[Encik Pertapa Tercinta] EP01 Blogger Seksi Cintai Anak CEO Dalam Retret Meditasi💕YOUKU Malaysia

♪Don’t rush to say goodbye♪ ♪And no need to think too far♪ ♪Treasure this moment well♪ ♪Don’t squander time away♪ ♪Don’t disappoint the world♪ ♪Stars in the night sky blink♪ ♪Waiting for you to make a wish♪ ♪Accompany you to watch the sunset by the sea♪ ♪But what I remember most♪ ♪Is your gentle profile♪

♪There are too many unknowns♪ ♪Too much beauty♪ ♪Waiting to be discovered♪ ♪While the sunlight is just right♪ ♪The breeze is gentle♪ ♪Let’s run towards tomorrow♪ ♪Before the summer ends♪ ♪Let’s be a little crazier♪ ♪All those unspoken words♪ ♪Uncaptured moments♪ ♪Will all come true one by one♪ ♪Before the summer ends♪

♪Let’s get a little closer♪ ♪Every unforgettable moment♪ ♪You’re by my side♪ ♪With you, the summer becomes complete♪ [Dear Mr. Recluse] [Episode 1] Quickly go to Haowei Coffee. There’s something urgent. What? [Haowei Coffee] Shu Yue. You stay at the company for now. Tell Xiangxiang not to worry too much. She is too gentle. She can’t handle this kind of situation. It’s not the first time Zhao wants to take away our clients. Hey.

I need to take the elevator. I’ll talk to you later. Sorry about that. I’m sorry. Oh my. Is this elevator out of power? But the lights are on. Is anyone there? Oh no. I’m doomed. I’m going to be late. What should I do? Hello. Don’t worry. We’ve gone to get the safety ladder.

How long will it take? At the fastest, 15 minutes. Then, can I climb out? What? It’s too high. Sir. Can you carry me up? I’m in a rush. Just think of it as doing a good deed for the day. I’m really running out of time. Can you help me, please? I’m begging you.

I really have something very important… Slowly. Don’t hurt yourself. Slowly. Thank you. You’re really a good person. Hope to see you again. [Modern Greenhouse Design and Construction] Hello, Mr. Huang. I’m Su Shiyu from Time Flies. I heard that you ultimately chose Starshine [Haowei Coffee Online Marketing Plan] for the final business collaboration.

But before this, you always interfaced with me. These two proposals are identical. The pictures are just copy-pasted. Clearly, it’s plagiarism. What do you think about this, Mr. Huang? I think for this matter, you should communicate with Mr. Zhao. As a representative of Haowei Coffee, I shouldn’t take part. Mr. Zhao.

Do you need me to explain the intellectual property protection, and the copyright law to you? Our company has always been law-abiding. Not only that, but we also encourage originality and strictly combat plagiarism and infringement. You can say we’re a pure land for self-media content creators. It’s not an exaggeration.

Mr. Zhao, you truly are the last beacon of justice in the self-media world. But do you know the proposal you submitted on behalf of Starshine, was actually made by my partner, Chen Xiangxiang, after working overnight for several nights. We put all our efforts into it. We’ve been following the project for three months.

Aren’t you conscience-stricken? I also recognize Xiangxiang’s dedication to this project. So we, Starshine, have partnered with her. Su. I… Don’t say anything. I don’t want to argue with you here. So let’s all keep our dignity. Mr. Huang. Can we sign now? Not yet now. We still have to wait for Mr. Lin’s approval.

You don’t know. After Mr. Lin semi-retired, he still needs to make his presence felt. Young people shouldn’t be like this. Wait. That’s right. Don’t be anxious. I’ll talk to Lin Wei when he arrives to see what’s going on. This is a bit too much. It’s more than too much. Calm down, you two.

Eh? Don’t be anxious. Is that Lin Wei? Wei, you’ve finally arrived. What’s up with your hairstyle? Bro. How can you suddenly quit? Yuanqi Capital is your hard work and effort. Our partners invested because of you. As soon as they heard you were quitting, they blew up my phone.

