BMSUB【怦然心动20岁 第四季 Twinkle Love S4】EP06 Part 1: Kisah Cinta Di Luar Negara💕 | YOUKU Malaysia

[Twinkle Love S4] [Twinkle Love S4] [Spring Class Four] Hello, everyone. Welcome to YOUKU’s "Twinkle Love S4". Welcome to all our panel members. Why does everyone seem so different today? How did Kevin Guo lose so much weight? Well, [Kevin Guo in the first episode] the show is stressful. [Stressed] Stressful? Really stressful. Watching this show is intense. You never let me see the next episode. [Demanding more episodes] Do you know how long [Demanding more episodes] it’s been since the last one? [Can’t wait] I need to know what’s going on. Really. It’s not because of any online comments. It’s a different kind of stress. In the last episode, reveal how much weight you lost. Alright. Shen Yue, she looks like a vengeful heroine today. [Evil heroine is vibes] I’m not going to smile today. Why not? It doesn’t fit my look. [What?!] Yes, today I’m the dating show judge. [Dating show judge] [Can’t keep up the act] And let’s welcome our new friend, Li Xikan. Hello. I need to tell you, Li Xikan, everyone who comes on the show has to show off a special skill. [Show us your talent!] I’ll mimic an emoji. Yang Di left, so you can do that. It’s a famous cat emoji that you all might have seen. [Looking forward to it] OK. Huh? [Huh?] I have to say, your skill is on par with Waston. You’re both so abstract. [Abstract art duo] Very abstract. OK. A perfect match. [Perfect match] OK. It’s been a long time since our last recording. Does anyone remember what happened last time? Nope. I do. I remember. Yeah. Yes, I remember. [Dating show judge checks quickly] Let’s have Shen Yue give us a recap. Good. [Dodged a bullet] Shen Yue, please give us a recap. Last time we had a role-playing episode. [Dashu] And we had a new female guest. It seems like everyone’s relationships have gotten more complicated. Then Zhu and Lian exchanged messages. – They both switched to someone else. – Yes. Yes. They broke up completely. Totally. Right. And our Zhuang, [Zhuang→Dashu] sent a message to the new girl, Dashu. [Chu→Zhuang→Dashu] But Chu still… Feels the same about Zhuang. Feels the same about Zhuang. Today they’re going to Phuket. An Island. Romantic. Who knows what stories will unfold? Let’s look forward to it together. What will happen today? Stay tuned. [Bangkok] We’re off to the island of Phuket! [REC] Let’s go. Let’s go. Here. [Helping out] Cai’s suitcase looks just like mine. I’m on the plane now. Heading to Phuket. [Bangkok] [Phuket] [Phuket] It’s so beautiful here, seriously. Such a relaxing place to hang out. It’s so sunny! Hurry up, hurry up. Are you happy now? With my legs squished next to yours, not really. [170cm legs, 180cm legs] I need to find someone with longer legs to walk with. Me. [Zhuang’s legs: 100cm] I’ve got long legs. [100cm vs. 110cm] Such long legs. Let’s walk arm-in-arm. Yeah, let’s do it. Alright, arm-in-arm it is. [Waist-height walk] Let’s go. Let’s do it. [Starting the journey on a songthaew] Zhuang, why are you so happy? Nice. Nice. Today’s setup is great. What do you mean? [All guys] "Women’s best friend", Zhuang. [The only guy] Mom, look! Isn’t it great? Mom, I’ll bring home a daughter-in-law for New Year. Mom said bring them all home. Bring them all home. [Speaking of the evil] Hey, what’s the matter? Mom, look! Isn’t it great? Hello, Auntie. Hi there. – Hello, Auntie. – Hello. – How are you? – Mom, isn’t she great? – You won’t find another like her. – So beautiful. Oh my gosh. I can’t even see your eyes. Can you… Maybe you’re sitting there because you don’t have sunglasses. You’re so lucky. [I should’ve worn sunglasses] Feeling a bit jealous. Zhuang’s really lucky. I’m the boss around here now. [What?] We call it Zhuang Media. [Zhuang Media] Zhuang Media. I kind of want to leave. [I want to switch jobs] Welcome. Can I get a raise if I switch jobs? [I want a new job] Double the pay and I’ll join you. I’ll offer five times. Oh! [Tempted by five times the pay] Five times? You really can’t keep anyone loyal. You all go ahead. Zhuang is so pumped today. How about this, let’s play "World War"? The four of us against all of you. We’ll send out "Jacky Xue" as our lead. [Jacky Xue of Hainan] [Someone’s copying me] Why is he Jacky Xue? You know, his hairstyle is similar. Who wants to challenge us? You go. Lun. What game? Rock-paper-scissors. Come on. Rock, paper, scissors. [Win] [Easy victory] Next one. [Boy Band 1:0 Zhuang Media] My good employee, best employee. Okay, next. No. Wait. Let’s compare leg length. Let’s compare leg length. Such a classy insult. Here we go. Here we go. [110cm legs coming at you] Hahaha. [How can I compete?] Conan, this round is mine. This round’s mine. But I don’t think my legs are as long as hers. [Boy Band 1:1 Zhuang Media] Alright, you lost. Next. Let’s test flexibility. [Flexibility challenge] Let’s do the splits. Come on. Come on. This is hard! [Dangerous stunt, do not attempt] Ah, ah. Doing splits in a car? Oh my gosh. Can you really do it? Wow. Nope, he can’t. Ah. My legs are going to break. [Zhu steps up] Careful. [Dangerous stunt, do not attempt] Careful. [Oh] [Surprised] [Boy Band 1:2 Zhuang Media] This is wild. These young folks bond so quickly. Next up. Did you hit your head? [Nods] Good thing I’m short. [Short advantage x1] Good thing I’m short. [Short advantage x2] Did you hurt yourself? [Caring] No, I’m good. Great. Stop worrying so much. Someone’s watching. Your girl’s watching you. We’re here. [Arrives at Marina Pier] The seaside. So beautiful. So beautiful. I really want to go. So beautiful. I see the cruise ship. I see the beautiful ocean. They’re so happy. Feels like youth. Yeah. What’s this over here? [Discovering a mysterious board] There’s a chalkboard. There’s a chalkboard. Let me take a look. [Finally, you’ve arrived!!!] Ahhh. Hi, everyone. [Oh, ah, ah] Finally. What’s going on? What’s wrong? [Newcomer’s letter] There’s a new classmate. Is there more? Really? [Excited, surprised] Another new classmate. Finally, you’ve arrived. But it took so long. So I secretly took your tickets to the island. Actually, I’ve been feeling really down for a long time. Constantly working. Constantly trying to please others. Until I came here. I realized life doesn’t have to be so hard. The real me is the best me. Freedom is so beautiful and joyful. Like a dolphin. Yeah. [Woo] Feels like he was [Woo] being forced to perform. Enough said. On the other side of the map, come find me and let’s play. I’ll show