heyang and were adopted by Mr. Jiang. Eight years ago, you started working as Mr. Jiang’s assistant. Five years ago, Mr. Jiang’s madness was getting worse. He was dismissed from the county yamen.

You started working and moving bodies at the Coffin Home. And you’ve taken care of him until this day. Do you want me to continue? Why were you looking for me? I want you to be the real Yang Caiwei again. The engagement granted by the late emperor, we are related by marriage.

My second condition is I want to marry you. Miss Shangguan. You’ve pursued slim beauty too much and hurt the fundamentals. Let me carefully condition your body. I am willing to endure any pain for you. Pan. We are a match made in heaven. [Shangguan Zhi, Young Lady of Shangguan Family] [Shangguan Family Account Book]

Zhi. Why are you here? Shouldn’t you attend the tea class at this time? Look, the wind is blowing strong out here. And you are not wearing enough layers. You might catch a cold later. Yue has been missing for two days, I’m worried. Lan, I asked you to inquire about his whereabouts before,

Is there any news? Don’t worry. Someone has been sent to look for him. Shangguan family’s businesses are spread all over the world, there should be news soon. I heard that the Pan Mansion has been closed for the past two days. I know Yue showed his good interest in the princess

Because he wanted to make Pan Hui angry. Could it be that the princess believes it and wants to force him into a marriage? Don’t worry. Pan Yue only can force the others, but never the other way around. Mr. Shangguan, this is the latest news. What’s wrong? Is Yue… No.

There is a problem with our goods in Jiangnan. Alright, Zhi. Head back and get some rest first. If there is any news, I will inform you immediately. Sure. [Three days later, Pan Yue will marry this girl in Heyang] Zhi, keep calm. It must be more than meets the eye. I’ll surely… Zhi.

Don’t follow me! Dear! Mother! Caiwei. Caiwei. Run! Father! Go away! The Pan family doesn’t know you, little beggar. I am Yang Caiwei, the daughter of Yang Ji’an. I’m here for Pan Yue! [Pan Mansion] I’m here for Pan Yue! Pan Yue! Young Master wants me to tell you this.

You are now the daughter of a sinner. From now on, you will have nothing to do with the Pan family. No. I don’t believe it! Go away! Don’t come here again. Ten years ago, he anxiously cut ties with me. Why did he bring up the engagement now? Miss Yang.

Mr. Pan ordered me to come and fetch you. Where are you taking me? You’ll know when you’re there. [Sunrise Garden] Miss Yang. Miss Yang, please wait here. What do you think about getting married here? [Beautiful things complement each other] The prosperity of a new house. It is grand and gorgeous.

It’s just that this place is quite small. Mr. Pan, you are graceful and admired by many. The house will be full of guests by then. I’m afraid this place doesn’t have enough space for that. I didn’t know that you like crowded places now. As long as the bride likes it,

It doesn’t matter whether I like it or not. Our engagement is in the past. It can’t be counted anymore. Moreover, I’m ugly and of low status. We’re not a good match for sure. Mr. Pan, please cancel our engagement. Without our parents’ presence and a matchmaker to testify,

We can’t cancel our engagement just by talking about it. We can hire a matchmaker, then. Sure, we get married and you follow me back to the capital. Then, we can invite him to our wedding banquet. You… Caiwei. I’m late, and I’m sorry to have made you suffer. Mr. Pan. For me,

You’re just an old friend from childhood. There is nothing between us. So I’ve never suffered because of you. In short, I won’t marry you. I’m taking my leave. There may be nothing between us, but shouldn’t the conditions you agreed upon still count? Regarding the incident at the Silver Rain Terrace,

I do owe you a favor. I will repay you in the future. However, forcing a woman into a marriage, I think a virtuous gentleman like you would never do it. I’m not a gentleman. To achieve my purpose, I will do whatever it takes. Five days later,

It’s the wedding date we agreed on back then. Before then, I will definitely make you say yes to it. [Coffin Home] Master, eat slowly. I’m sorry for coming back late. You must be starving. It’s all Pan Yue’s fault. Since he came to Heyang, I’ve never lived a peaceful day. The murderer! The murderer!

