BMSUB【Imipian Remaja 鸣龙少年 THE HOPE】EP01 Budak derhaka mengejar impiannya | YOUKU Malaysia

[Episode 1] [2018 Xingzhou Kickoff Season] It’s been said the notion that talent comes from poor families is not true anymore. It’s hard for ordinary people to get into a prestigious school. It’s been said that people’s destiny is decided by people. The college entrance exam is still the fairest competition.

If you work hard enough, you can still make it. But if you’re not even the same species, How can it be fair? The rabbit and the tortoise? The stupid bird flies first? Or… Like this snail, slowly climbing upwards? Fairy tales are all lies. You may have heard this before. The reality is that

Well-off families can find great teachers, who will produce great students, who will logically inherit their family’s resources and ability to find great teachers to educate their children. Of course, in my opinion, it’s all nonsense. Your turn. What are you waiting for? So much nonsense. So here’s the question. Everybody.

Are you resigned to your fate? You can’t be. On a larger scale, the dream of the top scholar is deeply rooted in the genes of every Chinese. On a smaller scale, which senior in high school doesn’t want to go to college? [Zhong’s News Time] What parent of a senior would save money

For their kids’ education? – Right? – Yeah. Done. It’s all according to your script. OK. Excuse me. – Tell me. – How can you get our kids into Qingbei? That’s a good question. With this. Get outta here! Wait! With this. A man from a humble family can make a name for himself.

[Everyone can go to Qingbei] All the secrets [Lei Ming, Graduated from Qingbei] of poor students’ success against all odds are in this fine class. The course consists of awareness, techniques, and final efforts. On Igetget, even if you are a member of the website, it costs 798 dollars.

Today, I’ll be giving out benefits in this community. 388, with a free supermarket coupon. Interested parents can add me as a WeChat friend. – Which supermarket? – Download it. – Is it far away? – No. Ma’am, please add me on WeChat. Then you can download the app and try a lesson for free.

Is there any other parent interested? Add me on WeChat. Only 388. 388. – Too expensive. – Three hundred and eighty-eight. Is anyone here interested? Add me on WeChat. [Lei Ming, Scan the QR code and add me] [Auntie, Voice call] I’m sorry. Please take a look at these fliers. I have to take this.

I’m afraid he’s a scammer, you know? The training school now… [Minglong Experimental High School merger unveiling ceremony] [Mr. Ding, Chairman of the Directors Board of Mingying Education Group] [Gao Jingjuan, Former principal of Mingying Experimental High School] [Now Principal of Minglong] Why don’t I see Principal Lou? The principal has become the deputy principal.

I’m afraid Principal Lou won’t be coming. That’s not right. He should come. However, after the merger, he became a vice principal. If I were him, I wouldn’t come. After all, he used to be the head of Longhai. But now… Principal Lou. Principal Lou. Principal Lou. Principal Lou. Hello. I’m sorry. Mr. Ding. Hello.

I was rushed to Longhai in the morning to handle the handover. Just finished a bunch of work. It’s okay. – Sorry for being late. – It’s okay. Principal Gao. I was doing the handover. It caused me to be late. I’m sorry. Principal Gao. – Let’s get started? – School leaders,

– OK. – parents, – and teachers. – Please. The opening ceremony of Minglong Experimental High School will now begin. Come on. One, two, three. [Minglong Experimental High School] [Zhong’s News Time] Since the merger [The merger has caused controversy] of the two high schools, [The principals’ treatment difference] there’s been a lot of controversy.

[was questioned. Parents have protested] Mingying, as we all know, is known as the Qingbei of Xingzhou. [Mingying. Learning to survive and care] Its iconic blue and white uniform is the pride of countless students of the school. The school has a 98% advancement rate of the first tier.

[Longhai, Cultivate happy ordinary ones] As for Longhai, only 20% of its students go on to the second tier. The merger of the two schools is supposed to be a good thing for fairness in education. But a week ago, Mingying’s principal, Gao Jingjuan, administered a test to the seniors of both schools.

