BMSUB【Isteriku Yang Ganas 我家娘子惹不起】EP06: Isteri Bossy Menjadi Rakan Sekerja✨ | YOUKU Malaysia

♪Thinking of you, the sky turns light blue♪ ♪Thinking of you, the sunlight feels gentle♪ ♪Thinking of you, the clouds look pink♪ ♪One bite, so sweet♪ ♪Loving you is like honey melting in the sun♪ ♪Even the coldest winter feels warm♪ ♪Since falling for you, I only want your company♪ ♪You see through all my sweet little schemes♪ ♪What should I do?♪ [My Sassy Girl] [Episode 6] How…? My Lord, we brought Lei back! Let go of me! Let me fly! Let me take off! Boss! Lei ran around Jinzhou like a madman without breaking a sweat. Then he said he wanted to move Elixir Tavern to the yamen because Ms. Gong loved that place. Look, he brought back its plaque. I’m flying away! And you actually let him do it? Yin, you’re here! Let go of me! I’m going to Elixir Tavern and bringing the cook to Yin! What are you looking at? Carry him away! Yes. [Elixir Tavern] Lord Lin, I shall take my leave now. Go. If I’m not mistaken, it was also the Five-Color Powder that made the carps in the Sun Residence leap out of the water and die. That’s why their bones turned black and purple. I planned to identify the poison by boiling the bones, but that idiot tested it on himself. So Lei was poisoned by the Five-Color Powder? Yes. The Five-Color Powder numbs the nerves and causes extreme excitement and hallucinations. I suspect Sun Ren suffered from the same poison. If that’s the case, then Sun Ren’s vision of Jiang Mengyu riding a carp and turning into a fairy was also a hallucination. The poison of the Five-Color Powder isn’t lethal to humans. Perhaps the killer poisoned Sun Ren first and then disposed of the remaining poison in the fish pond to destroy evidence. This poison is deadly to fish. That’s why the carps leaped out of the water and died. So it was all an illusion? Yin, will Lei be alright? Should we get Mr. Yu to check on him? No need. I will cure him. Slow down. Why are you so jolly? Well, of course, I am. We’ve found out the fairy transformation is an illusion, and we now know the reason for the anomaly in the pond. We’re getting closer to the truth. How could I not be happy? Don’t celebrate just yet. As I said before, this is an unusual case. Moreover, the killer’s motive is still unknown. Future investigations will be even trickier. As far as I know, nothing can stump you, Lord Lin. As far as I know, you’re getting better at flattery. I’m going to check on Fu Wenyuan. He tends to overthink when he’s alone. Don’t go. I tend to overthink too when I’m alone in the yamen. Lin Qingqiu, you’ve been acting stranger and stranger lately. What do you think is strange about me? You’ve become just as childish as before! Wow. These look incredible! Next time, I’ll teach you how to make them. Great. How’s Lei Yu doing? Don’t worry. With me around, he’s not going to die. But I think his good days are numbered. By the way, are you alright? It’s rare to see you in the kitchen. I can’t believe you turned sweet potatoes into such fancy dim sum. And you did this all for Fu Wenyuan? Sweet potatoes are his favorite, so I made some to bring to him in prison. I’m worried he’s not used to the food there. I really miss the old days. Now, my biggest wish is for him to be released soon. So do you know how he feels about you? Yes, I know. Are you going to accept him? No, that’s impossible. To me, he’s just a good friend. No, a good buddy. But with him being wrongfully imprisoned now, he can’t take another blow. Once he’s cleared of charges and released, I’ll talk to him and make things clear. Looks like Qingqiu needs to work harder. The sooner he proves Fu Wenyuan’s innocence, the sooner you can turn Fu Wenyuan down. Focusing on sweet potato buns even at a time like this? Have you given up? Well, I smell jealousy. Of course not. If I died, Lu would be devastated. Do you have any of these? With all the evidence and witnesses, you’re doomed. Who on earth framed me? You should ask yourself who you’ve offended. I’ve offended plenty, but the one who hates me the most should be… If I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t