The murderer! Master. The murderer! Master. – The murderer! – Master. Master. In any murder case, there must be a murderer. Yes, the murderer. In any murder case, there must be a murderer. We take our time looking for the murderer. In any murder case, there must be a murderer. Master, eat first. Okay?

We take our time looking for the murderer, okay? Eat first. In any murder case, there must be a murderer. Yes. There must be a murderer. Master’s madness… Murderer. Why is it becoming more severe? In any murder case, there must be a murderer.

On the 13th of every month, it’s easy to enter the Ghost Market. I almost forgot such an important thing. Where are you headed? I’ll give you a ride. Thank you for your kind offer, Mr. Pan. We’re not going the same way. I’m going to the Ghost Market to buy Spotted Spirit Snake.

Aren’t we going the same way? How did you know I was going to the Ghost Market? Are you spying on me? Considering our relationship, you shouldn’t use the word “spying”. I just want to know what you need so I can try my best to satisfy it.

You once said you would make me say yes, could it be that you want to use my master’s medicine as a coercion? Coercion? That’s harsh. Let’s go. Let’s go. Come on. Sure. I didn’t let you go in. – Get out! – What is this? Let’s go. Scram. Get out! Did you see it?

I heard that the Ghost Market bans noble people and officials. [Ghost Market] It’s true. So you’d better not go in. Considering your look, they will definitely recognize you. Then, things will get tricky. Why are you so afraid of me going in?

Is it because you’re afraid that if you spend too much time with me, you might want to say yes to my proposal? I’m really afraid. I’m afraid of the filth of the Ghost Market. If you ended up having an upset stomach and vomiting non-stop like you did back in the Li Mansion,

You’d just be causing me more trouble. You’re unbelievable. [Ghost Market] Since it is a place to do business, why did they bother coming up with this many mechanisms? This place was originally the lair of several powerful forces in Heyang. These mechanisms are to guard against the government. Since they are rich now,

They quit and started doing proper business. This place gradually became deserted, and it was taken over by those at the bottom, who turned it into a market where things are exchanged. Best poison. Guaranteed return and exchange if the poison can’t kill. Come and check this out. [Gambling coffin]

The latest coffin unearthed from the Tomb of King Nanyue, guaranteed profit. Listen to me, our goods are all top-notch. Interesting. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Looks like you’re at ease here. There is a saying in Heyang. “A good family background, enough money, a beautiful appearance. If you have either one of these,

You can be as happy as you like. Otherwise, come to the Ghost Market. Only the people here will treat you as a human being.” [Bone touching portrait] Please take a look. I haven’t had any deals in days. My family members are still waiting for me to bring food to the table.

Mr. Pan, since you’ve observed the sufferings of the people, shouldn’t you be generous? I see, you do know how to be generous with others’ money. However, I should listen to my future wife. Please have a seat, sir. You are blind. How do you draw? Sir.

It is more difficult to draw bones than portraits or tigers, and I am good at drawing by touching the bones. I draw the feeling, but not the form. Please have a seat, sir. How strange. This is clearly the unique skeleton of a person with a good appearance. Well, why are you here? Sir,

Please start painting. My apologies if it makes you uncomfortable, miss. It seems you two are truly a match made in heaven. But the scar on this lady’s face… It’s nothing. It was from a childhood tragedy, a cut from a knife. Gentleman and lady, please remain still. Don’t move. He said it. Don’t move.