So we’re here to see you. Most of the projects we invested in are in the later stages. We’re pretty much stable for collecting dividends. So there’s no need to worry. I quit because I have other things I want to pursue. Mr. Lin… Wei. If you don’t want to continue with investments,

Come back and help me manage Haowei Coffee. Give me and yourself a chance. Dad. I’ve made up my mind. What? I’m here today just to thank everyone for taking care of me before. From now on, I’ll leave the company to all of you. What do you mean? Everyone. Calm down a bit.

I’ll go talk to him. Mr. Lin. What should we do then? If Lin Wei wants to come, the other board members will definitely agree. This is called fate. [Lin Xiaojian, Chairman of Haowei Coffee] [Lin Xiaojian, Chairman of Haowei Coffee] Wait. Mr. Lin. Hello, Mr. Lin. I’m Su Shiyu from Time Flies.

Who are you? I’m Su Shiyu from Time Flies. I’d like to talk to you about Haowei Coffee’s partnership with internet influencers for business collaborations. For this kind of matter, can’t you just talk to Mr. Huang about it? You’ve taken away my opportunity. How can I give you one?

If there’s no opportunity, then we can create one. Opportunities aren’t one-time things. Okay. I’ll give you an opportunity. You go back and prepare a proposal. Young man. I went through a lot of trouble to find this Orange Jasmine tea seed. This tea is really difficult to grow. Thank you. What a coincidence.

Thanks for this morning’s help. [Bus Stop, Wetland Park No. 2] [Route 513] Hello, Master. How did things go? It’s not resolved yet. I’m on my way to see Mr. Lin now. I found out that Mr. Lin indeed has a weakness. His only son has gone to the mountains for meditation practice.

He’s gone to the mountains for meditation practice? That’s hilarious. It sounds like a makeover show. Seems to me he’s just a rich kid tired of his easy life and wants to seek hardship for himself. She is so loud. I need to hang up now. I’ll talk to you later. Goodbye. I’m sorry.

She’s still a child. She doesn’t know better. I’m sorry, little girl. Did I bother you? How about I give you this? If you take something from others, remember to say thank you. Thank you. You’re welcome. Wait. You can’t open it now. I’m sorry. She’s still ignorant. I’m sorry. It’s alright.

Let me help you. No need. [Wu Ming Shan, Tian Hong Tan] Hey. Wait a moment. Wait a moment. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. How much was that? I’ll reimburse you. No need. No. I have to compensate you. There’s really no need. Wait. Here’s another one. A longan fruit? Thank you. Weirdo.

If I had known there was a hill, I wouldn’t have worn high heels. What a string of bad luck. So many people came to make wishes here. I wonder whether their wishes come true. I hope my wish will come true. Thanks. [Prevention and control of tea plant diseases and pests]

[Orange Jasmine Planting Records, May 11th] It’s impressive that you found this place. Seems like you had this planned all along. Wei. This is your favorite wine. Why don’t we have a couple of drinks? I’m not drinking. You don’t want to drink? Look at this place. You used to have a glamorous life.

Not many people can make it to the Forbes Elite List. How could you waste your talent in this remote mountain? Why don’t you go back? Take the two boxes of coffee from the yard while you’re at it. Wei. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of scriptures too.

Perhaps we can sit down and exchange some ideas. Wei. Excuse me. Can you consider it for me? I’ve become a nominal chairman now. Can’t you try to understand my situation? Each person creates their own causes and reaps their own results. Don’t talk to me about causes and consequences. I’m your father.

I’m the cause why you’re here. You’re my only son. Do you want our family to end with you? I won’t leave here before my tea plants grow. I won’t keep you here with just simple meals. Others can grow tea too. Why do you have to suffer here?

I must be the one to grow this tea. This is my cause. Wei. The past is in the past. You can blame me if you want. But why punish yourself? Mr. Lin, I’m Su Shiyu from Time Flies. We met this morning. I wanted to show you our proposal.