[Eliminate students by test and regroup] She rearranged classes based on grades and privately persuaded [Privately persuade students] the lowest-ranked students [to give up the college entrance exam] to give up the college entrance exam and find another way. Most of them are from Longhai.

[Parent of a student at Longhai] She is worried about the advancement rate. We paid the same tuition. Why can’t my kid go to undergraduate school? The merger is to [Parent of a student at Longhai] make the good students help the bad ones. Right? But now? Mingying’s students go to Peach Plum Class.

Longhai’s students go to Pine Cypress Class. What the…? What’s the merger for? It’s based on the student’s ability. Yes. [Parent of a student at Longhai] My child is at Mingying. I think this protest is inappropriate. Today, we have the former principal of Longhai Experimental High School and now the vice principal of Minglong,

Lou Jingzhi. Welcome, Principal Lou. Thank you, Mr. Zhong. Hello, everyone. I am Lou Jingzhi. Principal Lou. The two schools have merged. As the former principal of Longhai, after the merger, you are the vice principal. I’d like to ask. Do you have anything to say about these rumors? As you know, because of

Our building relocation, we were fortunate to be merged with Mingying. With this merger, the leaders of our group, especially the visionary and driven principal, Gao Jingjuan, have truly embraced the students of Longhai and advocated for educational equity without differentiation. So, I believe that in the future, Minglong will,

Like the Lizhou Miracle of the past, create its own educational achievements and move to a new level. Many young people in front of the TV may not know much about this miracle. It doesn’t matter. Let’s go over it again. [Lizhou Miracle] Speaking of Lei Lizhou. In his nearly 30 years of teaching,

He has sent more than 300 underprivileged students to college through free extracurricular tutoring. That’s right. The Lizhou Miracle is not just a legend in Xingzhou’s education world. It’s also a spirit and a statement that tells every student who doesn’t have a background or a way out or even good grades that we won’t

Give up on you. [Lizhou Miracle is mentioned again to imply the abandonment of students] [After the merger, two principals appear to be at odds.] [Minglong Experimental High School] The current coordinated development of vocational and general education that I’m pushing for after the merger isn’t to protect the advancement rate of Mingying. Ms. Gao.

Let me finish. I asked those students with scores below 350 not to choose the college entrance exams but higher vocational education just to tailor them to the student’s abilities. The coordinated development of vocational and general education is to train skilled personnel to broaden employment and upward mobility.

But those students referred by Ms. Gao with scores below 350 are basically from Longhai. We think it’s a tailoring. But what about the students and their parents? What do they interpret it as? Another form of expulsion. That basically means we’ve given up on these students. So your method is the Lizhou Miracle?

What’s a miracle? How to make it? OK. In light of Ms. Gao’s question, I’d like to propose a plan. Recruit famous teachers to run a experimental class. The goal of these students is to go to the first-tier universities in one year to create our own Minglong spirit. This idea is very passionate.

It’s like an influencer’s idea. But none of the teachers here have the ability or confidence to guarantee that they can help students with less than 350 points get into a first-tier university within a year. There is one who can do this. [Lei Ming, Chairman of Yiming Education] Lei Lizhou’s son, Lei Ming. Advertising?

Mobile game? New media? Smart Home Appliances? Shared office? What else did he do after he left Zhixiang? Entrepreneurship is risky. But it also shows that he’s a good teacher. [He’s been on a lecture tour that attracted tens of thousands of people] He was a big shot of Zhixiang back then. His best achievement

Was to put together a class of students with the worst grades [Very popular during his tenure] [His classes were packed in a certain period for a year of special training. In the end, this class became Zhixiang’s symbol. And he became the highest-paid teacher. He happened to be my junior in college.