♪Unknowingly, unbiasedly♪ ♪Unhurried, unplanned encounters♪ ♪A myriad of thoughts, a few lines to chant♪ ♪Amidst the blossoms, our words are not in vain♪ ♪Neither tense nor slow, no regrets nor sway♪ ♪Never leaving, never forsaking, never fearing sorrow or joy♪ It’s strange. Why is my heartbeat so fast? Radial bone, ulna bone, scaphoid bone,

Lunate bone, hamate, and pisiform bone. They’re just a few bones bumping into each other. Yang Caiwei, why are you blushing? ♪Grant me the four seasons, grant you this lifetime♪ ♪With fleeting time, swiftly passing by♪ ♪Holding each other in the wind amidst the blossoms♪ ♪We brush off old dreams with smiles♪

♪Grant you warmth, grant me affection♪ The painting is done. Gentleman and lady, it’s done. A painting that captures the essence, not the outline. Thank you. I see now why you’re so happy with me. I guess I understand why his business isn’t doing well. He painted it blindly. Blindly?

But the painting is quite good. One has a scar on the face, and the other carries a wound in the heart. They should have been a perfect match. It’s a pity. Such a pity. We’re reaching the end of Ghost Market. Why haven’t we seen the person selling the Spirit Snake yet? Xiaosheng! Caiwei!

You’re here. What are you looking at? [Bai Xiaosheng, vendor in Ghost Market] This man is… He’s our apprentice at the Coffin Home, and he hasn’t seen much of the world. Today, I brought him here to broaden his horizons. His physique is all right. Can he carry a body? Yes, he can.

You still need more practice. Don’t mess things up for Miss Yang. Exactly. Listen to her, practice more. Xiaosheng, has the Spirit Snake catcher arrived yet? He’s here. I’ve been keeping an eye out for you. But the old guy is quite the drinker. I don’t know where he is right now. All right,

Now even my money is on the line. Here, take it. Take everything you want. Just kidding. We share a bond of asking for meals, so how could I take your money for real? That old guy is probably lounging by the river, getting drunk. I’ll take you to find him. All right. Let’s go.

Move. [Sunrise Garden] This is Mr. Pan’s residence. Unauthorized people are not allowed to disturb. Leave. Take a good look. Is Young Lady an unauthorized person here? Miss Shangguan. Miss Shangguan. Miss Shangguan. What’s wrong, Miss Shangguan? Scram! – Noted. – Noted. Wake up, sir. It’s time for business.

I want to buy a Spotted Spirit Snake. Want to buy Spotted Spirit Snake? Yes. You’re lucky. Let me show you something. This… This Spotted Spirit Snake hides in the snowy mountains, only revealing itself when the snow melts. You won’t find another one like this in the entire Ghost Market.

Don’t raise the price. Just tell me how much you’re selling it. Fifty guan, not a wen less. Sir, last time we agreed on ten guan. Ten? Right. Don’t you remember me? Circumstances change. I spent over a month in the snowy mountains to catch this one, and I froze my leg doing it.

I won’t be able to go back to the snowy mountains after this. I have to make up the medical expenses from this, right? Enough, right? Yes, enough. I don’t deserve it. I’ll figure out my own affairs. You… Sir, take this money first. I’ll make up for it within a month.

For every day overdue, I’ll add another guan. All right. Sell it. All right, I’ll sell it to you. Here, take this snake. Thank you, sir. It’s just some silvers. Do we need to settle up so precisely? It’s better to settle things clearly since we met by chance. Who is he?

Come, take a look. It’s him. He’s Pan Yue, the imperial censorate. – Pan Yue? – Pan Yue? What’s he doing here? He’s the Pan Yue who wants to marry you? Yes. Who is this guy? Sir, do you still want to conceal your identity? Pan Yue. Who is he? Ghost Market isn’t for officials.

Put down your stuff and leave quickly. I came to the Ghost Market to buy things. There’s nothing to do with him. Give it to me. Let go of me. Spirit Snake. Caiwei! – What are you doing? – Let go! The Spirit Snake! Are you crazy? The river is full of knives.

The Spirit Snake is gone. I can’t save Master. What should I do? The Spirit Snake… He really jumped into it. Pan Yue! Is he out of his mind? So amazing. He really risked his life. Yes, it’s so dangerous. He’s got guts. The river has knives in it.

