[Encik Pertapa Tercinta] EP02 Blogger Seksi Cintai Anak CEO Dalam Retret Meditasi💕YOUKU Malaysia

♪Don’t rush to say goodbye♪ ♪And no need to think too far♪ ♪Treasure this moment well♪ ♪Don’t squander time away♪ ♪Don’t disappoint the world♪ ♪Stars in the night sky blink♪ ♪Waiting for you to make a wish♪ ♪Accompany you to watch the sunset by the sea♪ ♪But what I remember most♪ ♪Is your gentle profile♪

♪There are too many unknowns♪ ♪Too much beauty♪ ♪Waiting to be discovered♪ ♪While the sunlight is just right♪ ♪The breeze is gentle♪ ♪Let’s run towards tomorrow♪ ♪Before the summer ends♪ ♪Let’s be a little crazier♪ ♪All those unspoken words♪ ♪Uncaptured moments♪ ♪Will all come true one by one♪ ♪Before the summer ends♪

♪Let’s get a little closer♪ ♪Every unforgettable moment♪ ♪You’re by my side♪ ♪With you, the summer becomes complete♪ [Dear Mr. Recluse] [Episode 2] Bai. What are you doing? I am trying to figure out how I can win Mr. Lin’s son over. [The Art of Communication] Mr. Lin’s a master of communication.

Even he can’t communicate with his son. Do you think you can bring his son around? You’re right. Am I underestimating him? You need to consider how you compare to Mr. Lin. What irreplaceable value do you have? Gender. Gender is our greatest difference. When Lin Wei was only 15 years old,

He developed an in-school trading platform and sold it to a listed company two years later for 300 million. At 17 years old, he got accepted to MIT. A ninth-dan Go player and a third-dan in karate, he also made it into Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list. While in school, he founded Yuanqi Capital

And invested in more than 20 domestic and foreign enterprises. Oh, my goodness. Forbes? Uh-huh. Well, I think I’ll pass. You dummy. That means he has never had time for romance. Sunscreen. Glasses. [Countdown Day 29] Mascara. [Countdown Day 29] Aloe vera gel. [Countdown Day 29] Pen. [Countdown Day 29] Sticky notes.

[Countdown Day 29] Band-Aids. Cushion compact. Insect repellent. I can wear my newly bought shoes. Are you all ready? Yeah, I’m ready. I’ve looked into it. Mr. Lin is planting trees in Sanlipo today. Alright, I got it. I’m leaving now. Breakfast is ready. No, I don’t have time. I’m off. Miss Su.

The decoration of your car, isn’t it a bit showy? My mom says one should make everyday special. By the way, the front passenger door of your car seems a bit difficult to open. Should I help you fix it later? Oh, it’s fine. I’m not sitting in the front passenger seat, anyway. Alright then.

Drive slowly and be careful. Goodbye. Goodbye. Drive slowly, okay? [Tomb of Jin Yue] Yue. I brought you your favorite dessert. If your mother were still alive, she would definitely hope that you lead Haowei Coffee to make another step forward. As for what happened to her, I know

That you can’t let go of this burden in your heart. But it’s time to move on. So, let’s talk about the present. The company is in chaos now. Everyone has their own ulterior motives. No one is capable of handling the situation. And now, your uncle is still insisting that it’s my fault.

He’s joined forces with other senior executives, and they’re practically sidelining me. Can you bear to see your mother’s hard work fall into the hands of others? Xingchen. Yue. Some people are really strange. When you were alive, they didn’t seem to love you. Now that you’re gone, they’re suddenly attentive. I heard that someone

Has become a monk in the mountains. But even as a monk, they still have desires and emotions. Seriously? Xingchen. Hatred can’t be resolved with hatred. Don’t you agree? But you see, hatred can be transformed into a powerful driving force. Isn’t that right, my dear sister? Don’t you have Alipay?

I didn’t bring my phone. What should we do then? I don’t have small change. Boss. I need these two things today. If you don’t have change, can I pay you tomorrow? That won’t work. How do I know if you’ll come tomorrow? I’ll pay for this one. Just deduct the price for this bottle.

It’s 32.8 yuan. Alright. Payment transferred. Oh, okay. Hey, young lady. Don’t leave yet. This money of mine, I… How about this? Give me your contact information. I’ll return your favor someday. No need to wait until someday. Just do it now. Now? How do I get to Sanlipo? Ah. It’s right ahead.

But this car can’t go up there. Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, I’m here. This… This is for you. Thank you. Look, you’ve brought fruits all the way here. How thoughtful of you. Right now, you have a good opportunity to do good deeds. Spread your positive energy. Persuade him to come down the mountain.