need to go to such lengths. Sun Qinjiu has already appealed. I can’t guarantee whether you’ll return home safely or be beheaded in two days. Lin Qingqiu, if death is my fate, promise me you’ll clear Lu’s name and protect her. Of course, I’ll keep Lu safe. And please, don’t bother her again. Though she seems carefree, what happened between you two has always troubled her. Being with you will only bring her misery. Are you saying that even if you died, you wouldn’t let Lu be with me? That’s one way to put it. It took her over a year to finally move on. Don’t break her heart again. I’ll spend my life making up for all the pain she’s endured this past year. So I can’t grant your dying wish. You…! I’ve sent someone to find Yu. Only she can prove your innocence now. Hot… You… I… You… Don’t bother covering yourself. I’ve seen plenty of corpses. There’s nothing special about your body. Why am I here? You were poisoned by the Five-Color Powder. I’m steaming out the toxins for you with a medicinal bath. Stay put if you don’t want to die. I see. But this poison brought me no pain at all. I even had a nice dream. What did you dream about? Tell me. What did you dream about? I dreamed that I brought the Elixir Tavern plaque to you. I also dreamed… that I kissed you. Is that so? What you think about during the day is what you will dream of at night. How dare you, Lei Yu? How dare you fantasize about me? Lei Yu! Let me explain! Don’t hit me! Listen! I… Let go! I didn’t mean to… You fool! My Lord, [Yu, Jiang Mengyu’s maid] we were robbed on the way to the wedding. It was Master Fu who saved us. To thank him, Ms. Jiang gave him the white fish jade pendant. It wasn’t a love token as rumored. Every word I’ve said is true. On the night of the wedding, you stayed by Ms. Jiang’s side. Did you notice anything unusual? Everything at the banquet was fine, but after she entered the bridechamber, Ms. Jiang suddenly asked me to fetch Master Jiang. Did she say why? Thank you. You may leave now. Yes. [Jinzhou Yamen] Mr. Sun, what brings you here? Ms. Lu, I’m here to see Lord Lin and retrieve something that belonged to my daughter-in-law. The white fish jade pendant? Exactly. Now that the murderer has been caught, it should be returned to its rightful owner. In that case, it should go back to the Jiang family. You don’t understand. Since she’s married into our family, everything she had belongs to us! Ms. Jiang hasn’t even been buried, and the real culprit hasn’t been caught. Mr. Sun, why are you so eager to get her dowry? Please forgive me, Ms. Lu. I’m just worried about my son. He’s fallen ill from grieving for his wife. I just want to get the pendant back so he can have something to remember her by. But we visited Sun Ren yesterday. Why didn’t he ask us for it himself? Well… Something’s off. As soon as Jiang Mengyu’s body was found, you demanded that Lord Lin execute Fu Wenyuan. And now, you’re here for her pendant. Her husband hasn’t even asked for it. Why are you, her father-in-law, so eager to have it? Is there something you’re not telling us? Nonsense! I don’t need to explain myself to you! I’ll speak to Lord Lin! Stop. That is evidence. Lord Lin won’t give it to you. Regardless, it’s certain that Fu Wenyuan killed my daughter-in-law. There’s nothing wrong with me reclaiming her belongings! Sooner or later, you’ll have to return that pendant to me! Hmph! Lu, where were you? The Evidence Room. I have something to tell you. Hold on. Let me guess if we’re thinking the same thing. Sun Qinjiu is hiding something. Did you go to the Evidence Room to find it? Yes. I already found it suspicious when Sun Qinjiu was eager to have Fu Wenyuan executed. Now, he’s desperately trying to get the dowry. I suspect he is actually after this jade pendant. Yu, Jiang Mengyu’s maid, confirmed she had no affair with Fu Wenyuan. But Sun Qinjiu insisted they did, using this jade pendant as the evidence. Thinking back, I realize he was trying to give Fu Wenyuan a plausible motive for murder. By the way, I was just about to go to the Evidence Room, but you already brought what I wanted. We really