Looks like the thing is really important to him. You’re right. Pan Yue. He’s really brave. No movement. Is he dead? – Shut up. – Stop it. Pan Yue. Pan Yue. Why is there still no movement? Is he all right? He’s out. Pan Yue. I got it. He got it.

– Yes. – That’s amazing. So brave. He isn’t an ordinary person. – Yes. – Right. Mr. Pan, I’m grateful for your help, but Heyang is not where you should be. Ten years ago, you had someone tell me to sever ties with you. We’ve been strangers since then. Regardless of whether

You’re here on a whim or out of guilt, it doesn’t matter anymore. Let bygones be bygones. It ends here. Is that all right? Yang Caiwei, you’re not as heartless toward me as you claim, are you? I never knew you came to me back then.

Whatever was said to you by the person at my door, it was probably on my father’s orders. Over the years, I’d been searching for news about you everywhere. When I found out you were in Heyang, I rushed here immediately. I thought fulfilling the marriage contract

Would be the best way for me to make it up to you. But I’ve overlooked all that you’ve been through over these years, and I have no idea what you truly want now. I’m sorry. I was too presumptuous. Mr. Pan, we’re no longer from the same world. Since you’ve found me today,

Consider your unfulfilled promises settled. Let’s leave the past behind us. We need not mention it again in the future. But I want to. I came to find you not just to fulfill the marriage contract but because I want to find you, take care of you, and protect you. Whether it’s ten years ago

Or ten years from now, you’re the only person I want to marry in this lifetime. I’ll still be waiting for you on our wedding day, but whether you show up or not is entirely up to you. [Sunrise Garden] [Exceptional Appearance and Intellect] Mr. Pan, you’re finally back. We couldn’t stop

Miss Shangguan at all. What are you doing? Yue, are you really going to marry that ugly woman? Yang Caiwei is the woman I’m going to marry soon. Please respect her. What about me, then? What am I? I’ve told you many times. I only see you as Shangguan Lan’s sister.

There are no romantic feelings involved. No way. I can’t believe I’m losing to someone like her. You must be marrying her because of the marriage contract. Yue, I don’t care about status. I can be a concubine. You just won’t listen to me. Pan Yue! Yue, do you know how much I’ve endured

For a perfect body just to stand by your side? I’ve suffered so much pain. Everything I’ve done has been for you. Shangguan Zhi, the appearance you’re so obsessed with has never been what I wanted. The inner beauty is more important than appearance. You’ll meet your true love, but that person isn’t me.

[Coffin Home] I never knew you came to me back then. Whatever was said to you by the person at my door, it was probably on my father’s orders. I’ll still be waiting for you on our wedding day, but whether you show up or not is entirely up to you. Coming. Coming, coming. Coming.

A woman is dead. Her body needs to be brought over for storage. [Coffin Home] How did she die? Spiritually dead. Where am I? Who are you? Why did you tie me up? Let me go! So ugly. I want to slash your face a couple of times, but I can’t find a place. I…

I’m ugly, but I’ve never provoked you. Let me go. I… I promise I’ll stay far away. You know, what I’ve endured to get to where I am today? I’ve sacrificed for him so much, and in the end, he’s marrying such an ugly woman like you. If it were you, would you go mad?

Pan Yue. So it’s for Pan Yue. You… You’re Shangguan Zhi. So you recognized me. Oh? Didn’t expect the chubby girl who followed you around in childhood to become like this? Shangguan Zhi, what are you trying to do? I… Let me go. I’ll annul the marriage with Pan Yue. No lies.

I didn’t want to marry him in the first place. Let me go, and I’ll stay far away from you both. I… I’ll be a corpse carrier, and you can continue liking Pan Yue. It’s a win-win, isn’t it? Do you think I’ll believe you? I know Yue too well.