And he just came back to Xingzhou. Sorry to interrupt. Even if we had a recommendation, we wouldn’t be able to complete the hiring process in time. Mr. Xiao, you’re overreacting. Lei Ming went through Longhai’s hiring process [Teacher Interview Registration Form] two weeks ago. The materials for the preliminary exams, retests, written exams, interviews,

Political vetting, and medical exams are all here. Everyone can take a look. Looks like you’re prepared. It’s a tough time. It’s all for the students. Okay. Ms. Gao’s coordinated development of vocational and general education and Mr. Lou’s teaching experiment are very good ways. It’s all for the sake of our students.

How about this? Let’s try them both at the same time. It’s like merging two schools. Agree to disagree and work together. That’s it. [THE HOPE] Let’s learn Tao Yuanming’s “Ah, Homeward Bound I Go!” Ah, homeward bound I go! Ah, homeward bound I go!

Why not go home, seeing that my field and gardens are overgrown? Myself have made my soul serf to my body. Why have vain regrets and mourn alone? What does it mean? Go home. The fields are almost deserted. Why not go home? My heart has been imprisoned by foreign objects. Why am I still

Lost and sad? Next. Fret not over bygones. And the forward journey takes. That means the mistakes of the past can no longer be undone. There’s still time to remedy the future. Did you listen to what I said? Giving another lesson? Mr. Lei. What took you so long? I was looking for you.

What are you doing here? Auntie’s been looking for you. Why didn’t you tell me you were on summer vacation? You just got off the train? What are you carrying? Where’s your luggage? Mr. Lei. I graduated from college more than ten years ago. Mr. Lei. Your father is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.

Our nursing home is especially good at taking care of elderly people like this. We have two programs that specialize in this condition. The first is high-end care. From nursing care to daily life, it’s all according to international standards. Sir. Stop looking at me. I’m underage. Where were we? Mr. Lei. Every elderly person

Has a caregiver. They’re under the highest level of care. Our meals are also of the highest international standards. Depending on the services you need, I’ll calculate the cost of the first service. Wait a moment. You look younger than in the photo. You don’t look like a 25-year-old person. Neither do you.

Have a drink? I have menstrual cramps. Warm water is OK. Sir. Sir. Hello. One cup of Yamazaki 18. A glass of warm water. Thanks. Yes, one moment, please. Mr. Lei. Mr. Lei. Go ahead. You can see our latest brochure. The cost of the first service has been calculated for you.

[Zhenhu Nursing Home] 35,000 a month. 350,000 a year. More than 300,000? That’s right. It’s a very good deal when you pay annually. Let’s take a look at the second one. You like this brand? They have nice rings, too. Let me see your ring size. You said you’re here on business.

What do you do in Shanghai? I’m in sales. Do you make much money? What kind of diploma do you need? Are you looking for a boyfriend or a job? If I’m your girlfriend, can you take me to Shanghai? Are all girls nowadays so aggressive when talking? Without drinking a single glass of wine,

You want me to take you to Shanghai? That’s not what I meant. I just want you to introduce me to a job. I can earn my own money instead of spending yours. When the time comes, I’ll pay you back with interest for the airfare and lodging. I won’t take advantage of you.

Can you tell me how much it costs to live in Shanghai each month? My hotel is just a block from here. Why don’t we talk about it there? Maybe we’ll get to know each other. Then I might actually take you to Shanghai. Do you have any questions about the second service? Mr. Lei.

Mr. Lei. If you meet someone you know, please go ahead and say hello. It’s okay. I’m right here. There’s no need. This guy’s no match for that girl. What? [Resident I.D. Xingzhou Development Bank] This is the wallet you just dropped. It’s got local IDs, bank cards, and access card.

This is how you talk to people? You get a room near a bar and lie to people that you’re here on business. Do you live with your parents or have a wife at home? Girl. As a high school student, why do you pretend to be mature? You want to earn pocket money

At this age? Too early. Don’t forget to pay the bill. Thank you. The second service program saves over a hundred thousand a year. But it’s a double room. Apart from the orientation of the room and the hardware, the most important thing is that the medical care is different. You said just now

Your father has early-stage Alzheimer’s. For this type of elderly, we offer dance activities, gardening, cooking therapy, and multi-sensory stimulation. [Basic Therapy Programs and Standards] Various treatment programs. For the time being, we’d recommend a private intensive care unit. It’s fine. It’s good to have a lot of people. My dad likes that. He can

Teach. The second one, then. That’s it. Okay, no problem. Mr. Lei. I’ll go back and refine the plan. – We’ll be in touch later. – OK. [Math Comprehensive Test] [Cheng Yushan, Sophomore, Class 5] Watch it. Longhai’s students, please line up. Line up. Mingying’s students. Move in now. Bag check. It’s not for Mingying?