It’s equivalent to benefiting him and me. At the same time, it’ll also benefit yourself. Mr. Lin. Take a look at our presentation. The creative ideas of our company can also benefit your company. Give me a minute. [Haowei Coffee Promotion Plan] Hey. The reception… Look. Don’t force things that aren’t meant to be.

When it’s meant to be, there’ll naturally be reception. Go ahead. Go ahead. I’m counting on you. Hi. Do you need my help? No need. Thanks. Oh. Look. I didn’t know before that you’re Mr. Lin’s son. Don’t you think it’s fate that brings us together? You can just call me Lin Wei. Oh.

Indeed, Lin Wei sounds more friendly. Well… Speak your mind. Actually, I didn’t know you were the son of the owner of Haowei Coffee. I said some inappropriate things before. I just hope you won’t take it to heart. Also, as for your table, I didn’t intentionally break it. I brought cash today.

It’s a token of my apology and gratitude. How about I treat you to a meal? Do you like vegetarian food? I know a really good vegetarian restaurant. Do you want to dine there with me? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I think we should keep some distance between us. I have a band-aid. I can help you with it. You don’t have to. That won’t do. Your face is wounded. It’s kind of a shame. Looks are superficial. It’s okay. Even if you’re strong in spirit,

Your flesh is still fragile. If you’re injured, you need to be treated. I’m just putting a band-aid on you. Why are you acting like this? It’s just a small cut. You don’t have to do this. Whose fault is it if your face is disfigured? Let me check if it’s askew. Is it askew? Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin Wei. The ceremony is over. Why are you shouting? Had your father not been old friends with me, I would’ve fired you a long time ago. Lin Wei. Let’s have dinner together tonight. There’s no need to. But wait… It’s all your fault. Mr. Lin. I think today’s progress is satisfactory. Su. My son’s heading up the mountain. Once he enters the Buddhist path, learns the benefits of asceticism and reaches a higher spiritual level,

It will be hard for him to return to the secular world. But he hasn’t become a monk yet, right? Besides, monks can still resume secular life if they want to. That’s right! When I see you, I see hope. To be honest with you, my son treats you unlike others. Oh, Mr. Lin.

Speaking of others, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate, but can I ask you something? Go ahead. How many girlfriends had your son had in the past? Uh, well… He’s never had a girlfriend, at least not that I’ve seen. But you really got him worked up today, you know? Keep working harder.

Who knows, he might come down from the mountain soon. Then, about my proposal and the contract… Su. You really need to show me some genuine effort. Look. My son hasn’t even let go of staying up there. It’s too early to talk about something else now. Here’s an idea.

How about you stay on the mountain for a few days and talk to him? It’s just a matter of one last effort. Once you make some progress, whether it’s a presentation or whatever else, it is negotiable. Everything else is negotiable. Su. Did you drive here? Yes, I did.

Could you please give my son a ride back? Thanks. I appreciate it. Hey, Lin Wei. Hop in the car. I can walk back myself. Thanks though. Come on, I’m just a girl alone and yet, I’ve been waiting here for you for so long. Aren’t you moved at all? Hey! Do you know I’ve been waiting for you and still haven’t eaten anything until now?

I’m just a weak girl and it’s getting dark real soon. Aren’t you worried about my safety? You don’t seem weak at all. If I’m not a weak girl, am I a fairy then? Weirdo. I really don’t know what the heavens were thinking to bestow such a great responsibility upon him. Goodbye!

Don’t regret it. Sigh. Heaven has bestowed a great task upon you and handed me a great disaster, huh? Alright then. Let’s consider this as the trial I have to face today. Hello! My car broke down. On the road in Sanlipo. A pink Wuling Hongguang. Three and a half hours?

Isn’t it going to be dark when you get here? Hurry up then, will you? Why is it you? Sorry about that. I thought you were a thug or something! Thankfully, I’ve got plenty of band-aids. Does your family sell band-aids? No. Hey! What’s wrong? My car broke down. If I wait for rescue, it’ll take three hours. Can you keep me company for a while? Lin Wei.

That day, I said a lot of mean things about you. I didn’t mean it. I just felt incredibly frustrated. But I did indeed lose control of my emotions. I’m sorry. I don’t care. Uh… Are you leaving now? I’m going to fix your car. You know how to fix cars too?

Wait, the door is broken. It has to be opened from the outside. Enough from you. Enough with what? Su Shiyu. Are you capable of doing anything for the sake of a deal? Yes. All of this was intentional! When I hit you with a shovel during the day, it was intentional. And now

Even my car breaking down is intentional. I’m like the White Bone Demon from Journey to the West who sets up three traps to trick you, the Tang monk! Satisfied now? I know what kind of person my dad is. Yes. I did make an agreement with him.