His heart is as firm as a rock. Once he decides something, he never changes it. If he says he’s marrying you, then he’s marrying you. Shangguan Zhi, what are you up to? For him, I can become more and more beautiful, and I can endure everything that disgusts me, including a disgusting face.

Shangguan Zhi, what are you doing? Don’t touch me! No… No… Shangguan Zhi, you’re crazy! What are you trying to do? From today, I’ll take your place as Mrs. Pan, and you’ll take mine, someone who commits suicide for love. The coffin is ready for you. To my surprise,

The chubby girl I hadn’t seen in years had become so malicious. But listen here, no matter what you do, it’ll all be in vain. Pan Yue won’t marry you. You’re so vile. It’ll only disgust him. He won’t even look at you. Don’t come any closer, or I’ll kill her.

Let go of Young Lady. Move. Don’t come any closer. If you do, I’ll kill her. Yang Caiwei, you can’t escape. [Five days later] [Bright Wind, Clear Moon] Mr. Shangguan, the auspicious time has passed. It seems the marriage ceremony won’t happen today. Mr. Pan, she’s here.

♪Cranes return to the mountains, winds gather in between the clouds♪ What happened to your face? I had a little accident on the way. I tripped and fell, but luckily, I didn’t miss the auspicious time. Are you okay? I’m fine. Just scraped some skin. Pan Yue, I have something to tell you.

I’ve just realized it. What truly matters in this world? Fame, status, appearance, all of these are unimportant. Pan Yue, I like you, and I want to marry you. At this moment, our wedding is the most important thing. Everything else doesn’t matter. [Beautiful things complement each other] The bride enters the door.

Inviting the groom. Here’s a heavenly match with marital bliss. ♪The interwoven memories of the past create turmoil♪ ♪Love is a puzzle, right in the middle of my forehead♪ The newlyweds shine in the limelight. ♪The shower hasn’t stopped♪ Living a blissful married life, finding pleasure in everyday moments.

♪How to not sigh at the parting sorrow as flowers fall♪ Playing melodies in harmony, luring the phoenix to dance. ♪Every stroke is your brilliance♪ ♪Endless thoughts on the wind and moon♪ Inviting the newlyweds to wash. ♪If not for my solitary delight♪ ♪Why not attend it alone?♪

♪How to not sigh at the parting sorrow as flowers fall♪ ♪Where does the sound echo when the moon sets?♪ ♪Painting the moonlight with a brush♪ The husband and wife, bow to each other. ♪Endless thoughts on the wind and moon♪ Here concludes the ceremony. ♪If not for my solitary delight♪

♪Why not attend it alone?♪ ♪Like the dew, we wait for the glimmer of light to greet the morning♪ ♪How many looks do we need to affirm each other?♪ ♪It’s sincerity that fools me♪ ♪But it’s seriousness that traps you♪ ♪The depth of the past is best left unexplored♪

♪How many more falls do I have to experience♪ ♪Before I can face love and hatred with grace?♪ ♪Don’t ask if it’s a moment♪ ♪Of liberation or cowardice to let go♪ ♪Perhaps it’s a misstep into your heart, it’s a hasty feeling♪ ♪It’s an unwillingness to be just a passer-by with you♪

♪Even if I were to die after a few intense struggles♪ ♪I would have lived a life worth living♪ ♪If grasses and trees are sharp blades, if mountains and waters are temples♪ ♪It’s good to be alive even for a short moment♪ ♪I wish I could be worthy of the thoughts♪

♪And I wish I could be worthy of the love♪ ♪Perhaps it’s a misstep into your heart, it’s a hasty feeling♪ ♪It’s an unwillingness to be just a passer-by with you♪ ♪Even if I were to die after a few intense struggles♪ ♪I would have lived a life worth living♪

♪If grasses and trees are sharp blades, if mountains and waters are temples♪ ♪It’s good to be alive even for a short moment♪ ♪I wish I could be worthy of the thoughts♪ ♪And I wish I could be worthy of the love♪ ♪Be worthy of this love♪