you the real life you’ve been dreaming of. [Overjoyed] [Mystery friend’s location] On the other side of the map. [Their location] No way you can guess it right away. Maybe. Possibly. Let’s go. [Two cars heading to the destination] [Car 1, Car 2] Let’s go meet our new friend. [Staring out the window] Call me. [I want one] Call me. [Concerned] Call me. Call me. [I’m not eating that] [What about me?] This seat arrangement… It is a bit awkward. [Mu and Qing are sitting apart] Things are already different. Can we talk about the other cars? Cai, Zhu, Lun, Wen, and Lian. [Whoa] It’s a battlefield. [Battlefield] Battlefield. [Can’t see me] Poor Wen. Wen is always left out. [Live commentary from the three] [Trying to join in] [Live commentary from the three] [Commentators] They’re just playing by themselves. No one’s paying attention to him. Can you guys get it into that hole? Wen is always like this in the car. [No response] [Commentators] Wen is still part of the story. Hey. – Wen is part of the game. – Yeah. [Commentators] No, I think Wen is genuinely happy. Wen is truly happy. [Happiness is for others] The two kids are also bored. Wen responds to everything. People act like this when they’re bored. ♪Seeing my sorrow♪ Or maybe he isn’t truly happy. A smile hiding sadness. I bet Lian is secretly watching someone. [Whoa] [Live commentary from the two] What’s Zhu doing? Zhu is probably asleep already. [Peeking] [Asleep] Nailed it. [Asleep] Spot on. [Suddenly wakes up] Zhu, are you okay? I’m a bit sleepy. [Sleepy] Sleepy. [Live commentary from the two] What time did you go to bed last night? Pretty late. Quite late. Why does he have stubble today? He looks tired. [Back to sleeping] Yeah. [Back to sleeping] For her he is [Back to sleeping] pining himself away without regret. What about Lun? Lun is enjoying the view. [Wrong] [Doing homework…] Take down the surveillance cameras. So, the only ones interacting right now are Cai and Wen? Seems like they’re the only ones allowed to interact. Otherwise, it gets too complicated. Qing is just sitting there, not saying a word. [Complicated situation in one car] This is the eleventh guest. So that means there will be a twelfth person. Yeah. [Newcomer arriving?] Do you think it will be a guy or a girl? The handwriting looks like a girl’s. [Looks like a girl, looks like a guy] Looks like a guy. But she whined. Guys can whine too. I’m always purring. [Hehe] – Why? – His teeth are so white. [Woo] They say you shouldn’t tell jokes at the beach. Why? Why? Tsunami. Tsunami. Because it could cause a sea laugh. [*A pun with "tsunami" in Chinese] Such an old joke. Funny. Funny. Funny. We’re here. Is this the place? [PHUKET ELEPHANT CARE] [Elephants Care] Elephants! It’s the Elephant Care. Our new friend is an elephant. So you were close. [Prediction success] Not a dolphin, but an elephant. Yeah. Do you have a fortune-teller’s card or something? I don’t. Sawadee ka. [Feels like home] Sawadee ka. Hello, everyone. [Finally arrived] Sawadee ka. [Glance] My name is Xiao Bai. [Caregiver] I’m an elephant caregiver. [shì yǎng yuán ha] Caregiver. [Proudly seeking praise] Pretty cool, right? Pretty cool. [Uh] Today… [Uh] What’s with the sound effects? What does "uh" mean? [Info time] It’s like a filler word for us. "Yeah". That’s it. Today, I’m going to show you what it’s like to live like an elephant. Sound good? Good. Here at our Elephant Care, [No chains, no hooks] we provide a natural environment [No chains, no hooks] for the elephants. [No rides, no performances] [For their sensitivity and intelligence] Our elephants aren’t chained. [For their happiness and freedom] No elephant shows. [For their happiness and freedom] No elephant rides. Do you know why? To protect the animals. Yes. We need to protect the elephants, let them relax, and let them do what they want. Okay? Okay. Now, go change your clothes. Go change. He speaks with a nasal accent. Where’s that accent from? Well, we Thais have this nasal resonance, right? [Instant Thai transformation] So, when we speak Chinese, it just sounds a bit higher. Like this. Pretty cool, huh? Wear whatever you like. I think this one is cute. I want the pink one. Let’s go. [Dressed and ready] That’s so cute. Like miners. Hurry up. Oh my gosh, Zhuang’s waist. [Skipping along] Tiny ant waist. Really. [Mu and Qing pass by] [Zhu] [Concerned] Guys, the elephants are coming. Here they come. I really want to go. I’ve never seen an elephant this close. It walks so cutely. Have you ever fed an elephant? Never. It’s really cute. Really cute. Is this real? Is this for real? You actually asked that? Good point. You can touch it. [Hello, everyone!] It’s very gentle. So cute. I want to touch it too. So cute. Okay, today we have five elephants. The first one’s name is Moon. Moon. Thirty years old. [Can’t believe it] Thirty years old? Thirty years old. [Thirty is young, right?] Is thirty young? That’s old. [It’s old] What do you mean? Stop teasing. [Moon, 30 years old] I should call you uncle. [The older generation] [Moon was forced to perform in a circus] People used to ride on it, using hooks to hit its ears and head, forcing it to walk. You can see its injuries on its head and ears. [Covered in scars] So sad. Another one is named Cloud. [Cloud was raised in chains] We rescued it from those chains. Another one here is named Boom. Boom. So big. [Its ears are covered in scars] Another one is named Rainbow. Rainbow. The last one is named [Once performed dancing in a circus] Sunrise. Sunrise. She is 62 years old. Here, we call her [Sexy Grandma Sunrise] Sexy Grandma. Sexy Grandma. If you feed her, only give her bananas. Yes. Because she has no teeth now. Okay? [Moon, Cloud, Boom, Rainbow, Sunrise] Now we’ll split into pairs. Two people per elephant. Alright. Okay. How do we split up? You go over there. Okay. [Hello] [Zhuang follows closely] You go over there. No, no, no. Wait a second. We’ve already grouped ourselves by color. Let’s split by color. [Teams by color] By color? Color teams. [You go there, blue] You go there. [You go there, blue] You go there. [Blue, purple, blue] [Some people already grouped during the outfit change] So smart. We just wanted to group by color. We just wanted to group by color. [Looking at Mu] Getting mad now. [Out of the loop] We already grouped ourselves by color. We’re first. The look he’s giving. Playing like this, huh? Which one should we pick? No idea. Maybe this one. Come here. The 30-year-old youngster. [Mu & Lun – Moon, Cai & Qing – Cloud] [Wen & Chu – Boom, Zhuang & Zhu – Rainbow] [Lian & Dashu – Sunrise] All mixed up. Wait a second. Pause for a moment. These five pairs don’t stick together. Isn’t that exciting? Okay. [Group 1, Group 2] Now, the three elephants of group one [Group 1, Group 2] come with me. [Group 1: Mud spa for the elephants] The other group [Group 2: Prepare lunch for the elephants] follow the staff, okay? Okay. Good. You guys… [Let’s go] Let’s go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Are you ready? Yes. Let’s go. Let’s go. [Ah!] [Scared me!] [Elephant cafeteria] Sawadee ka. [Elephant lunch group] Sawadee ka. Sawadee ka. Look at my hand here. We’re going to help prepare food for the elephants. [Preparing elephant snacks] Look at what this is. Rice. [Ingredients: rice] Rice. Amazing. Put the rice in. This. What’s this? Is this a pancake? Pumpkin. [Ingredients: pumpkin] Pumpkin. Pumpkin. [Ingredients: Hardy banana] Hardy banana, like bananas. You can toss them in. Next up, rice bran. [Ingredients: rice bran] Put the rice bran in. So healthy. The last one, here, smell this. [What is this?] What is it? I know, it’s tamarind. – Right. – The sour stuff. Tamarind. Very appetizing. Now it’s your turn. Mash it up real good, don’t worry. Thank you, teacher. [Glances] [Glances x2] [Working together] They split up the pairs. Keep going. It actually looks tasty. He’s been sneaking looks. [Concerned] Alright, now it’s up to you. Do your thing. Alright. So, it should look like the teacher’s example. [Standard answer] That’s the correct way, right? I think so. Teacher, how long does this usually take you? One minute. One minute. Alright, we’ll speed up, teacher. [Bam] [Turns away] Double-handed technique. Are you sure? You really want to do it like that? You’re making me look bad. [Imitating] Copying him. I need to grab one too. [Empty] There’s none left. Never mind. None left? [Here you go] No. Thank you, you’re so nice. Two different worlds. [Putting in more effort] Do we really need to use this much force? [Veins popping] I’m really going at it. I think I’m the fastest. Seriously. I’m being sincere. Zhuang, why did you stop? It’s actually quite tiring. You really need to use a lot of force? [Determined] Let’s take turns mashing. [Offering results] Why? Because mine is almost done. That’s so nice of you, Zhuang. Can you use this effort to pursue Chu instead? Thank you for helping me. [Understood] Can you do that? Yeah, I was just thinking, why aren’t any of the guys offering to help? Dashu. – Look. – You’re helping me a lot. I already knew this was going to happen. I really like Zhu. Let me check. [Inspecting results] Not bad, right? Looks good. Perfect. Just as beautiful as you. Thank you, teacher. Teacher knows how to give compliments. Next up, watermelon, and this sugarcane. The elephants actually eat pretty well. Yeah. Healthy diet. [Putting in full effort] Who needs help? I can see you do. Don’t wait until someone is done cutting. Let’s save this for ourselves [For ourselves] to eat later. Maybe I should cut it sideways. [Ladies first] Thank you. Thanks for being so polite. [What about me?] That look is priceless. Is Lian too serious? Yeah, he is. He’s so focused on the task. Very dedicated. But Lian seems really dependable. Yeah, definitely. Like the perfect son-in-law every mom wants. Is it sweet? Sweet, just like you, teacher. [Teacher blushes] Can we take a picture together, teacher? We’re like a scene from a Japanese drama. I don’t know what he’s doing back there. Perfect. He’s not paying attention. Just eating his fruit. This is great. One more shot. Today’s just our own little Japanese drama. So nerve-wracking. [Like chewing wax] [I’m starving!] [Time to eat!] Seeing you guys eat makes the elephants hungry too. Alright, let’s put it here first. Yibo, do you remember your elephant? This sexy grandma. Sexy grandma. Zhou Shen. Zhou Shen? Rainbow baby. Good job. Before you feed them, I need to tell you something. If you’re brave enough to put it directly into their mouth, say "Bong song". Bong song. So cute. They understand. Then just place it in their mouth. Alright, now it’s your turn. Feed them yourselves. [Catching] Bong song. So close. Bong song. Just put it in. Bong song. The whole bunch. Can you eat a whole bunch of bananas? [No way] Spit it in his face, right? It loves watermelon. You can pet them. You can interact with them. Such an amazing texture. It’s really big. So impressive. I want to try hugging one. So cool. Do you want to feel it? It can blow air. Nice. It’s blocking me. Seriously. No. It’s not. Both of you look at me. This one’s great. Believe in your strength. [Looks hesitant] This is why I can’t catch my breath. This is too tight. Teacher, can I get some scissors? My shoes are too small. My feet really hurt. I think they’re bleeding. It hurts a lot. Sorry, really sorry. She held out this long. Sorry. My feet are really hurting. I just couldn’t take it anymore. They all look so small. I’m sorry. I found some slippers for you. [Thoughtful] So considerate. Yes. I’ll cut it myself. No, I’ll cut it myself. You sure? Yes. Move this way. The elephant’s over there. I can cut it myself. Slowly. I’m so nervous. [Worried] She’s cutting the shoe open? This angle is off. Let me help. My shoes are too tight. Sorry. It’s cut now. Look how tight it is. It’s way too small. That must’ve been painful. Zhuang is so good at comforting people. Let me handle it. He’s really handy. Really. [Bending down] [Close to the ground] How is he so charming? He treats people he likes and dislikes so differently. Zhuang, be careful. [Uh] Did you hear that? A gasp. It really hurts. Sorry. Looks like it really hurts. She’s about to cry. Yeah. [Elephant bath] Class, do you know why elephants love mud? No. Because it works like sunscreen. Mud makes them comfortable and keeps them cool. I need to meet this teacher someday. Makes them comfortable and… He’s so cute. Soon you can use the mud to paint on the elephant. Our mud is clean. Humans can use it too. Come on. It’s clean. Take some mud. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Here’s an adorable one. A little elephant. [Hello there] Bath time. So cute. [Name: Cine, Age: 3, From: Chiang Mai] The little elephant’s name is Cine. Cine. Little elephant, let’s play. Let’s go. [Stuck in the mud] I’m stuck. I’m stuck. [Another one stuck] Come on. Teacher, what kind of path is this? The path of life. The path of life. [How to navigate the "path of life"] Come on. Come on. Teacher. [Teacher] Teacher. I can’t get out. I’m stuck. [Helping hand] Careful. What happened? His crush accepted another man’s hand. What happened? He got "backdoored". Excuse me? I looked away for one second. What’s going on? I can’t get out, man. I can’t get out either. Can you give me a hand? Let’s help each other out. Ready? Three, two, one. [Inspirational moment] Let’s go. Let’s move. I can’t get out! [Ahhhh!] Come on, guys. Ah! Keep trying! Come on, guys. [Stuck deep in the mud] We can’t move, teacher. Why do I keep sinking deeper? Why are they holding hands? Holding hands, really? Teacher! [Both still stuck] Holding hands now. Come on, guys. We can’t do it. [Chu got stuck too] [Holding hands again] My other foot, my other foot! Teacher. Sinking deep. Even the teacher can’t help. What’s sinking deep? Love? Love. Deeply in love. The elephants are just part of their game. Let’s go take care of that little elephant. [I’m over here] Okay. It’s squatting down. So cute. [Let’s play together] [Focusing on washing the elephant] When you wash it, it lies down. [Pat] [Helping to calm it] Good elephant. Don’t move your ears. OK. Oh wow. Wow, wow. Wow. Wow, wow. [Getting into it] Wow, wow. [Applying mud evenly] So cute. So cute. Wen, which elephant do you want to help? Come here. Go over there and find Moon. [I’m here] Okay. [Struggling to move] [Ah] Mu, the scene over there looks so beautiful. Really? It’s so peaceful. [Looking at Mu] We’re battling with the mud here. Look at our "Paddi". [Pulling] Let’s go. Three, two. You rest here. I haven’t heard Mu and Qing say a word to each other. Weren’t they a pair last time? Yeah, but the last thing they said was really serious. Long-distance relationship. Long-distance relationship. Long-distance relationship. Try sliding on your knees. It’s comfortable. Knee sliding. What are you doing? What are you doing? [Busy moving, don’t bother us] What are you doing? [Confused but amused] Write a word. [Wen] [Wen] Excuse me? [Wen] Wen was here. Signature. I thought he wrote "good". I thought he wrote "good". Look at that butt. Guess what this is? What’s that? Isn’t that a star? A star. Don’t you like looking at stars? [Betrayed by a teammate] Then I’ll draw one for you too. They use the elephants as a confession wall. Confession wall. Isn’t it a bit abstract, dude? A mountain. A mountain. A crown. Yes. A princess, right? A princess, right? Thank you, Wen. A princess, right? Thank you. Give Chu some emotional support. Thank you, Wen. Thank you, Wen. Wen is very good. [Wants to leave] Yeah. [But can’t] Just hold on to me. I’m easier to hold. This is quite a workout. Let’s try this. Don’t force it. Try pulling from this side. Come on. Ah. OK. The shoe came off. It’s stuck. I can’t get out. [Got stuck himself] I’m really stuck. Lately, I’ve noticed you and Mu seem a bit distant these past few days. Good friends having a conversation. Our talk didn’t go well. My team member. [Lays down] I’m free! It looks nice here. What’s up with you two? Everyone’s asking. Everyone’s curious. Yeah. We just had an unpleasant chat yesterday. Is this about last night’s message? Her response to my message last night was unsatisfying. My baby, I love you. You talked face-to-face yesterday. Yeah. When I walked in, the atmosphere felt off. I didn’t know what happened. I didn’t know why it suddenly felt that way. When I walked in, her attitude was just… About the future, I think we need to think seriously about it. We both need to think it over. We didn’t talk much last night. We were supposed to talk on the way here, but we didn’t. Let’s keep moving forward. I’m stuck again. Which foot? Let me help you. This side. Which foot? Both. So close, but not talking. Silent treatment. Yeah. Yes. Oh my gosh. Maybe find a chance to talk tonight. Whatever. But he keeps looking at her. No wonder he wears sunglasses. Chu. What’s up? How have you been these past few days? Pretty happy. Really? Really. What’s going on with you and Zhuang? [What’s going on with you and Zhuang?] Another round of gossip. Mutual gossip. Everyone loves gossip. [Avoiding] Feels like he’s avoiding me. Avoiding you. I don’t know what he’s thinking. He doesn’t talk much. Yesterday, he mentioned being in different countries. Maybe it’s like Crayon Shin-chan and Princess Barbie. Or two different countries. Different countries. I actually think long-distance relationships can work. Who’s talking about long-distance relationships? Why long-distance? Is she talking about someone else? She’s so cute. She’s trying not to overthink. Where did this relationship come from? Having a friend like this in life would be amazing. Don’t tell her the truth. Let’s keep her in the dark, okay? She’s just too cute. So adorable. Honestly, I don’t think long-distance relationships are a problem. [Long-distance relationship] [Travel is so easy now] With travel being so easy, [Travel is so easy now] you can visit anytime. Yes. [Come home at any time] You can come home at any time. [Be back soon] I’ll be back to China very soon. [Not much I can do] But there’s not much I can do about it. Really. [Ugh] How to put it? [Back to reality] Considering the reality… It’s all good. [Scared of pushing him] I’m scared of pushing him, so one day, I just didn’t leave him a message. She’s moving from Barbie Land to Crayon Shin-chan Land. Yeah, just switch channels. Long-distance relationship. Too cute. But right now, besides him, you don’t know who else to focus on, right? Not really, I still mainly want to focus on him. I get it. Don’t stress too much. I’ve noticed [You don’t seem as happy as before] you don’t seem as happy as before. But, I don’t know, maybe since the zoo day… I don’t know what went wrong. I think, we still have time ahead, right? You should spend more time together. Yes. Just express my feelings openly. I’m not worried about getting a specific response. It’s okay. A new chapter has begun. We just arrived in Phuket, maybe things will turn around. Yes. Do you think Chu has a great personality? Very cute. Yes. She’s really nice. She doesn’t dwell on things. No overthinking, absolutely no overthinking. Super positive. Yes, exactly. Right. Honestly, she’s been really persistent with Zhuang, but Zhuang’s response, which isn’t exactly a problem, but he does seem a bit distant and cold. You can tell at a glance whether he likes someone or not. But every morning, she’s always cheerful and full of energy. Such a positive girl. She always looks on the bright side of things. Yes. Very optimistic. Usually, when one