Only for Longhai? Nothing in my bag. You. Stop right there. Come here. Hello, sir. – I want to go to the restroom. – Don’t move. Are you treating us differently? Why don’t you check on Mingying’s students but just Longhai’s? It’s not fair. – It’s not fair. – Sure.

I don’t have a cell phone. Show me your cell phone. I don’t have it. Will this let you pass? Mr. Rong is being very strict today. She’s already caught a few. That’s because they didn’t come to Steve Jobs in Longhai, Ran. Twenty for each cell phone. I’ll scan your QR code.

There’s no more room. Give it to me. Can this work? Or have you invented [Accounting book] a device that blocks the detectors? Here. Ran. If you have a cell phone, turn it in. Your bag. Excuse me. You’re in the wrong row, aren’t you? Don’t mess with him. What’s wrong? Nothing.

Be in the front. In the front. Okay, that’s it. Go. Get in line. Work harder. Hey, stand over here. Go. Good morning. Good morning, sir. See you. You. Which class are you in? Class 4. [Senior, Peach Plum Class 4] Wait a minute. I teach Chinese in Class 4.

How come I don’t know you? In the pre-school test, I was admitted from Longhai. You probably don’t remember. Go. Stop right there. I’m sorry, sir. I’ve forgotten. Who are you? You’re Steve Jobs in Longhai? My cell phone. Who’s this? Isn’t this Ran from Longhai? Call it even. Li Ran.

You just got here, and you broke the rules. Quiet! Good. Get in. Dye your hair black after school. Do you hear me? Amazing. Who told you to wear a necklace? I don’t admire anyone but you. Take it off. So many cell phones. How did you come up with this? You.

You’re from Mingying, but what are you doing here? Sir. I scribbled on my uniform. But I did it for love and peace. [Love Peace] Quiet! Come on. Stand still. Wait here. Look. Who’s got scissors? You. Have you finished? Have you finished cutting your pants? Stand back.

– I can’t get them off. – Stand back! What are you looking at? – It’s stuck so tight. – Cut this. So tight? Good morning. Compared to the other Vice Principals’ offices, mine is the closest to the restroom. Convenient and clean. It’ll be soon, Mr. Lou. Since you took the trouble to find me and arrange an interview, next year, I’ll move upstairs. You wanted to see me, didn’t you? Fine. I’ll go see Principal Gao. Lei.

Believe it or not. I’m doing this for the students in Longhai. I don’t want them to be neglected or easily abandoned. Do you believe it? [The Opening Ceremony of MEHS] “Dian” is not right, either. [New semester. New beginning. New hope.] To the right. You’d have to ask them. It’s like asking a terminal cancer patient if chemotherapy has affected their life. So, Minglong needs this teaching experiment. Even if it’s just an attitude

Or a show. We can at least give hope to patients, as well as those who will be hospitalized in the future. No. This experiment [Lou Jingzhi] is Lou Jingzhi’s wishful thinking. I’m not sure how much you’re involved. Take it easy, Mr. Lei. I’m not speculating on your motives, your goals, and your interests.

I’d like to believe the reasons you said. You were a teacher. Now you’re back in education and trying to make a comeback. I’m not surprised. And I like people who have clear goals. I can’t quite agree with your philosophy. [Gao Jingjuan, Chen Weibin] And I don’t think the Lizhou Miracle can be repeated.

But we can try. Still, I must remind you. Teaching can be experimental. But students, no. I wish we could have no qualms about needing and working with each other. What’s the demand? A classroom. An office. Teachers and students of my choice. And, I want to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow. OK. That’s all?