It is about tracing back to the origin. It talks about how a coffee bean goes from the plant to a coffee shop. We can start by producing 50 units. After that… Forget it. Mr. Lin. Have you encountered some obstacles? My son is my biggest obstacle. In life,

There’s no obstacle that can’t be overcome. As long as you’re willing to work hard, there are always solutions. Sometimes, the harder you try, the more likely you’ll fail. Well. Effort may not necessarily lead to success, but lack of effort definitely leads to failure. Why don’t you give it another try?

Maybe the time hasn’t come yet. It’s useless. I’ve tried every possible way. Right now, I don’t have the energy to look at any more proposals. Mr. Lin. My proposal is really good. It has a lot of details. Could you please take another look at it? Sorry. I don’t have any energy right now.

You can go. If there’s a chance… We’ll see. Alright. I’m Su Shiyu from Time Flies. Sure. Sorry. I’m just borrowing this for a moment. Sorry! Stop there! It’s you again. Put it down. It’s for the tea seeds. Your seeds could use some rain. My bag isn’t waterproof. Please let me use it.

My bag! Are you okay? Cover my bag for me. Is it more important than you? Of course. It’s my only good bag. Let’s get you treated. Kerosene lamp? Is there no electricity? Seriously, no electricity? Put these on. What is that? Notoginseng. It can stop bleeding and reduce inflammation. Actually, I have band-aids. Band-aids can’t reduce inflammation. Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! There’s hope now. I’m fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was not prepared mentally, so I… By the way,

My name is Su Shiyu. What about you? Your interior design style is quite unique. Is it wabi-sabi style? Oh. Are you a video blogger? An interior design blogger? What a coincidence. I have a friend who is also a video blogger. After he came to the mountains to make videos,

His view count instantly skyrocketed. But he was just putting on a show. Yours feels more authentic. Since your house doesn’t have electricity, how do you charge your phone? Do you have a power bank? – Can I borrow it? – I’m not a blogger. And this isn’t wabi-sabi style.

There’s no electricity in this house. I don’t use a phone, and I don’t have a power bank. Am I bothering you if I stay here? I’m sorry. Let me go and see whether there’s any guesthouse nearby. It’s already dark outside, and it’s raining. Not to mention your foot is injured.

Just make do for the night. I haven’t had dinner. I’m so hungry. I could have some warm water to warm my stomach. You must leave the mountain tomorrow morning. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I… I didn’t mean it. Tomorrow, I’ll make it up to you, okay? Is today a day of bad luck?

Hurry, come here! There’s a snake here. Get rid of it. It’s a grass snake. It’s non-venomous. Please, get rid of it. I’m begging you. It’s too scary. That’s enough! What was that attitude? Do you think I want to stay overnight here? If I weren’t desperate, why would I come here?

I just used some of your paper to start a fire. Why are you treating me like this? What did I do wrong? Why is Lin Xiaojian treating me like this? Why won’t he even look at my proposal? Just because I don’t have any connections. Are you done? If you’re done, eat this.

Go to bed after you finish eating. Can this paper be written on? I don’t think he would be angry again. Su Shiyu from Time Flies. Mr. Lin. What’s wrong with your foot? Come on. Get in the car. I’ll give you a ride back. Thank you. Be careful. What happened? It was just

A small accident. It’s not a big deal. Miss Su. Your shoes… Are my shoes a little too… They’re great. You have good taste. Su. Are these 50 business dealings important to you? They’re extremely important. They’re related to the life and death of our company. Are you willing to bear the cost for it?

As long as it’s not something illegal or harmful to society, I’m willing to pay the price. As long as you can persuade my son to return from the mountain within a month, all the business dealings for this year will be yours. What? I really don’t do anything unethical in my daily life.

I help old ladies cross the street, I give up my seat on the bus, and I even help with crowdfunding on social media. However, I’m in such a tragic fate now. Is this some kind of test for me? They say good deeds lead to good outcomes. I’ve been doing good deeds,

But I haven’t received any good outcomes. I’m so sad. Only if you endure hardships with joy will you be free from difficulties and live happily. People spend their whole lives pursuing material desires, not realizing the folly of their actions. They’re as foolish as a bunch of lemmings.