person really likes another, and the other doesn’t respond, that person would feel pretty down. Right. But she doesn’t feel that way at all. She likes who she likes. I really admire her straightforward romance. I feel like, just like she talked about the long-distance relationship issue, she doesn’t think Zhuang is avoiding her because he doesn’t like her. [Really?] But because she thinks there’s some other issue between them. Yes. She’s still trying to figure it out, and she’s not giving up. She doesn’t feel like… Right. "Zhuang, you don’t like me, so I give up." No. I’m not like that. If I liked someone and found out she was always avoiding me, obviously not interested, I’d definitely back off. Yeah, I’d be super sensitive about it. Mainly to protect myself. Exactly. I’d run so fast, trust me. Yeah. You all would be out of there in no time. Running away. So fast. Really quick. No response? I’m gone. No wonder you’ve lost weight, always running. Yeah, if I were Wen, I’d already have a plane ticket back home. Not playing this game anymore, just watching you all. So, what do you all think? Do you think Zhuang’s behavior is a problem? I don’t think it’s a problem. He’s just been avoiding from the start. He’s a bit scared. He doesn’t know how to respond. He’s not sure what to do. He’s afraid to accept this kindness. Yeah. Right. So he gently turns it down. But when Zhuang likes someone, he really goes for it. Remember how he was with Qing? Texting her all the time. And he was pretty proactive with Dashu too. Mu and Qing haven’t said a word all day. Feels like they’re avoiding each other. I don’t think so. I think they’re waiting for the other to… Make the first move? To make the first move. Both of them are holding back. So stubborn. Two earth signs, right? Probably. Overthinking everything. Stubborn. Both think they’re not the problem, waiting for the other to speak first. Are you the type to give the silent treatment? [Silent treatment] I am. [Silent treatment +1] I am too. [Silent treatment +2] Me too. [All silent treatment types] You too, huh? Just don’t want to talk. I feel like if you’re giving the silent treatment, then let’s break up. [Silent treatment = break up] My attitude is, let’s solve the problem quickly. If we can’t solve it, let’s break up. I don’t have the energy for silent treatment. A day doesn’t count as silent treatment? I don’t think so. So how long do your silent treatments last? About, why am I saying this. Three years? That’s called breaking up, not silent treatment. Three years. The other side still waiting, still giving you the silent treatment. "Still not talking to me?" "Had enough yet?" "Another three years!" Class, let’s go wash the elephants. He’s so funny. I want to argue with that teacher. Wouldn’t it be funny? He wouldn’t give you the silent treatment. No silent treatment with him. His accent is hilarious. What’s this? I love it. [Come on, come on] Let’s go. Into the water. [For fun] You’re so scary. [Sprinkle, sprinkle] [Not my problem] [Grudge is settled] [Mu, Lun, Wen, Chu, Cai, Qing] You all go over there. Let’s go find the baby elephant. This feels so good. What hairstyle is this? Korean Bowl Cut. Come on. I’ll give you a quiff. [Tony Yang, skilled hands] How did you go bald so young? [Are you serious?] I went bald and got stronger. The trunk’s over here. Dude, is this your scalp or what? Why won’t it wash off? What’s this? Is it poop? [Steps back] Out of nowhere. Our elephant just pooped. They’re still having a water fight. [Running away] [No one cares] Our elephant just pooped. [Still no one cares] I can’t open my eyes. [Helping to clean up] [Staying at a distance] Neither of them wants to get close. I was giving you a bath. Why did you poop? [Look at me] Today’s chaos [No big deal] feels like team-building. Yeah. [Tips: Elephant dung] Exactly. [is nearly bacteria-free and very clean] That’s a huge pile. Class, are you hungry? The elephant pooped, and now he’s asking if they’re hungry. That’s hilarious. No! [I’m dirty now] This is poop. [Help, help, help] Help me! Elephants eat so healthily, their poop isn’t that dirty. The diet is healthy, all-natural and organic. Organic food. Organic. Mu. What’s up? You’re really dirty back there. [Badge of honor] Help me wash it off. Careful, Lun. Careful, Lun. [Using his whole face] [Joining in] I’m so sorry. You’re pouring water on yourself. Oh my gosh. [Accidental splash] [Wen!] Wen! Let’s get started. Doesn’t matter anymore. This is so fun. Oh my god, who’s splashing me? We love elephants! So happy. This is really fun. It’s great. I wish I were there. Let’s go. I’m all wet now. [REC] Look at me. How do I pour this out? Like this? It won’t come out. Drain yourself. Just drain yourself. Next up, let’s cut your watermelon. [Violently cutting watermelon] I really want to eat some, I can’t wait. [Competing to eat watermelon first] They’re coming for the watermelon too. [Takes a big bite] She hurt herself. She cut her finger. Oh no. What happened to your finger? [Notices] It’s nothing. Wait a second. It’s fine. I’ll finish cutting. I really want some watermelon. What should I do? [Unaware] The elephant won’t know if I sneak a bite, right? I’ll take over. Let me do the rest. How did it happen? The back of the knife. The back of the knife did it. I pressed down on the back of the knife. [Picking fruit in the back] Grab some bananas. Bananas. Corns. [Very Thai] Potatoes. [Cai, Lun] Some pineapples. [Cai, Lun] Wow, your finger… You got hurt. Let me see. Hold on. Let’s fix it first. How did you cut it? The back of the knife. She didn’t want to make a fuss. "I want you to get it for me." "I want him to do it." [Brings a band-aid] Put some Iodophor on it first. I did. Eat this. [Sterile cotton ball] Eat one. I’ll help you. [I’ll help you] He even blew on it. Cover it for a bit. About ten seconds should do. Alright. Okay. Now just put the band-aid on. It’s disinfected now. Where’s Zhu right now? [Thank you] Maybe Zhu is already – In Lian’s world. – Thank you. Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry. No worries. It’s our turn to get in the water. Yep, our turn. Can you help me take off my bracelet? Give them all to me. Are you putting it on your head? [Dashu’s hair tie] Yeah, on my head. I got it. [Helps remove bracelet] Let go. Lian, do something. [Getting impatient for Lian] Lian, say something. Don’t just stand there. I’ll wear this. [Uses Dashu’s hair tie] How does it look? Looks great, suits you perfectly. [Dashu and Lian] You two, [Sexy Grandma] go find "Sexy Grandma". [Easy] [Standing firm like a tree] Why is she posing? [Struggling to move] I’m really struggling to move. [Another one stuck in the mud] Give me a hand. Help me out. I’m writing "Lian". [Writing names on the elephant] Okay. Why is everyone… Everyone’s writing their names. [Lian] Confession wall. Your turn. I’ll write "Dashu". [Dashu] [Can the elephant marry you?] Can the elephant marry you, Dashu? [Confirming the question] Can the elephant marry me? Will you marry it? Teacher, I’m hard to get. [Hard to get] [Lian, Dashu] I need to think about it. Okay. Lian, Dashu. Write something. They’re getting closer. Those two keep swaying. [Elephant keeps swaying in place] Yeah, always swaying. Do you know why? It’s a sad story. This elephant used to perform and dance. So now it can’t stop. Oh no. So sad. It had to sway every day, and now it can’t stop. It’s just a habit. [Muscle memory] Even as a grandma, it still has to dance every day. So sad. We should stop animal performances. Even elephants have "the red shoes". It’s heartbreaking. Let’s play a game. Let’s play the push game. See if someone falls? The roly-poly toy game. Okay. Right. Sure. I’ll go first with Lian. I’m stuck in the mud. No way I’m getting knocked over. [Super confident] Bring it on. [Test moves] [Back and forth] [Back and forth] [Not budging an inch] They’re standing too far apart. I expected it to be more intense. Ah! No pushing the body. [Fans are furious] He broke the rules. He pushed his waist. He pushed his body. Total foul. Alright, Zhuang wins round one. Zhuang. Game master. [Mud pit master] He broke the rules and still winning. Seriously. Next up. Dashu. Dashu. Come on. This round, Zhuang’s going down. Honestly, I trip on flat ground. Let’s do this. Three, two, one. [Observing] What’s his weak spot? [Can you do that?] No weak spots. Total package. [Wobbling] I can’t fall over, my knees are almost buried in the mud. Zhuang is laughing so hard. Don’t pull my pants down. Dashu, time to strike back. Here we go. [Pushing] He helped her up. [Holding on] [Holding on] Zhuang’s got a low center of gravity. We get each other. Me too. [Laughing hard, covering face] Very stable base. Did you fall on your own or let me win? I’m letting you win this time. There’s still a chance to turn this around. Best two out of three. Alright. Let’s keep going. [Just defending, no attacking] Show me what you’ve got. If you’re too weak, I can’t fight back. Okay. [Dodging to the side] What was that? Dodging? I can’t win head-on. I have to… [Holding tight] [Holding tight] This sweetness, seriously. Really, what… [Can’t watch, teeth grinding] Teeth grinding. Alright, Zhuang gives in. He let her win. Have some chocolate milk. You first. My butt hurts from falling. Dashu is pretty generous. She fits in well. Let’s go wash the elephants over there. [Elephant bath area] Let’s go! Alright. Why so tall? [Let me try] [Splashed with water] [Hold on] [Water splashes Dashu’s face] Who did that? I’m sorry. Was it you? Sorry. So, it’s you. You have to have a water fight in the water. Yes. Who splashed me? [Happy elephant lying down] So cute. Even the splashes look like hearts. Feels like a water park. They’re so happy. [Bong song, bong song] Bong song. [Good boyyy] Good boy. It ran over and kissed me. Three, two, one. I got a great shot. Come on, let’s take a picture. Them two? Goodbye, elephants. Bye. [Bye-bye] Let’s find a spot to sit. [Lian chats with Zhuang] I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Zhu and I seem to have some distance between us. [Feeling the distance] Distance? Do you feel it? I’ve spent the last three days leaving messages for her. [Three days of messages for Zhu] Then last night, she finally replied to me. Hmm. So I was pretty happy, but today it feels a bit awkward between us [Interactions feel awkward] compared to yesterday. Yeah, I don’t know what’s up. This morning, in the car, she didn’t talk much when we sat together. It feels like she’s more comfortable around you guys. I can see that. Zhu, are you okay? Yeah, I’m just tired. It’s just a bit strange. I don’t know what’s going on. When I like someone, I take a step forward. But if their response isn’t great, I get confused. [I get confused] I get lost. I don’t know what to do. If she doesn’t show much interest, I feel like pushing forward might make things awkward for her. Zhu is probably struggling too. I agree. Honestly, I mean, I didn’t really notice much today. I was too busy having fun. Why are you here? I wanted to ask you two questions. First, what do you think [Zhu’s stance] her stance is? [Zhu’s stance] I’ll give you two details. Two more details? She replied to my message last night. She did respond, [Answered questions but didn’t ask any] but she didn’t ask me anything. She just said she was happy and enjoyed yesterday. The second detail is, she mentioned hoping to see the good in others. It felt like she was hinting that I should interact with others more. I think so. Yeah. Do you think she’s feeling like that? [Silent] But if you really want to know, the best way is to ask her yourself. [Ask her directly] You need to ask. Right? Yes. If you have feelings or thoughts, I suggest you speak up. [Express your feelings] Because if you don’t, she won’t know. Keeping it inside just creates a barrier. These are tickets from the elephants. [Tickets to the island] Thank you. Thank you. Tickets. Yes. Thanks a lot. Thank you, teacher. We got the tickets. Let’s go back to the B&B. Okay, let’s go. Go! Actually, Lian made a good point. It really does seem like Zhu is avoiding him a bit. Zhu might be really confused too. Yeah, and she left a message for Lian because they had a great day together. Leaving a message didn’t seem bad. But actually, that day Zhu said, when I was recording with them, she did mention she still prefers Cai. Hmm. She told you that? Yes. That’s some insider information, but we can sense it. [Zhu likes Cai more] She seems to like Cai more. Yes. Of course. It’s pretty obvious, you can feel it. But Cai seems to be getting along well with… Lun. Things are going well with Lun. Yes. You can clearly see it. Zhu and Cai are both sensitive and emotional. They’re naturally attracted to each other. Because they understand each other’s subtle points. But that can also lead to love-hate relationships. A love-hate relationship? Because after a while, it can get really exhausting. Right. Yes, that’s it. But look at Lian, he’s more straightforward and