There is a bottom line to being a person. Let me tell you, Lin Wei. If you truly see through the world’s vanities, you wouldn’t be speculating about my motives today. Your perspective is influenced by your biases. Do you really think you’re some enlightened being, capable of transcending worldly desires?

What you’re doing is just another way of avoiding something! Let me tell you. You’re just like another average guy on the street. Your spiritual practice is doomed to fail. If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet. What are we betting on? I bet that you’re just an ordinary person.

I bet you’ll develop feelings for me. Get off the car. Why are you taking out your bag? I’m telling you to get out and fix the car. Oh, so you really can fix cars. Graduating from a prestigious school really makes a difference. You even know how to farm,

Like a jack of all trades. I can’t do all that. Read more books. You can find everything in books. You’ve been working hard. Here, have some water. I’m sorry. Oh! No need, really. The rain is heavy now. Let me drive. Others say I have great leg shape. It’s all given by your parents. Just a layer of skin and a piece of flesh. Do you have any taste? I’m talking about my leg shape. Others also say I’ve got well-developed chest muscles. Hey! What’s with your attitude? You don’t even say thank you.

Stop your boring bet. Thank you. Seriously? [Time Flies] [Employee Resignation Approval Form] I can’t be softhearted this time. I must succeed. [Rental Notice] Shu Yue. Yes? What’s going on? What? Take a look. I don’t know either. I just saw the landlord. Why didn’t he tell me about this? Su. Shu Yue. [Rental Notice]

Are you guys in trouble? I’m sorry. I can explain about the project. Aren’t you the one causing trouble for us? Shu Yue. What do you mean? Before I left, the company hasn’t been taking up projects for three months. Did I make a mistake by choosing this path? No, not at all.

You’re not wrong. We are the ones at fault. Our company is too small forbig shot like you. We’re not facing any difficulties. After you left, we took on many new projects, and we even have new partners. Shu Yue is my current partner. He took over your position. Congratulations, Shu Yue.

I was worried that after I left, the company would face difficulties. Since you’re managing so well, I feel relieved. Well. Aren’t we all working hard for Haowei Coffee’s project? It’s all about fair competition. Besides, it’s rare for Mr. Lin to give me the chance. Well, then. Let’s have a fair competition.

Hurry and tear it down. Alright, partner. Wasn’t I planning to resign? [Rental Notice] How did I become a partner? [Rental Notice] [Yunbei Time Flies Media] Shu Yue. Good job. You usually stay quiet, but at critical moments, you’re quite manly. About the company shares… No need to rush about that, Master.

I saw you at the door just now looking so confident. Did you come up with a way to revive the company? Because today, the photographer and the post-production company came asking for payment. Well, the atmosphere was tense earlier. You were so hyped up, so I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.

We can’t give Chen Xiangxiang the satisfaction of laughing at us. But for the rent, we might have to figure something out first. Oh. Don’t worry about it. I’ll come up with a solution. Master. Are you going up the mountain to camp? Mr. Lin wants me to stay in the mountain for two days.

I’m telling you. This is really a tough case. It might be a prolonged battle and a real challenge. Sorry, Master. I’m so sorry. Are you trying to take my place? How’s the resignation process going? Master. There’s something very important… Wait. Give me a second. I’m almost done. Okay. Alright. Go ahead. Master.

Can I… Take a look. How’s my makeup? Your eye makeup looks really nice today. Are you only praising my eye makeup? Does that mean the rest doesn’t look good? Shu Yue. Do you even know how to give compliments? That’s not what I meant. I actually have something else to say.

Are you going to compliment my outfit, too? Thank you in advance, then. Master. Actually, I wanted to say… Look. There are so many mosquitoes in the mountains. Luckily, I killed it for you, or it would’ve bitten you. Master. You could’ve told me so I could kill it by myself. Oh, I’m sorry.

Let me give you a massage. Is it better now? Shall we go? No water, no electricity. A dustpan. A raincoat. Straw sandals. A kerosene lamp. What a primitive life. Master. I’ve taken out the things you asked for. The tent is set up as well. Thanks for your hard work.

What were you looking at just now? Well. If we want to attack someone, shouldn’t we get to know them first? The fact that he can live in such an environment, it must be quite a struggle. Master. I gathered some information. It sounds like the son of the owner of Haowei Coffee

Isn’t a good person. Why don’t we think of other ways? It’s precisely because he’s not a good person that I can help him realize his shortcomings. This is called aiding others to enlightenment while ascending oneself to heaven. Alright, then. What else do we need? Isn’t this chair a little small?

I’ll get you a bigger one. Hmm. What’s this? This one? It’s a portable outdoor power station to ensure that you’ll have light at night, and your devices won’t run out of battery. You’re so trustworthy with your attention to every detail. Take a good rest this weekend. Don’t worry about the company’s matters.