are becoming more and more in sync. I was asking for the pendant. You should’ve been clearer. What do you think? This pendant is by no means ordinary. It was a national treasure of the ancient Loulan Kingdom. The Loulan Kingdom? Yes. This pendant is part of a pair. The other one is black. This white one is made of Tian Shan’s snow jade, and the black one is made of Dragon Cave jade. Many years ago, as a friendly gesture, the Western kingdom of Loulan gave the black fish jade pendant to our country. The late emperor then gave it to Grand Tutor Ji. Who is Grand Tutor Ji? A corrupt official who was later dismissed. Then this pendant must be valuable. It’s more than valuable. It’s priceless. Legend has it that when the two pendants are put together, a hidden treasure will be revealed, and the owner of this treasure could change the balance of power among nations. Oh, I see. By the way, there was something else peculiar. Yu mentioned that on the wedding night, Jiang Mengyu repeatedly urged her to fetch Sun Ren from the banquet. Why did she do that? That night, she must have discovered something. It seems we need to visit the Sun Residence. Yes. I haven’t changed anything in this room. These are Mengyu’s dowry items. Master Sun, do you recognize this? But my father has a black one that looks very similar. All my wife’s belongings are here. Feel free to look around. Look, this is a double-sided mirror, a specialty of Licheng. It has two sides. Ms. Lu, you are really knowledgeable. I’ve been to Licheng. Even the Empress uses a double-sided mirror. Made with quenched bronze and black powdered tin, and polished with white felt, it shows superb craftsmanship, especially this double-sided design. Look, press this bronze button, and it flips to the other side. Look! [Sun Qinjiu and Bao Sheng] [want the white fish jade pendant.] "Sun Qinjiu and Bao Sheng…" [I fear for my life.] Su Qinjiu really had something to do with Jiang Mengyu’s death. Why are you here? You… Mengyu, now that you’re married into my family, hand over the jade pendant. I… I told you I didn’t have the pendant. Stop playing dumb with me! Give me the pendant. It really isn’t with me! Hand it over! Or I’ll beat you to death! Give it to me! Hand over the pendant! Or I’ll beat you to death! Do you hear me? Hand it over! Hand it over now! Give it to me! Give it to me! I really don’t have it! Give it up! Jiang Mengyu probably left this note to inform Sun Ren of the secret. But wasn’t Bao Sheng a teahouse owner? Why was he so close to Sun Qinjiu? I still have many doubts about Bao Sheng’s case. Who went through all the trouble to put him in a coffin and frame the murder on you remains unknown. The priority now is to find Sun Qinjiu immediately. Right. ♪I tried to break free♪ ♪No longer holding tight♪ ♪Even if I returned to loneliness♪ ♪Like I’d never fallen in love♪ ♪No more new memories♪ ♪No more news from you♪ ♪I chose to forget♪ ♪Intentionally♪ ♪I tried to accept the wasted time♪ ♪Pretending that I didn’t care♪ ♪I had to close my eyes♪ ♪And act blind to that side of mine♪ ♪Until it became hard to tell♪ ♪If my love for you was true or a lie♪ ♪I’ve fooled time♪ ♪But not myself♪ ♪I think I will understand in time♪ ♪And stop relying on you♪ ♪I can only draw in memory♪ ♪A version of you that loves me♪ ♪What a perfunctory farewell♪ ♪Without even a goodbye♪ ♪The coward in love isn’t me♪ ♪It’s you♪ ♪I tried to accept the wasted time♪ ♪Pretending that I didn’t care♪ ♪I had to close my eyes♪ ♪And act blind to that side of mine♪ ♪Until it became hard to tell♪ ♪If my love for you was true or a lie♪ ♪I’ve fooled time♪ ♪But not myself♪ ♪I think I will understand in time♪ ♪And stop relying on you♪ ♪I can only draw in memory♪ ♪A version of you that loves me♪ ♪Your love eludes me♪ ♪What should’ve come never did♪ ♪This ending♪ ♪Is more unexpected than the truth♪ ♪Unexpected♪ ♪I think I will understand in time♪ ♪And stop relying on you♪ ♪I can only draw in memory♪ ♪A version of you that loves me♪ ♪What a perfunctory farewell♪ ♪Without even a goodbye♪ ♪The coward in love isn’t me♪ ♪It’s you♪ ♪The coward in love isn’t me♪ ♪It’s you♪