My wish is not very difficult to accomplish. Please. I hope to secure the Haowei Coffee contract, make it big, and make Chen Xiangxiang regret it. Thank you. Su. Su. My son’s scripture study session is ending soon. Let’s go. Su. I hope you can use a young person’s way

To approach this problem of my son. You two are about the same age, and you get along well. Well, we’re not getting along well yet. We haven’t even met each other. You did meet. You spent the night at his place last night. What? Su.

My dream of building a coffee empire relies on you. Mr. Lin. Is he your son? You didn’t know? He’s gone to the mountains for meditation practice? That’s hilarious. Why does it sound like a makeover show? Seems to me he’s just a rich kid tired of his easy life

And wants to seek hardship for himself. Why is Lin Xiaojian treating me like this? Why won’t he even look at my proposal? You two were so close last night. In fact, my son hasn’t let me stay over since he moved to the mountain. No. You’ve got it wrong. There’s nothing between us.

I understand. I’m well aware of how young people do things. Use whatever means necessary, even if it means betraying him. As long as he returns obediently to work, it’ll be perfect! Is that okay? Wait a minute. Betrayal or anything like that, let’s talk about it later. This matter is quite complicated.

It requires careful consideration. Let me think about it first. Su. I’m leaving. You don’t need to think about it. Su, listen to me… Oh my. This is so frustrating. [Yiqi Entertainment] [Time Flies, Dream Big] Alright, Mom, I know. I’m already preparing to resign. Stop pushing me, okay? Okay. Master. It’s like this.

I have some family issues, and I have to return to my hometown. As for my future, I’ve already… Whose future? I don’t have a bright future. [Yunbei Time Flies Media] I’m so hungry. Let me have some of your instant noodles. Alright, sure. Master. You don’t have to comfort me. I’m fine. I’m strong.

Master. There’s something important that… Nothing’s important now. I’ve really messed up this time. I was thinking of turning the tables, but I said a bunch of bad things about the son of Haowei Coffee’s director, and he heard all of them. Now I’m doomed. Oh, yes. You asked me to investigate him earlier.

So I did, and there really is some interesting insider information. Okay. Say it. The Coffee Prince Lin Wei is in a power struggle with his own uncle, Jin Xingchen. Jin Xingchen is ruthless, and he had someone make Lin Wei impotent. Since he can no longer react to women, he lost all his hope

And can only go to the mountains to become a monk. Is this source of information reliable? Shu Yue. I only have you left now. Please help me come up with a solution. Anyway, we must succeed in getting this project. But, Master. This sounds impossible. I must win over this rich kid

And make him return to the mortal world! ♪In the garden of growth, wounds extend their hand♪ ♪To cry, then to smile, a noble stand♪ ♪But bitterness doesn’t always trade for sweet♪ ♪Happiness, a bet, where fates may meet♪ ♪Wait for those fragments, once scattered afar♪ ♪Cutting through tears, like a shining star♪

♪Do you perceive the pain, welling within♪ ♪Blurring the edges where scars begin?♪ ♪Those you once loved, still on the verge♪ ♪Their stories now etched on a worldly dirge♪ ♪Waiting for all that once bathed in nostalgia’s rain♪ ♪Soaked in the depths of tears, in life’s refrain♪ ♪Can you hear, within memory’s gentle embrace♪

♪Regrets that awaken, yesterday’s face?♪ ♪Incomplete love, still at your fingertips♪ ♪Reach out, dip them in today’s reminisce♪ ♪Let them become a sentence, incomplete and dear♪ ♪Waiting for all that once bathed in nostalgia’s rain♪ ♪Soaked in the depths of tears, in life’s refrain♪ ♪Can you hear, within memory’s gentle embrace♪

♪Regrets that awaken, yesterday’s face?♪ ♪Incomplete love, still at your fingertips♪ ♪Reach out, dip them in today’s reminisce♪ ♪Let them become a sentence, incomplete and dear♪