And an assistant. Is someone who often disses others OK? Sang Xia. I’m somewhat your guidance counselor. Before, I asked you to teach the students the disadvantages of early love, but you taught them the advantages. During the 30th anniversary, I asked you to present your achievements. The leaders were sitting under the stage.

But what did you talk about? The student suicide rate. Half of the complaints I get from student’s parents are about you. [Youth League Committee Office] Are you settling scores? What scores? Settling scores? In Mingying, teaching is the most important thing. We’ve merged. After the merger, Mingying still takes precedence. In Mingying,

Learning is the most important thing. Everything else can be put on the back burner. Principal Gao is not happy with you. So I will be…? Fired? Think about it yourself. According to the previous class formation practice, the smallest experimental class requires at least five students. If there are fewer than five applicants,

You won’t be able to complete the process. Follow up on Mr. Xiao. Set a deadline with Lei Ming. OK. One last arrangement. Sang Xia. Lei Ming is new here. He’s not familiar with the school. You’ll be the guidance counselor and assistant of the new class. Principal Gao. Actually,

I don’t want to refuse it. But, look. As a professional psychology teacher, I have to open the door to the Moral Education Department at 6:30 every morning. [Moral Education Department] In the morning, I have to help Mr. Rong and Mr. Hu with some important school affairs. Ms. Sang.

– Here you go. – Has my milk tea arrived yet? Yes, it’s here. This is Mr. Hu’s. You have to sign here. Ms. Sang. Write it neatly. Or you’ll have to rewrite it later. Ms. Sang. At noon, I had lunch without a lunch break. [Fire hydrant] Supervise. Send documents. Check the fire.

[Campus safety information board] Change the bulletin board. I go wherever I’m needed. I also have to go to the canteen every now and then to check if the food is hygienic. Ms. Sang, wait. There are two more dishes. No, please. – Next time. – You can. Ms. Sang. So, Principal Gao.

I’m not making excuses. But the grassroots construction of Minglong can’t do without an almighty screw like me. From now on, your grassroots work is canceled. And you’ll have a counseling room. Can you be the headteacher now? I’m Lei Ming’s guidance counselor, right? Then it’s settled. Meeting adjourned. [Soothing tablets for anxiety and insomnia]

[Lizhou Miracle, a legend in Xingzhou’s education] Ladies and gentlemen. Students. Nice to meet you. Today, [Ten questions] I’m honored to speak on behalf of all the students here. We wear different uniforms, but our hearts are facing the same direction. Minglong Experimental High School. The blue sky will attract us to fly.

The sea will call us to set sail. The plains will be waiting for us. We can’t stand here today without the hard work – of our teachers, – I’m so excited. the help of our classmates, – Why? – or the concern – You’re going to read a review, – of our families.

Not receive an award. Our achievement today is just the beginning. I’m also a representative. – We were the only chosen misconduct ones. – I’m sure we’ll be even better – It is surely because of our good looks. – in the future. Listen. ♪I don’t like to wear my T-shirt the same way♪

♪The music is turned up to the max to get through♪ ♪They say the eyes are the windows to the soul♪ ♪Why do you always look down♪ ♪Three seconds until the party starts♪ ♪The crowd can’t wait to get started♪ ♪Give me your eyes right now♪ ♪Time’s up. Let’s go♪

♪It’ll lock up the building but won’t hold the tide♪ ♪The sound of the engine makes my heart beat like crazy♪ ♪I’m in the center of all the cheers♪ ♪The people who don’t matter need to be in the back of the line♪ Are you confessing your love to me?