rational. People like Zhu might find it easier to be with someone like Lian who’s simple and straightforward. But he might not be what she truly wants. So she’s stuck in this awkward place. But Cai might also feel tired sometimes being with Zhu. But with Lun, because Lun is very stable, he can get a strong sense of security. So naturally, Cai might lean towards Lun. Even though you mentioned some issues. Yes. I still think the chemistry between Cai and Zhu is what I like. You seem to really like them together. Yeah, I really do. Feels like something big is going to happen tonight. I’m already looking forward to it. [Can’t wait] Let’s watch. Because the pairs we were familiar with seem to have been… Split up. Right. I want to watch it. Hurry. I’m excited. [Advertisement] We’ve arrived. [Back at the dock] We’re here. ♪Seagrass, seagrass♪ [Dancing along] [Thai local] What’s up? Thai local. Thai. Local. Local. [Mu walking alone behind] Feels a bit sad. Who, me? Me. Aren’t we the "Sad Duo"? You and me. [Sad Duo walking silently at the back] The "Sad Duo". We’re the "Sad Trio". I don’t want to join. [I don’t want to be part of this group] Dashu, wait for me. Dashu. The three of us are a group. How could you leave him out? [Always the outcast] Wen came to this show to face challenges. It’s really testing his will. So beautiful. [Arriving via speedboat] Didn’t expect this, did you? I have tickets. You’re the ticket master. Scan the QR code. Here. Scan it. Do you see it? Scan it. Get in. [Zhuang] Off we go. [Dashu] Captain says, "Let’s roll." They’re heading to another island. Look at them, so gorgeous. The sunset on their faces, see that? Absolutely stunning, seriously. So nice. So beautiful. Looking sharp, handsome. So good-looking. That’s nice. I want to go too. Me too, so bad. We need all these locations. We have to visit them all. [Arriving at Naka Pier] Yeah, let’s go. Let’s move. Why are we running so fast? The thrill of youth. Is this the place? Ready to enter this amazing house? [Arriving at the Phuket B&B] A beach house. So beautiful. The view is incredible. [Phuket – Naka Island] Big beach. Dining table. Feels like dinner time. So nice. It’s really beautiful. Imagine waking up to this view. We’re all bunking together. [Five-bed male room] One big shared space. [Five-bed female room] Youth means shared rooms. [Can’t wait to hit the beach] Take a picture of me. Let’s pick our spots and chill for a bit. See you in a while. Let’s go eat. Let’s go. [First dinner in Phuket] I’m starving. I’m about to lose it. [Craving] Looks amazing. Smells so good. So hungry. [Elegantly seated first] Cai, why did you pick this seat? [Curious] Because you wanted pizza. You wanted pizza. [Because you wanted pizza] Let’s go. [Got it, got it] Let’s go eat pizza over there. Come on. [Sits next to Dashu] Sit down. [Sitting next to Cai] Can I sit here? Look at Chu’s face. The key is that Zhuang chose a spot on the edge. Are we really sitting here? I’ll get you some if you can’t reach. [No communication all day] Qing hasn’t say a word all day. Something’s off. Let me see what to eat first. I know how to pick a spot. Right in front of the salad. [Diet-friendly choice] Perfect. Thank you. Thank you. She’s secretly observing. Feels like those two are getting closer. [Mysterious person spotted] What are they doing back there? Want some chicken? How is Chu feeling now? Oh my. I really want to see Chu in a relationship. Let’s raise our glasses, everyone. Let’s toast. Cheers. Celebrating our arrival in Phuket. Feels like only four people here are happy. The other six are… [The Sad Six] "The Sad Six." Yes. [Suddenly smoke in the back] Suddenly there’s smoke back there. What’s this? A performance. A show. [Traditional Phuket welcome dance] Bonfire party. It’s a show. A show. [Dangerous stunts performed under professional supervision] What’s happening? So cool. Amazing. Incredible. [Dangerous stunts] They’re all standing up. [Performed under professional guidance] They’re so close together. So impressive. Feels like they’re about to pull off something big. I’m a bit worried for them. Yeah. Looks risky. He’s so skilled with Figure Eight. Like Nezha. So impressive. Like a yo-yo show. Yeah, like Fire Wheels. And the sparkler. This is great. Dinner with fireworks. Exactly. [Looking for a volunteer from the audience] Zhuang. Zhuang. This is totally his thing. I admire people brave enough to volunteer. I hope they don’t make me jump over something. The sea is right there. The sea is right there. Do a flip. Feels ominous. [Stunts followed safety precautions] We don’t know what they’re going to do. Right. Zhuang, stay calm. Don’t move. Don’t move. Stay put. This is scary. Can he even move? He’s too scared to move. Not moving at all. Be careful. Don’t… Chu is worried about him. Is my hair still there? Looks like half of it is gone. One side is missing a chunk. It caught fire. [Fire pole limbo] Fire pole limbo. Wow. Anyone else want to try? Wen. Wen has no love from anyone. Wen, go ahead. Go, Wen. Go ahead, Wen. Do it. Wen, come on. Looks good. Nice moves. Lower. Lower. Be nicer to Wen. He’s too confident. Let’s give him some encouragement. So cool. Is this real? He wore long pants today. [Fire jump rope] There’s more. This is scary. What if I stop? Good thing I wore long pants. Otherwise, my leg hair would be gone. The fire didn’t seem that bad. Yeah. Lian looks like he found his place. Exactly. He looks like he’s enjoying it. Right? [Enjoying] He’s not nervous at all. This is cool. Thank you. I’m blown away. Quick, have some water to calm down. You’ve been in Thailand for a few days now, which meal has been the best so far? Maybe this one. Maybe this one. I think it’s the instant noodles Cai made. Emotional intelligence on point. I’m stuffed. [Stuffed +1] Stuffed. [Stuffed +2] Me too. Alright, let’s show off some talents. I’ll go first. Good. He’s really doing it. What’s he up to? Why’s he got two candles? Swinging two candles back and forth. You can’t even handle two. Most people use three. [Next up: acrobatics] You don’t have to do this talent, you know. It’s pretty good. Nice job. Why is he holding that with his left hand? I mean. Isn’t he only catching with his right? What’s the deal? You caught him. Okay. [Warm-up over] Okay. Just a warm-up. Here we go. [Excited] One more time. Last try. I had such high expectations for you. [Embarrassed] And this is what you came up with? I didn’t expect it to be so lame. You always exceed my expectations. Yes. No real talent, but