You can rest assured that the company won’t collapse in my hands. Just wait for my good news. Okay. Well, then. Feel free to text me if you need anything. Bye. Text me anytime. Bye. Anytime! Bye. Hey. We meet again. It’s you again. I’m out camping, and I happen to set my tent in front of your place. Talk about coincidence, huh? Do you think we’re fated to see each other? Fate can be divided into good and bad. The saying goes, after a hundred near misses in our past lives,

We finally get to meet once in this lifetime. In our case, I assume that we’ve bumped into each other more than we should. So whether it’s a good or bad fate, we should treasure it. This is for you. Thank you for fixing my car. No, thanks. Take it.

I sincerely want to apologize to you. Please let bygones be bygones. This matter is already in the past. Hey. Let’s put aside any grudges from the past. Just take it. I’m sorry. Thank you. You’re welcome. Since you’ve taken my gift, we’re friends now. Guests are welcomed here, right? Have you eaten yet?

I’m quite hungry. Let me help you. Just stay put. We only have simple food here. You might not be used to it. I can manage. In the city, we order takeout all the time. But in the mountains, everything you eat is fresh. Using lipstick as a condiment, huh? Without lipstick, women look bare-faced.

Hey. I’m not just saying, but you’re pretty resourceful. Wu Ming Shan is indeed a great vacation spot. I’m not here for vacation. Don’t tell me you live here? Living in the mountains isn’t very convenient. If you get sick, it’ll be too late by the time you reach the hospital.

Life and death are fate. Fortune and prosperity are heaven’s gift. You know that lipstick will eventually fade, yet you insist on putting it on before a meal. You know something is wrong but still chose to do it, then it will certainly produce an unfavorable result.

I don’t know how the results will turn out, but I do know that you will have a taste of artificial coloring. You won’t be able to handle the tough life in the mountains. I’m the best at enduring hardships. This isn’t bitter at all. Why do his vegetable steamed buns taste so bitter?

Who would even eat it? [Bai Ruan] Hey, Bai. How’s your progress? With my persistent efforts, the relationship between me and Mr. Lin’s son seems to be getting farther. This is a tough battle. You two are like nemeses of different species. A communication barrier is only present between two different species.

He’s a human being, and a man at that. we don’t know who’s going to conquer whom yet. Well, I do have a love handbook here. Do you need it? Why do you always have strange things with you? Do you really need them? That’s none of your business. Enough talking.

I’m sending it to you. Is this thing useful? I’ve never used it before, but it must be worth the price of 520. I think you’re quite silly. Mr. Jin. Do you need something from me? Where are my clothes? In the closet. I’m talking about the clothes for the store visit. Look over there.

I just ironed it. It’s still warm. Oh, by the way. About that special feature with Xiangxiang Eats. How’s the progress? It’s just a simple task. How many times do you need to revise it? Mr. Jin. Mr. Lin said that he… Mr. Lin? If you like him that much,

Why don’t you report to him, then? No, it’s just that Mr. Lin said he’ll handle it personally, so, I… Change your clothes. We’re going to the store. In summary, dealing with men is about experiencing their feelings, living their lives, catering to their preferences, and becoming their shadows.

What kind of outdated techniques are these? We’re not living in a primitive society anymore. Do women really need to go to such lengths to please men? ♪In the garden of growth, wounds extend their hand♪ ♪To cry, then to smile, a noble stand♪ ♪But bitterness doesn’t always trade for sweet♪ ♪Happiness, a bet, where fates may meet♪ ♪Wait for those fragments, once scattered afar♪ ♪Cutting through tears, like a shining star♪ ♪Do you perceive the pain, welling within♪

♪Blurring the edges where scars begin?♪ ♪Those you once loved, still on the verge♪ ♪Their stories now etched on a worldly dirge♪ ♪Waiting for all that once bathed in nostalgia’s rain♪ ♪Soaked in the depths of tears, in life’s refrain♪ ♪Can you hear, within memory’s gentle embrace♪ ♪Regrets that awaken, yesterday’s face?♪

♪Incomplete love, still at your fingertips♪ ♪Reach out, dip them in today’s reminisce♪ ♪Let them become a sentence, incomplete and dear♪ ♪Waiting for all that once bathed in nostalgia’s rain♪ ♪Soaked in the depths of tears, in life’s refrain♪ ♪Can you hear, within memory’s gentle embrace♪ ♪Regrets that awaken, yesterday’s face?♪

♪Incomplete love, still at your fingertips♪ ♪Reach out, dip them in today’s reminisce♪ ♪Let them become a sentence, incomplete and dear♪