♪It’ll lock up the building but won’t hold the tide♪ What? ♪The sound of the engine makes my heart beat like crazy♪ You stepped on my eyelashes. I’m sorry. We can’t stand here today – without the hard work of our teachers, – It’s OK. the help of our classmates,

Or the concern of our families. Our achievement today is just the beginning. I’m sure we’ll be even better in the future. [All students and faculty of MEHS welcome the new students] Of course, [Minglong Experimental High School] While we see the achievements, we should also clearly recognize that some students still

Have many problems and deficiencies. Next, two students who have violated the rules will make a public review. It’s your turn. Ran. [Review] Ran. The blue sky will attract us to fly. The sea will call us to set sail. – The plains will be waiting for us. – What’s he saying?

We can’t stand here today without the hard work of our teachers, the help and care… Sorry. the help of our classmates, or the concern of our families. Our achievement today is just the beginning. In the future, you and I must abide by the school’s rules and regulations.

Minglong may not be proud of you, But at least, don’t let it be ashamed of you. Now, let’s welcome Shen Yao of Senior Class 2, the outstanding student representative, the top student in this year’s test, – and the winner – Stop. of this year’s Mingying Star, Go away.

To the stage to receive the award. To the podium, sir? Back to your class. [Mingying Star Scholarship, Shen Yao] Ran. Seniors, come to the center of the playground. Oh, man. Be quick. It’s so hot. I’m getting a tan in the heat. What do you think we’re doing? I’ve always emphasized that in Minglong, every student is treated equally. Now that we’re in a new semester, we need a fresh start. We’ve decided to create

A new experimental class in the senior year for students applying to Double First-Class colleges. If you’re interested, just sign up. Be quick. – Be quick. – Who will go? I’d like to invite Mr. Lei Ming to give us an introduction. Isn’t this the man who stripped you in front of the school?

Mr. Xiao. Please hold it for me. Thank you, Mr. Xiao. First of all, I’d like to thank Principal Gao for trusting me. Everyone. Don’t be nervous. Let’s just relax. Let’s play a game. All seniors. Please move to track 4. Form a line. Thank you. I’m getting sunstroke. Now we’re playing a game?

Come on, guys. Let’s move. Come on, everyone. Let’s move! Come on! Line up on the track! Let’s move! Come on! Let’s move! Yes, line up on the track. Senior year is hard. Don’t run away, you guys! Come back! Come back! [Lou Jingzhi] Come on, go to the track. Okay, line up.

This is a voluntary game. It’s a sociological game. Very simple. Now, I’m going to ask you to honestly move forward or backward based on my question. If you have a special skill outside of your subject area and have achieved a certain level of proficiency, please move forward. If your parents

Can help you with your homework, please move forward. If your family has enrolled you in an extracurricular class or hired a tutor, go one step further. If you think you can easily find a job after graduation, please go one step further. If you think your family is happy and harmonious,

Go one step further. If you spend a lot of your birthdays alone, take a step back. If you often feel that you need to be busy and agonize over things other than your studies, take a step back. If you don’t have a quiet study environment at home, take a step back.

If your parents often miss parent-teacher conferences, take a step back. If you still have no idea what you want to do in the future, take a step back. Now, look around you. [THE HOPE] ♪Every hour♪ ♪I feel the thunder roaring tapping♪ ♪On my shoulder♪ ♪Find the power♪ ♪To face the challenges♪

♪We have each other♪ ♪Maybe♪ ♪This is not the life you want for♪ ♪But don’t give up♪ ♪We have tomorrow♪ ♪Someday♪ ♪We’ll get the reward♪ ♪We fought for♪ ♪Every setback♪ ♪Says that I’m the fighter♪ ♪Dry your tears♪ ♪Tame your fears♪ ♪What doesn’t kill us♪ ♪Make us strong♪ ♪Show the world♪ ♪Power♪

♪Brighter than the sun♪ ♪Burning like a star♪ ♪Free to love and run♪ ♪Because we’re so young♪ ♪There’s someone loving you♪ ♪Just for who you are♪ ♪Let thunders roar♪ ♪Brighter than the sun♪ ♪Burning like a star♪ ♪Free to love and run♪ ♪Because we’re so young♪ ♪There’s someone loving you♪ ♪Just for who you are♪

♪Let thunders roar♪ ♪In your heart♪