brave enough to try. Exactly. Every party needs someone like that. Yes. Exactly. Thank you, everyone. [That was really bad] Really bad. Come on, Lun. Come on, Lun. Show us something. I have a trick. I can make a sound with my joints. [Amazing bones] It does it on its own? Yeah, by itself. Check this out. [Lean in closer] That’s loud. [Let me try] Crack. A click. A bit creepy. Let’s hear it again. One more time. It can only do it once every ten minutes. [Cooldown: ten minutes] It has a cooldown. A cooldown. I can do that too. Watch. Watch. He’ll probably add a sound effect himself. "Hello." [Prediction correct] Amazing. So loud. People laugh when they’re speechless. This beach and vibe are perfect for a duet. So I want to call up a singing duo. [A singing duo] Who? Who? Right. So awkward. Yes. Lian. [A singer] Lian sings well. Lian’s got it. Our artistic soul. Sing us a song. I’ll go get the guitar. Good! He’ll ask Zhu to sing with him. Wen, can you dance in the background? He definitely will. Wen, sing "Ugly" for us. "Ugly". Who’s this song for? [Jacky Xue doppelganger] Zhu, want to sing with me? Zhu, want to sing with me? See? You called it. Alright, let’s do it. No, I can’t. How about the part from our last show? That’s good. [Excited] The wingmen are the best. I can’t do this. [Rejected again] It’s tough for Lian, honestly. Yeah. Getting rejected is rough. Okay, who knows "Lost Stars"? Raise your hand. I think I know it. You go ahead. You go ahead. Thanks, Mu, for saving this. Alright, Mu, sing with me. Okay, I’ll join you. ♪Please don’t see♪ ♪just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies♪ ♪Please see me♪ This is kind of sad. It feels like he’s singing to Zhu. The lyrics. ♪Take my hand let’s see where we wake up tomorrow♪ Why do I sense some tragedy here? ♪I’ll be damned♪ Do you even need to sense it? [Suddenly stands up] ♪Cupid’s demandin’ back his arrow♪ [What now?] ♪So let’s get drunk on our tears and♪ ♪God tell us the reason♪ ♪youth is wasted on the young♪ [Slow to react] I want you. Can he leave? What’s he doing? Turning now? A bit late. I think he’s quite creative. Such a bad joke. Cai. Oh my gosh. ♪Trying to light up the dark♪ Lian is really serious about this. Welcome to join my team. Write songs with me! He’s still in the role. Still in the role. Let’s go home. Okay. But he makes things fun. He’s fun to have around. Having a friend like this… Yes. … makes everything more fun. This song is a bit sad. Yes. But then he lightened it up. Changed the mood. Broke the sadness. Yes, the mood changed. Let’s check out the graduation manual. Day six. The best part of traveling is experiencing the unknown and unfamiliar. Tomorrow you’ll be captains for a day. [Girls’ captain experience day] [Girl captains and guy crew] Captains. [One-day Indian Ocean adventure] Tomorrow. The age of sail. You’ll be a crew member for a day, waiting for a captain’s invitation. You can invite someone [Unfamiliar but trusted] you don’t know well but trust to sail the boat into the unknown Indian Ocean, riding the waves. [Unfamiliar but trusted] Invite someone you don’t know well but trust. [Unfamiliar, trusted] Unfamiliar but trusted. Unfamiliar but trusted. That’s a bit abstract. I mean, will all five of them invite Wen? Yeah. The most unfamiliar. "Wen, you’re the most unfamiliar to us all." The most unfamiliar but most trusted. That’s possible. Wen is probably thinking, "Kevin Guo, why are you always picking on me?" Chu. Chu. What’s up? We’ve got a group name now. What is it? You don’t know it? Tell me. "Tree Catches the Wind." [*"Tree" and "wind" are in their names] Where is my name? [Dashu Catches the Feng] Just "Dashu Catches the Feng". Her name is Feng Ye. Have you decided who to pick? An unfamiliar friend. Honestly, everyone still feels pretty unfamiliar to me. I don’t think anyone is that unfamiliar. I haven’t really hung out with you one-on-one before. [Zhu hasn’t hung out alone with Dashu] I really want to. But you have to come up with a couple name for us first. [Obsessed with a group name] Then you can invite me. "Pig Crashes Into Tree." [*"Pig" and "tree" are in their names] "Pig Crashes Into Tree." No way, who names a group like that? It sounds so one-sided. [Pig Crashes Into Tree] Pig Crashes Into Tree. [Tree Catches the Wind] And Tree Catches the Wind. [Complicated relationships] I’ll think about it. [Zhu] Qing. can we chat? What’s up? You’ve noticed things have been a bit awkward with Cai lately [A bit awkward with Cai] Not exactly awkward, we’ve only known each other for a few days. It’s normal to observe [Quietly asking] and get to know each other slowly. But I still feel like my connection with Lian is more like a friendship, not really romantic. Out of all the guys here, I feel the most for him. You know? [Feels most for Cai] But he… I’ve noticed recently you two haven’t been sitting together much. [Less interaction lately] That’s true. A bit disappointing? Yes. Are you feeling down? It’s a bit disappointing. A little down. [Disappointed] I understand how that feels. But if you ask him about it, it might be… I know. It would be… Too awkward. Right. Weird. I’ve been feeling a bit mixed lately. I’m not sure if… I think you should talk about it in a message to Cai. We have to clear things up. Yeah. I need to tell him how I feel. Right. So you don’t have feelings for Lian? Just friends. [Only friends with Lian] He’s nice to be around, but there’s no real spark. No heart-fluttering moments or anything. [No spark with Lian] Yeah. Today, [No communication] we didn’t really talk. [No questions] I don’t have specific questions for you today. [Tough day] Today was the hardest day for me. [Attention on someone else] Your focus was on someone else. [I couldn’t hold it together] I struggled a bit. [Security] I’ll feel a sense of security. [Unclear feelings] You seem unclear [Unclear feelings] about your feelings. Thank you so much. And… [See you tomorrow] Bye, see you tomorrow. [Advertisement] [Preview] Feels like a sad night. I don’t even want to talk. What’s up with Sunnee? Sunnee is caught up in the drama. She’s too invested. I’m too invested. If you meet a guy you like, just be brave and tell him. It’s none of your concern. He’s a free man. Today, it seemed like she was really comfortable… Around us. Yes, around you two. So today felt really tough for me. Your answer was too blunt. It made me a bit uncomfortable. If that’s the case, then do the face I often make. Bye-bye. Zhu, can we talk? Sure. [Twinkle Love S4]